10 Month Old Weened herself...freezer Supply Running Low! Whole Milk?

Updated on March 20, 2009
C.K. asks from Island Lake, IL
12 answers

Help moms!!! My 10 month old has weened herself from breastfeeding! She only drinks breastmilk. She used to nurse in the a.m. when she woke up, a sippy cup filled for lunch, a bottle in the p.m.(she is in daycare,) and then nursed before bed. In the last week she has refused to nurse. In the weeks before that I noticed her nursing sessions to be shorter or she was EASILY distracted and it took a lot of encouragement to get her back on. I have a freezer supply but that is running low. It will propbably only last a couple of more weeks if that. I still pump twice a day, which I have since she was born, but only one of those times is successful the other time I barely get any. I was planning on only giving her breastmilk until she was 12 months old and then transition to whole milk, now I don't know what to do I will not have enough frozen milk. I don't really want to start on formula for a month and then go to whole milk. Do you have any suggestions??? If I pump more will my supply go back up? When can she start whole milk? Has anyone else experienced this?

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answers from Chicago on

This happened to me to, except son was 11 months old. The pediatrician said no to whole milk until he was 12 months old. So I supplemented with formula for a month and then switched to whole milk. Luckily my little guy isn't too picky and he transitioned well.

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answers from Chicago on

please do not go to whole milk until the baby is at least 11 months and 3 weeks old.

There was a scientific study done years ago where they took intestinal samples from various aged babies to see when they developed the ability to digest the proteins in milk. NONE of the babies got that ability before 11 mos 3 weeks old and ALL of them had it by 12 mos 2 weeks old. There is a reason the 12 mos is recommended!! It's not just because it's easy to remember.

You will hear people say their baby did fine on milk before that age, but did they really? Lots of the daycare babies given milk or even yogurt prior to that age have loose bowel movements, get cranky or have other issues that I don't see when those things are held off till the correct age.

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answers from Chicago on

When I switched to whole milk, my doctor recommended that I start slowly adding milk to the formula. I had always had to supplement. Finally, a lactation consultant told me that some children start weaning at 4 months even (my son pretty much did that-was able to stretch a bit and pump). You might just want to see what your dr, recommends. hopefully it's just a strike. good luck!



answers from Chicago on

My milk supply has dwindled over the past several months. I have done all suggestions and it has not really worked. My dd ( just turned 11 months) gets formula mixed and some whole milk added to that. We have been using the Enfamil next step. She does not like formula at all and the only way she will drink is if we add the milk. She has not had any problems with it. We have also been feeding her more small meals along with an extra snack at night. She is also bf what I do have available for now.



answers from Chicago on

Sounds more like a nursing strike than self-weaning. Like a PP said it rarely happens before a year. Babies at that age start getting real distracted and since they are mobile they have a hard time sitting still for their meals at the breast. Increase your pumping sessions and there are other things like offering your breast more often, take a nursing vacation together, take baths together, etc. that will hopefully end the nursing strike.


A nursing vacation is usually you and baby hanging out all day with as much skin-to-skin as possible and little to no distractions. It works best if you go topless and the baby is in nothing but a diaper. You aim for you both to be relaxed as possible and that way you can offer the breast and if she refuses you act like it is okay.

You can get through this and still make it to your goal of one year. You're doing great so far. I applaud you for not wanting to give formula since it can no way compare to breast milk. If she doesn't get back on the breast you might be able to get donor breast milk which is still many times better for your daughter than formula.




answers from Chicago on

Goat's milk is the closest thing to human milk. Maybe start with that?



answers from Chicago on

I'm trying to wean (daughter just turned 12 months), and I introduced whole milk some 6 weeks ago. I wanted her to get use to the taste..It took a few weeks, but now she likes it just fine.

I'd just introduce the milk and let her get use to the taste, and hopefully she will be drinking it by the time your milk supply runs out.



answers from Chicago on

I unfortunately wasn't able to breast feed, but I do know my doc said not to give whole milk until a year because their lil tummies cannot digest the proteins until then. I don't know about pumping and you're milk supply...but you can use formula for a couple of months. There is a next step formula by similac that we used for a transition between the infant formula and whole milk. It isn't as expensive and helps your lil one get used to the milk proteins. And as always, contact your pediatrician for advice.



answers from Chicago on

2 out of 4 of my kids weened themselves off at 10 months. My Pediatrican said go to whole milk. It would probably bother their tummies making so many changes. I thought I could pump but neither of them would take a bottle only a sippy cup. They are now 4.5 yr & almost 2 and they are both very healthy. It was a very smooth transition for them & me. But I really missed the bonding time, but they were ready for the next stage in their little lives. My son was walking at 10mo and thought he was big man on campus & my now almost 2 wanted to be like her older 3 siblings. Do what you think is right for your daughter, this is just my experience.



answers from Chicago on

She may just be on a nursing strike. Google it. It really happens! I would keep pumping so you don't lose all your supply in case she decides to go back to it. Rarely does a child self-wean at such a young age. I would offer your breast as much as you possibly can, and that's all you can do. I'm not a fan of cow's milk for babies. Goat's milk is much more like human milk if you really feel the need to give a milk other than breastmilk.



answers from Chicago on

My Daughter weaned herself at 7 1/2 months, I was devastated. I would have loved to nurse for at least a year. I did pump untill 10 months when she then refused breast milk. The more you pump the more your milk will come in. However don't be too h*** o* yourself if it does not. Having your child on brestmilk for 10 months is great. If you have to use formula it's ok it won't be for long.
Good luck and just remember you can only do as much as you are already doing. It can be a very emotional time.



answers from Chicago on

If you have been pumping, you may still be able to get her back on the breast. Sometimes babies will go on a "nursing strike" because of teeth or a cold, etc. If you want to keep your milk supply up, try renting a Medela Symphony hospital grade pump. Check out www.breastbabyproducts.com and give Carol a call to see if you can meet with her to get some help.

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