2 1/2 Yr Old Doesnt Want to Potty Train

Updated on April 14, 2011
J.G. asks from Bellevue, NE
16 answers

Our daughter is 2 1/2, will be 3 in July. She down right refuses to sit on the potty chair or the toilet. We have never forced her to sit on it at all. We have in deed bribed her with stickers, treats, etc to sit on it and she refuses.

She knows when she poops and we think she knows when she needs to potty. The other night she was in the bathtub and she kept asking for a diaper. We finished up her bath and brushed her teeth. She then started crying saying she needed a diaper then peed on the floor.

I tried to sit her on the potty and she cried tears so hard she started shaking. She kept demanding a diaper.

Also most of the time when she poops she will ask for a diaper and we always offer to sit on the potty and she says no.

What do we do?

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So What Happened?

And no I am not forcing her as someone suggested. I ask her a few times a day if she wants to sit on the potty and she always says no, I have never made her sit on it and never will. I don't force her to do anything she doesn't want to do!

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answers from San Diego on

Hi Mommy of 2, I always get blasted when I answer potty training post but i don't care. I have been a mom for 27 years, and I sucessfully potty trained all 3 of my children before the age of 2, I have been potty training children in my daycare for 14 years, most before or at least by the age of 2, if I may, let me point out a couple things, number one NO CHILD SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO FLAT OUT REFUSE TO OBEY THEIR PARENTS. Parents should always reward good behavior, BUT NOT BRIBE CHILDREN TO OBEY. You used the word demanding, NO CHILD SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO DEMAND SOMETHING WHEN IT COMES TO THEIR PARENTS. You are offering her the potty, she's telling you no. She's not potty training sweetie cause she really does not have to, when iy come to potty training, she's in full control, instead of the parents. Many moms will tell you she will train when SHE is ready, many today believe that's how to do it, I can promise you this, if she;s in charge with this, she will always try and be in charge. Make potty training fun and rewarding, and yes discipline, every type of training in the world takes discipline. J. C

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answers from Phoenix on

Eventually she will want to go potty. I fell so sad for her being upset because she knew she had to go, and peed on herself. :-( Children are all ready at differnt times. My son was not fully potty trained until well over 4, and my daughter was potty trained right around 2, but she had someone to keep up with, her brother. She just watched him, and wanted to do what he was doing. She got on the potty herself. When I was going to the bathroom, I would take her with me, and she was so excited to sit there. Even when she did not go. We did do a sticker reward program on a poster board with my son, so he could see his progress. We did little fun stickers for no1, and big deigo, mickey, cars ect for the number 2. Good luck, she will get there.

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answers from New York on

She's telling you very clearly that she's not ready- back off on it for a while.

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answers from Austin on

She is not ready.

Our daughter was not ready till she was 3 1/2. I thought it would never happen
I had tried before and it was just frustrating for all of us. I finally just let her lead the way.
Once she was ready it only took about a week.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

Wait a few months. She's obviously not ready yet. Good luck!

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answers from Las Vegas on

i agree with J. L, BUT i kinda think potty training is another animal. Forcing can really back fire on you. My suggestion......put her in undies!!! THat is the ONLY thing that I have seen work. My day care lady puts the kids in "undies" when she thinks they are ready. Expect MANY accidents for awhile, but she will eventually get it. ONLY use diapers for nap and night time. NEVER put her back in diapers during the day....even if you go out.

My son, trained at right before 3......it took him 2 days to realize he couldn't go in his pants anymore. Then the accidents became less frequent......1 every 2 days, 1 every 4 days, etc. until he only has about 1 every 2 weeks. Still not perfect, but we are improving.

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answers from Honolulu on

She's not ready.
When a kid is ready, they will.

If they get anxiety or stress about it, some kids will NOT pee nor poop, at all. They will do what is called "withholding."
This then causes medical and health problems.
And then, emotion based problems or fears, about releasing their pee or poop.
And this becomes a vicious cycle, and it is hard to normalize it.
I know, because my daughter got that way, even if we did not force her about pottying, and we then had to take her to a Pediatric Gastroenterologist. And this is what he said.

My daughter wanted to potty, and would tell us. But she had anxiety and stress about it.
Even if we did not force her. She would tell us she wanted to try. Then would not want to try. A child, does not know all the time, when/if they can. She felt like a 'big girl'... but she was not ready, emotionally etc. And she didn't want to make a mistake. Even if we did not even mention it that way at all.

My son, was not ready until he was 3. Then it occurred, in phases. Per his readiness.
He would even tell us "IT'S MY BODY."
Then one day, he told us he CAN go potty!
And it was a progressive thing, from there.

Potty training, is by a child's readiness. Not per age.

Just hold off.
Try again later.
There is no rush.
Give her a diaper.

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answers from Minneapolis on

Agree, she is not ready. If she requests to go on the potty, I wouldn't refuse. But I would not encourage anything at all right now. She is young. She will do it when she is ready.

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answers from Chicago on

I think back off for a month and then start a sticker chart where you can keep track of her progress. It worked for us. Our daughter was difficult like that. It took 12 weeks to get her fully potty-trained with the chart but when she did it -- she did night and day all at the same time by the end of the 12 weeks. My daughter has a July birthday and she was fully trained by May -- we had started in February after taking October through January off to let her chill out a bit after she started throwing huge fits about being sat on the potty (she had peed on it a few times before then, willingly). Keeping track of the progress in something visual helped her. Offering her something each time just when it happened (like stickers or a treat) wouldn't have worked the same for her.

Good luck!

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answers from Chicago on


I didn't do sticker charts - but I'm a bit controversial...... please think of potty training like when she was getting ready to walk. You could bribe her with all the stickers in the world, but if she wasn't ready to take that first step she couldn't do it.

Potty training is much the same way. Except it's kind of easier because they have verbal skills that they don't have when they are learning other physical development milestones.

I would back off for a bit.

It does sound like she's physically ready, since she knows ahead of time when she has to go (and can control it a bit to 'wait' until she's out of the tub) - that's a good thing!!!!!!
But she may not be emotionally ready or mentally ready. Potty training is different because it takes all 3 components - physical, mental and emotional.

I would start by finding something she wants to do - go in the big pool this summer, wear princess undie pants, go to pre-school. Then you can 'coach' her that xyz is something big girls do and if she wants to do then you'll work with her on going in the big potty.

Then - it's just praise, coaching and natural consequences. if she pees on the floor - "well, that's ok. accidents happen. let's clean up". If she pees in her pants "well, that's ok. accidents happen. change your clothes and let's put these in the laundry". etc etc. No punishment. But the 'reward' is that she is now a big girl and has mastered a skill. Not that she gets a sticker.

I think rewards definitely have their place. And I have CERTAINLY bribed my kid!!!!!! I just think potty training is something your kid has to do for them.... not for you.

Good Luck.

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answers from Los Angeles on

she's just not ready. Some children don't get into the whole potty stage until 3. We got our daughter to go poop in the toilet at age 2 1/2 but she wouldn't go pee all the time until we switched her to panties. She was using the diaper as a crutch and had no interest in being fully potty trained. The first two weeks we switched to panties were hard. Had to cleanup a lot of pee, but she is now fully trained and very happy.

Do you think she is afraid of the toilet? Even though my daughter is potty trained she still gets a little scared of public toilets because she thinks they are really loud.

Just to add... Has she seen you go on the toilet? That would help too. If she sees how others use the toilet it may not freak her out as much.

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answers from Spartanburg on

Hi, I am glad you don't force her (physically or psychologically), my advice is to NOT insist if she's not ready, not all children are equal under this point of view, some are more mature than others and can potty train easily, some others (as my son) need more time, so what? Have you ever seen a first grader with a dipaer on? I haven't ;-) Please, relax, and so will she. Do not give in to the pressure exercised on you by other mamas who "know-it-all". Your child's pace is unique and must be respected, no matter what the "norm" is supposed to be.

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answers from Denver on

I'd give her some time too. My neice wanted NOTHING do with the potty - but knew it was there and was given the choice to go for months! When she was 3 and 1 mo she told her mom "no more diapers", and two days later was accident free! Each child is different. Give her the choice and reward her with excitement, songs etc and positive reinforcement even when she just sits on it. Other than that, give her some time...

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answers from Boston on

I waited until my son was close to 2 years old to first introduce the potty, we simply showed him what to do (he sits on it). He only used it at bath time or occasionally if we took his diaper off after changing him. Since then he has just very gradually wanted to use it more and more. He's now 34 months and is potty trained for peeing only. I never did the pull-up thing, just went right to underwear and he wears a diaper at night. There were times when he would ask for a diaper and I would put the diaper on him, now that he's getting closer to 3 he just asks for it less than less. Just let her go at her own pace and she'll get there. We also use stickers of cars and trucks which he loves, they helped but I find that now that he's closer to 3 he doesn't need them as much. Good luck!

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answers from Kansas City on

She's just not ready yet. Put a bowl of her favorite candy on the vanity out of her reach but where she can still see it. Let her know she ca have some of it when she potties in her chair. We did this and it worked like a charm. Our son was potty trained in less than a weekend.



answers from San Francisco on

Here are some potty training tips that may help you figure out other ways to get your daughter interested in using the potty. While you shouldn't force her (and obviously stated that you aren't), does she know what the potty is and what it is used for? If you do not show her that that is where she should be going poop and pee she may be scared and resistant. Hope this helps!


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