6 Month Eating Solids

Updated on June 14, 2009
K.C. asks from South Bend, IN
11 answers

My Ped had me start my daughter on solids a few months ago. She was ready. She had tried all the stage 1 foods, and now he said to go to 2nd stage. I go back to potatoes and peas. She refuses to eat them now. She likes fruits. Is this something I should be concerned with? I try to trick her and mix it in with things she likes but, I'm not sure how far I should push her to eat stuff she doesn't like. I should also point out that I try to make my own food as much as possible, but I do have to go to Gerber sometmes. Yes, I am still nursing her.

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answers from Fort Wayne on

You should keep offering her foods that he doesn't like. It can take kids up to 10 times of trying something before they decide if they like it or not. I didn't push the issue with my daughter, feeding her only what she really liked, and now I have a picky eater on my hands. She won't eat any vegetables besides sweet peas and corn. She just recently started eating potatoes. Also, since she's already had all the stage 1 foods, there shouldn't be anything you can't give her now. You would know if she had an allergy to anything since you've already exposed her to all the foods. Good luck! :)

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answers from Cleveland on

Hi, K.! I would try giving her table food veggies and see how she does with that. As long as it's soft enough, she should do fine. My kids were pretty much completely off of baby food by 8 months old and eating all table food. I have a picky daughter who is 18 months, and she pretty much eats little to no vegetables. I talked to the pediatrician about it, and she told me that if she eats one or the other (fruits or vegetables), then I don't need to worry about it. I continue to give her the veggies, most of the time she refuses, but I still offer it. I have definitely mixed it in with other foods too. She loves spaghetti, so I chop up broccoli, carrots or whatever, and mix it in with the sauce. Nine times out of ten, she will eat it. The other thing I do is give her frozen (yes, frozen) mixed vegetables. Especially since the weather is getting warmer, it's a great cold snack. She eats peas frozen all the time. I figure... who cares, as long as it goes in her and stays in! I wish you luck! Food can be a difficult hurdle with kids!!



answers from Indianapolis on

I learned this from my mother many years ago, and I know it sounds really strange but it is generally a truth. Fruits are the last food I gave my children with the exception of prunes when we had bowel problems. All babies like fruit, why? It is sweet. Have you tasted the baby food green beans, spinach, and peas? The peas are extremely dry and the others, frankly, taste really nasty! Most of the babies will find they like the squash, carrots, and sweet potatoes but you may wear the other ones. Can't tell you how many times I wore beets, spinach, and green beans. I started my babies on cereal and then went straight to the veggies. Fruit was the last thing they were were introduced to with the exception of apple juice and prunes. I started blending my own veggies etc., most of the time with my second child and the child I am currently raising ate what we were eatting from the day he got his first foods with the exception of cereals. I could freeze portions in ice cube trays and all I did was make sure I did not add seasoning to them. After freezing they can be dumped into freezer bags and containers for storage. We used Gerber or Beechnut maybe six times in his first year!
Try mixed veggies to get her into more of the green veggies, you will be mixing sweet ones with the "icky" ones and it just might help. Mix a little one percent milk or her formula into the potatoes or like my husband would do, mix in a little of the veggies with mashed potato to make it less dry.
Good luck.



answers from Dayton on

A good resource: The Super Baby Food book. Our babe loves avocados, thinned when she was little with breast milk. It's got tons of great nutrients. If you're still breastfeeding, I would not worry about whether she's eating fruit and not vegetables, etc. Also, when she's ready, you might try legumes and grains like rice, oats, etc. Also, you might try some organic (hormone free) yogurt with a bit of cinnamon. Our baby loved that. Still does. Good luck!



answers from Fort Wayne on

To get her to eat peas better try putting just a light sprinkle of sugar on them. You said she loves fruit it is sweet. and as for potaotes creamy mashed might work. When mine were young and my G/kids I used lots of table food. Soft mashed with not as many spices. Good luck. A.



answers from Youngstown on

Hi K...Congrats on your new baby! If you are still nursing her (bravo to you for nursing), then she is getting all the vitamins and nutrients she needs from your breastmilk. If she loves fruits then feed her the fruits, keep nursing her and she should be just fine. Once she is no longer nursing, then worry about a well-balanced diet. But the nursing is giving her all she needs. The baby food is just extra and a way to teach her how to chew and get the feel for solid food in her mouth. You are doing just fine. Good luck!



answers from Cincinnati on

My kid would try anything, but I never gave him food out of a jar. I seasoned everything like I would for myself. I used canned spinach and green beans sauteed with onions in bacon drippings. Babies need fat, so I didn't worry about that sort of thing. I wasn't much for puree of the foods. I would pre-chew some things if necessary, usually meats. And, he goes through phases. I think that kids are just like us. Sometimes all you want to eat is one thing, get tired of it, and then come back to it again later. My son has done this with sweet potatoes and beets. He used to love avocados, and he won't. He did eat his sweet potato when we had them for dinner the other night. I think introduce things, and not worry too much about since you are giving him what he needs nutritionally from your breast milk. I did slow cook an organic chicken with veggies, pureed it all and froze in ice cube trays and would feed that to him if I was feeling he needed more protein because of a growth spurt or something.



answers from Indianapolis on

This is a common problem when solids are started too early (before 6 months). Just keep offering. She's not getting much nutrition from jarred purees, it's all from your breastmilk, so if she doesn't eat veggies for a few days, just don't offer anything else. She'll get used to eating them again.
It sounds like you stopped the veggies and "are coming back to them"? I'm not sure why...But you want to keep offering a variety, not go from one type of food for a while to a different type and drop the first. Do veggies for lunch, fruits for dinner, or whatever. Or, skip the jarred food and make your own. It's easier to get a good variety when you make it because you can freeze it in 1oz servings and give 1oz veggies, 1oz fruits, 1oz startch each meal.



answers from Indianapolis on

I have a 6 mnth old girl too! And started her on solids early just like you did. I also have a 23 mnth old and a 7 year old, and none of them like veggies besides corn and mashed potatoes. SO, I started adding sugarfree maple syrup into the baby veggies, and she loves them--besides green beans which I think are horrible too. The older ones I use brown sugar on cooked carrots, put lowfat cheese on broccolli and such,and mix the other veggies into their mashed potatoes. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesnt, but I just make them eat fruit instead, which they love. My ped told me not to worry too.



answers from Cincinnati on

Hi K.,
I think your baby girl is like the rest of us in that once she got the taste of the sweet fruit, she didn't want to go back to peas! I tasted the peas and they age gross! It is great that you are nursing her so remember to take care of yourself as you take care of her! Blessings to you!



answers from Cleveland on

My son is a little over a year and still hates peas. I don't press it. He gets plenty of other veggies so I don't worry. Once in a while I will sneak some in, mixed with something he likes. Sometimes he picks them out anyways and squishs them which he thinks is funny. But again I don't worry about it. As long as she's getting other veggies, don't sweat the couple things she doesn't like. Sneak them in when you can and it's no big deal. I know how it goes. My son was started on solid food early too. Been eating regular food for quite a while now. Although I mix up giving him whatever the rest of us are having with getting him those toddler meal things so I know he's getting the right nutrition. It's also a good thing because I pay more attention to the nutritional content of what we're eating now too. He's an only child so far so I never worried so much before about what me and his daddy were eating. This means we all eat more healthy.

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