Chiropractor - Centreville,VA

Updated on February 16, 2009
K.A. asks from Centreville, VA
5 answers

I've read a variety of posts about people using chiropractors. I've had back pain at the spot of my epidural since giving birth 17 mo ago. I'd like to hear positive/negative stories, as well as any recommendations in the Centreville area? Also, how much should one expect to pay for these services, as I doubt they are covered by insurance. Thanks.

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answers from Washington DC on

Hi K.,

I also had pain at my epidural spot for a while after but that was due to the initial swelling. I am surprised that you are still having pain and I think that a chiropractor would help. My reccomendation would be Dr Michael Gaitonde with Lighthouse Chiropractice. His office is in Gainesville and is really quick to get to off of 66. I know that a variety of payment plans. For us we pay the specialist copay even though he is out of network with our insurance and we dont have any chiropractor coverage. He also does UCAFF plans (unlimited care at a fixed fee) for people who need to see him more often and then you pay him once a month. His number is ###-###-####



answers from Washington DC on

Hi K.,

Congratulations on your beautiful boy! I know of a wonderful chiropractor and I will tell you that I went to several chiropractors until I found him. The reason why I chose him is because he gives a thorough initial evaluation/consultation, he approaches his treatment plan from a chiropractic standpoint and a medical standpoint and he has a wonderful rehabilitative/exercise area in his office. Overall, I feel he is really thourough and knowledgeable, not only about chiropractic care but also about insurance. Last year I had pain in my upper back and shoulders, which he cured, and I am grateful that I can list my kids, grocery bags and weights! I also know of several other people who have gone to him, specifically one woman who was literally crippled in bed with back pain. She is now on a healthy, holistic road to recovery. She is now walking! I guess the reason why I am so passionate about this doctor is because my dad was a doctor and I am really funny/picky about my doctors. The chirpractor's name is Shirine Hegazi. Here is his contact info:

Merrifield Chiropractic Center
2826 Old Lee Highway
Suite 350
Fairfax, VA 22031
###-###-#### phone

Please let me know if you have any more questions.
L. C.



answers from Washington DC on

Hi K.,

If the pain is exactly where you had your epidural, then you might have an adhesion in your spinal column--some tissue that got stuck together as the injection site healed. If this is the case, chiropractic adjustments will be too broad and rough to address this situation.

I can tell you in my experience that CranioSacral Therapy can help relieve such adhesions. I offer CST in my holistic practice in Gainesville (just off route 66 exit 43B); my fee for the first visit is $150, which includes the initial consultation and the one hour of CST. I don't take insurance. I could see you as early as Tuesday. You can contact me privately to discuss scheduling an appointment.

Another option to compare: Neck, Back & Beyond in Fairfax City. Dr. Allan Thomson is a chiropractor and I believe he also offers CranioSacral Therapy. Because he's part of a medical practice, he might take insurance. But you also might have to wait longer for an appointment.

Best wishes to you. -- C.

Christina Ammerman, CMT
Holistic Practitioner
Zenquility -



answers from Washington DC on

Yes, Chiropractors are wonderful and yes, your insurance will most likely cover all the costs minus the copay each visit. I personally have Blue Cross/Blue Shield and they cover 24 visits a year which is great. I am a little biased I guess when it comes to the profession as both my father and brother are Chiropractors with a practice in PA. I have recently found a good Chiro that I like located in South Riding if you are interested. I live in Centreville and it is not a far trip at all. Their number is ###-###-#### and I see Dr. Fran Lovaglio (there are three Chiros in the practice). I have a 22 month old daughter who also goes with me to the appointments and she just loves getting adjusted as well - plus I am 7 months pregnant with #2. If you need any further info regarding Chiropractic care in general, please don't hesitate to ask!



answers from Washington DC on

My family and I all attend Chiropracters and our insurances cover the charges. We just pay the copays.

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