Deep Thoughts, Questions from My Brain Farts

Updated on March 07, 2013
L.M. asks from Hicksville, NY
19 answers

Hi all, here goes my stream of consciousness questions:

1. What age did you put your little one in a big kid bed?

2. What age did your big kid stop using training wheels to ride a bike?

3. For those of you who get library books out routinely, what the heck do you do with them??? Where do you keep them so they stay in one place, aren't a mess and aren't just on your kids bookshelves like one of their own?

4. For those who are short and plump what are the BEST kind of jeans for a non wealthy lady?

5. Anyone have an awesome recipe idea for flounder?

6. For those who make and eat ceviche, do you just eat it with tortilla chips or anything else besides that?

Thanks for listening...

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answers from Los Angeles on

1. Oldest son was 3.5 yrs (he finally decided to climb out of the crib), 2nd son was 18 months...haven't gotten there yet with my 3rd, as it is he rarely sleeps in the crib anyway.
2. oldest was 3.5 yrs and my 2nd son was 3--but has chosen to forgo the whole pedaling thing and sticks to just the balance bike now at 3.5yrs
3. In a basket next to the rocking chair in their room
4. Not shot by any means--I tend to by my non wealthy pants at local thrift shops.
5. Nope
6. Have no idea what is ceviche???

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answers from Dallas on

1. My son was a very active sleeper, and woke up from hitting the crib sides. We put a twin mattress on the floor at 13 months. Slept beautifully.

2. My kid isn't a big kid, yet. However, I stopped using them at 4-5.

3. We keep them on the dining table, and he can read them on the living room couch. I can't let them go to the back of the house. I would forget.

4. Not my body type, but Levis has every imaginable shape and length for jeans. They are my favorite brand.

5. No, sorry. I had an oven baked, breaded version once. Delicious! You might google for a similar recipe.

6. Depends on what kind. Tortilla chips and crackers are usually fine, though.

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answers from Washington DC on

Since you have more than one question...I'll do like you did - number them..

1. My daughter was 2 years old. It was sort of forced when we moved from March to Travis AFB. Her crib was broken in the move. So we put her in one at the new house.

a. My oldest son was 2.5.
b. My youngest son was 3.

2. My daughter had training wheels for about 3 months. My oldest son maybe six and my youngest son (who for all intents and purposes is a fearless one but could not seem to give them up?!) almost a year. and it took a 3 year old doing tricks on a bike to make him give them up.

3. Library books. They go on the end table by the door. They don't go in rooms for longer than a day.

4. Not short. Lee jeans seems to have a variety of styles. You can find them at Sears and K-Mart as well as other stores.

5. Don't do flounder or salmon - although I need to .

6. Tortilla chips. ETA - I typically do not eat this.

have a great day.

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answers from Wichita Falls on

1) two, we had kids every 2 years so it was out of necessity

2) Never had them, they had more trouble with than without them

3) A table in the living room, never to go upstairs (of course that doesn't always work, but we try)

4)Try Goodwill, lots of options, little price

5-6) sorry no help

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answers from Rochester on

1. First kid never had a crib. She slept montessori style on a crib mattress on the floor, and we bought her a real bed at 18 months. Second kiddo...we bought a bunk bed when she was one, and she's slept on the bottom bunk ever since.

2. Five.

3. Wicker basket lined with linen.

4. Yup, short and (these days) plump. Buy petites, because they aren't too long, and get a good fit. When your pants are too long and hang around your ankles in folds, it just makes you look shorter and adds more bulk. Don't buy too small, because it makes you look fat and creates rolls, and don't try to hide the fat with baggy jeans, because they just make you look bigger. Don't buy wide bottoms because then thick thighs turn into thick legs, and don't buy skinny jeans...yuck. They're called skinny jeans for a reason. I like a boot cut, personally, and a good fit is the best.

5. No, sorry. ;)

6. Yuck. ;) To each his own...more power to you! I admire people who can eat raw food...I gag! ;)

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answers from New York on

1. 2 1/2 for the first and 2 for the second. Both moved into full size beds pushed into a corner with a rail on the outside edge.

2. Around 6 or 7.

3. Library books are stacked next to the bed, so of course when I need to return I'm searching EVERYWHERE for them.

4. I'm tall and plump, so can't help you there :(

5. This is our favorite recipe to use with halibut, which should work. My husband won't let me try any other!

6. Haven't had ceviche in years because my ex husband liked it so much I'm now turned off by it!

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answers from San Antonio on

1. Big kid bed: Our son was almost 4 (he was just comfy in his crib), our daughter was 2 1/2. It basically happened due to sleeping in a regular bed while on vacation.

2. Training wheels: Not there yet

3. Library books: We usually have 4 out per week (2 for each child) We keep them on the coffee table, since we read stories before bed on our sectional in the playroom.

4. Jeans: I always like Old Navy

5. Flounder: Olive oil, butter, lemon, salt and pepper on the grill

6. Ceviche: Usually just tortilla chips or tortillas, but our son also likes it with Triscuts

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answers from Washington DC on

1. Took the rail off of crib at 18 months when he climbed over. Twin bed at almost 3 because we were moving and a friend was pregnant.
2. Just turned 3... so not much of a big kid.
3. We have a canvas bin on the bottom shelf of DS's night stand. All library books stay there, then we can carry the bin full of books back and forth.
4. Don't know.
5. Not awesome, but we love any fish seasoned with salt and pepper, placed in a baking dish with a couple of pads of butter and a sliced lemon.
6. Yum... ceviche. I never make it myself but I should, but I've been known to eat it with NOTHING... tortilla chips usually, though.

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answers from Raleigh on

1. 2/12 for my son, 18 mos for my daughter

3. Put them in a special bin on the bookshelf.

5. Bake the flounder with Cream of Celery soup.

That's all I got!

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answers from Minneapolis on

1. My son was 18 months old and my daughter was 15 months old.

2. My son was 6 years old and my daughter was 5 years old.

3. I made my kids each a library bag and they each keep their books in there when not reading them. Usually sits on a dresser or bookcase.

I can't answer the rest. I hope it helps.

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answers from Portland on

1. Big kid bed: we coslept and then he moved to a futon on our floor at three. Yep, we're hippies like that, I guess.

2. Still using a skoot bike. No training wheels yet.

3. A basket. Or there's a bottom shelf on our cd rack where we put library cds/dvds/books to go back. (it's a big rack)

4. Sweetheart Jeans from (evil) Old Navy. I get the boot-cut ones and hem'em. Oh, and they have a low waistline, so I usually wear longer shirts so I'm not flashing the world with a 'crack attack'.

5. nope.

6. I just sort of inhale ceviche when I can get it! Love it!

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answers from Portland on

1. don't remember when my grandkids moved to big kid beds.

2. My daughter knew how to ride a bike without training wheels when she came to live with me at 7. Her daughter lost the training wheels around age 10. Her son gave up riding a bike at 8. He couldn't get the hang of peddling even with training wheels.

3. Our library books are not organized. I try to keep those at my house stacked on the floor in my room. I sometimes have to search for the ones at my daughter's house. They do get mixed in with the books they own. Our library sends a notice a few days before books are due. I start putting them in the car when I get the notice. When I think I've got them all I drop them off at the library.

4. My daughter is short and plump. She has't found a brand that always fits. She does buy from Old Navy sometimes. Also from Lane Bryant. She tries them on at various stores when they're on sale. She's pregnant now and found jeans at Modern Motherhood. Since her last pregnancy 2+ years ago they've added a line for plus sizes.

5. Flounder is a mild white fish. Any recipe for a white fish will work with flounder. I like to just saute with butter and herbs.

6. I've only ate ceviche at a restaurant. I eat it along with other mexican food as a side dish.

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answers from Rochester on

I don't have answers for most of your questiongs, because we 1st--we co sleep with our kiddies, and we are still working on the training wheels (my son just turned 8 and has problem with keeping up with two wheels) But for the books--that's easy--get a spacific bag for books. And/or a spacific shelf for your books and use that one spot. At our library we can check out book bags, so we use those. Sure, the books do end up getting taken out. And when it comes to returning the books, keep the list of books and two days BEFORE they are due, put them all together. That way, if you can't find one, you can look longer and not panic. Where I'm from, we get reminders from the library 3 days before due, and they have a website to go to to see what you have checked out and you can re-check things out online. You should see if they have that at your library. (soooo useful!)

Now, for plus size pants, I have experience--me being fluffy and all(and not wealthy)--I find that pants that narrow in as it goes down the leg works better for me--check out the stretching jeans, that works. And, if you are not sure what your size on, go to a plus size store and start trying them all on. That's what I did. Go the fashion bug, if there is one (the one in our area has recently closed) And if you need to get pants, find a plus size store and see when they are having a sale. Stores always have sale. You just have to take a look around. And if your lucky to be to size that walmart carries, go that way too.

Hope this helps some!

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answers from Miami on

1. Toddler bed: around his second birthday; Big Kid Bed: Just before his 4th birthday (he has a convertible bed)
2. Not there yet.
3. We have a canvas tote bag that says "LIBRARY BOOKS" on it. We take it to the library every-other-week and the books go in there. The tote bag stays in the family room (away from "our books") and we read them in there.
4. I am short and refuse to spend tons of money on jeans at this point in my life. I really like the Mossimo jeans at Target. They have tons of colors/shapes/sizes/fits and cost $20.
5. No
6. Tortilla chips are great, but many times we eat it like a cold soup

You're welcome!

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answers from Dallas on

LOL! I don't think these are brain farts. You are a woman that is constantly on the move and seeking. That is a Big Brain!

For me:
1&2- I don't remember. All kids are different. I think you'll know when it is time.
3-On the nightstand
4,5&6 - Off my radar screen. I have no answer

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answers from Minneapolis on

Son before 2 b/c he hated the crib. Daughter loved her toddler bed 'til she was almost 4

Son was almost 6, daughter was 5 for a bike

Didn't do library books routinely for that reason

For jeans go to Kohls

That's all I got

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answers from Jacksonville on

1) Both kids were in regular sized beds by about 2 1/2. Son was in a Full, daughter was in a twin.
2) Our son was probably around 6 or 7 when the training wheels came off. It seemed late to me, but they came off, and that was what mattered. Daughter dumped hers around age 5, or maybe it was 6? I remember the bike and all, just not which birthday party. Hmmmm
3) We don't anymore. My daughter (11) now claims "what if I want to read it again?" and uses her own money or gift cards to buy what she wants to read. We are avid readers, so have B &N and BAM memberships, so shipping is free for online, and both give in-store discounts, too.
4) I'm not short, so I can't help with that one.
5) I have some in my freezer right now, and have no idea what to do with it. My brother caught it and froze it, and gave us some, but I don't know what to do with it---we never cook fish.
6) No help with this one either, sorry.

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answers from Grand Forks on

1. My kids moved from crib to bed at about 2 1/2.
2. Training wheels came off at about 6 1/2. (We have a pretty short bike riding season here so they probably take longer to learn than in warmer climates.)
3. The kids and I each have a library bag. There is a pocket on the front to store our library card. We keep our library books in our library bag, except while we are reading them.
4. The best jeans for any non-wealthy lady are second hand. I buy all my jeans from thrift stores and I am able to afford much higher end brands then I would purchase otherwise. They sell all styles, sizes and brands. I like the way Gap jeans fit me the best, and I am short.
5. For any fish I usually just drizzle with lemon juice, olive oil and sprinkle with lemon pepper and bake.
6. I have never even heard of ceviche.
Good questions!

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answers from St. Louis on

Love random questions like this!

1. Daughter was in toddler bed at 19 months with a side, son was in one at 22 months without a side.

2. Kids still use training wheels (5.5 / 3.5)

3. Do not check out library books as we live out of town and costs around $150/year.

4. I am tall :) However, I like Levis and hand me downs...LOL so I'm not picky! Plus they are FREE!

5. Nope do not eat flounder.

6. I eat ceviche with popcorn!!!!

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