Fussy Eater and Trouble Getting Baby to Sleep

Updated on March 25, 2008
K.B. asks from Nevada, MO
32 answers

My name is K. and I had my first child on 2/18. I breastfed for the first 2 1/2 weeks but it was to exhausting for me because she seemed to want to feed 24/7. We have switched to formula and noticed a lot of times when feeding her she gets really agitated and starts to cry. She will sometimes spit out the bottle and then cry because she wants it back. We have tried switching formulas thinking that it may be gas and sometimes it seems that it has helped but then she goes right back to this behavior. She also will get like this when trying to put her to sleep, it seems she is fighting to stay awake. Need help so that this new mom can get some sleep and not be so frustrated!

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So What Happened?

Thanks to all of you for your responses! We had our 6 week appt on Friday and the Dr. confirmed my suspicion that the baby has reflux and has been put on medication so hopefully this will help her out with her eating. As far as the crying, it sounds like I have a baby who has colic so I'm going to have to try different things to try to calm her down...the vacuum surely seems to work. :) Now hopefully soon she will start to sleep a little longer. We have made it up to 4 hours for the first part of the night and only 1 1/2 to 2 after that...but progress! Thanks again to all of you for your help...I really do appreciate all of the suggestions and support!

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answers from St. Louis on

I have had a sister-in-law and Sunday school classmate with similar situations. They have been seekinmg asistance from an expert at St. John's regarding acid reflux. It is becoming more and more common in little ones. I also had a co-worker who had to mix cereal in with her grandson's formula in his first month of arrival due to acid reflux. I personally used Dr. Brown's bottles with my two and they were wonderful. I had another co-worker switch to these bottles for his twins and he had success as well. Just a few ideas. Good luck.



answers from St. Louis on

Is she spitting up? Could possilby be GERD (relux), which both of my kids had and were medicated for. Good luck.



answers from Springfield on

Have you tried changing bottles/nipple types? She may be getting too much air or having trouble with getting the flow right. Oops - the responses you already had did not come up on my connection at first - sorry for the repeat :)

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answers from Kansas City on

Oh man. "Baby Wise" and Dr. Brown's bottles should be in a gold frame in our house. They were the only thing that kept us sane...Good luck. It can be so frustrating! :(

1 mom found this helpful


answers from St. Louis on

I had the exact same experience with my 2nd child! We went through everything you mentioned. I nursed and only lasted a few weeks, just like you, because it seems she always wanted to eat! We went through all of the different formulas and finally ended up with a very specific (and expensive) kind Allimentum-both major brands carry these- but that was the name of the one we used. It was labeled colic, but when I was so desperate I would beg the drs to help, somehow. They thought it may have been something neurological and we went through MRIs, but nothing.

I am sorry for your frustration, but I don't think there is much you can do- If you can, you may want to look into the "Allimentum" formula- that made things at least bearable. With my daughter it lasted until she was about 10 months old- I know it sounds like a long time- and it did feel like an eternity, but looking back, it we actually miss it because they grow so fast!

If it is any consollation, she is a thriving 8 year old and I since had 2 other babies that each nursed for a year and never had another problem with digestion issues.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Wichita on

I have to agree with the ladies who mentiond going back to the breast....Breast milk digests faster than formula. The best thing to do is breastfeed on demand. Yes, it does seem to tka emore time, but it is well worth it!! As a Mom of 6 going on 7, I have breastfed all my kids as long as I could (some weaned themselves MUCH sooner than I would have liked) and it is a WONDERFUL bonding time that no one else can do with your baby!!




answers from St. Louis on

Hi, I understand how exhausting being a new Mom can be. Now that you have switched her to formula, what type of bottle/nipple are you using. I have found that once a baby is breast fed then switched to a bottle/nipple the nipple flow is sometimes to slow for the baby. Another words she may be sucking and sucking away and not getting enough through the nipple to satisfy her urgent need to fill her belly. You may want to try a faster flow nipple. Or talk to your peditrician about the possiblity of reflux, Both my kids had it! Good luck and best wishes. Hope you get some sleep soon




answers from Topeka on

Make sure you're on a slow flow nipple. It could be coming out too fast for hre to take in. Also, as she's adjusting if you squeeze the nipple then turn the bottle upside down and let the nipple fill with milk it slows down the flow. Or, she may simply not like that particular nipple. Maybe a different will work. The Soothie's worked early on for us. She is crying when you take it out because she is hungry, but something is frustrating her when she tried to drink.

As for the sleep, she may need your help getting to sleep. Being soothed down. Are you rocking/snuggling her to sleep before putting her down.

Good luck!



answers from St. Louis on

Is your child able to get anything out of the bottle? I thought maybe thats why your child acted like that.



answers from Kansas City on

you might want to try changing bottles and try different nipples to see which one she like. I tried different one and the my daughter finally liked was the playtex that has the drop ins.



answers from Kansas City on

My oldest son had colic a lot when he was newborn. A friend told me of the Pet Milk formula that her mom brought 7 children up on. It is 2 cans of Pet Milk, 1 cup of KARO syrup mixed in a gallon of water thoroughly. The KARO syrup helps keep the child from becoming constipated. It worked. He slept very well and had no more trouble. I got sleep after that.



answers from St. Louis on

First of All I agree with going back to breastfeeding. I know personally how exhausting it can be, but it is so worth it. SECOND...Talk to your pediatrician. See if they can try something for reflux, Zantac, Prevacid, Prilosec. A baby who wants to eat all the time and is fussy could have reflux and it causes a burning sensation in the throat. They don't know how to tell you and eating soothes it. That could be the reson our baby does not want to go to sleep and has so many issues eating. My daughter (2) acted exactly the same way. There are no tests that they can do on infants, they can only try the meds. If the meds work, then that is the problem. If they don't then you just have to use your Mommy Instinct and try something else. I am a pharmacy technician and can tell you there are a lot of babys who are on those meds and they are safe. Good luck and hopefully you will get some sleep soon.



answers from Springfield on

Hi K.
Have you tried different nipples for the bottles? I hava a friend whose daughter wold ony use one kind. Also, I know they tel you not to but yu might try putting her on her stomach.




answers from Kansas City on

K. ~
My youngest niece did the same thing. When you went to feed her she acted like she hadn't eaten in days and would suck and suck the nipple. Then she would shove the bottle away and scream and cry, then she would try to pull it back. The Dr. finally realized that she had reflux. She was hungry, but everytime she ate the acid in her little tummy would come back up and burn her esophagus. I'm not sure the name of the medication that the Dr. gave, but it worked wonderful. Now she is almost 5 and has no problems whatsoever. She is the least picky of all the girls. She will eat just about anything! Good luck!



answers from Joplin on

ok....I'm also a new mom of a newborn baby girl....and I also started brestfeeding and then stopped....I found that my babe struggled because the nipple size on her bottle was to big...your baby has to really work for its food when its breasfeeding and then you go to a size 2 nipples and its just to fast for the baby, use size 1 nipples....also my baby had sleeping problems....i know this sounds crazy....but.....Put her to sleep in her carseat!!!!......Your know with a soft blanket under her...I noticed that when My baby was sleeping at an angle she would have less gas and that she would sleep longer before waking....and try putting her on your chest for an hour and then when she's deep asleep putting her in the carseat till she wakes to feed again.....If she feels your heartbeat she'll relax and be confortable where ever you put her to sleep next.....I think that My baby needed about 2 monthes of adjusting till she was truely confortable with her bottle......and even though the Doctors say not to feed them cereal till their 6 mo. old.....my baby has been on cereal since she was 2 and a half mo.s old and shes 4 monthes old now.....and it was the best decision that I EVER made......the cereal gives my baby just a little more nurishment and it sastifies her better and she does'nt need to eat so often....my theroy is that some baby just have bigger hungar needs than others....follow your gut on this one....but It helped me alot!!!

Good luck!



answers from Kansas City on

Have you brought this up with her pediatrician? It could be gas and you might want to try burping her multiple times during her feeding (which I'm certain won't make her any happier). Or it could be that she really doesn't like the formula. What ever it may be I would ask her doc. I'm going to guess that the sleeping thing is just her being a normal baby and "fighting" sleep. It's not uncommon. Hang in there. It does get better and you will get to sleep more. I know it's hard! Do your best to nap when you can. Even if it's just on the weekends. Good luck to you.



answers from Kansas City on

I also weened my son at about 2 1/2 weeks and switched to formula. Don't be too quick to keep switching formulas, stick with one kind for awhile before you switch again and always talk to your doctor. You may try feeding her a bit more upright, which can help if it is acid reflux, and burp at least once in the middle of the bottle and afterwards. If you feel its a gas problem, I love playtex drop-ins, they're great for reducing the amount of air babies swallow while eating.

I had a hard time getting my son to sleep when he was a newborn and finally figured out that he was getting over tired. If I didn't get him to sleep at the first sign of a yawn it was a battle. Try really paying attention to when she starts acting sleepy instead of a schedule of when you think she needs to sleep (that was my problem) and act on it right away. At the first yawn, I would swaddle my son good and tight and that would be enough to get him to sleep most of the time. The swing was also my best friend. Good luck! :)



answers from Kansas City on

I agree with reading "Baby Wise" but another book that also helped us was "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child". Once we started paying more attention to our baby's naps, she would fall asleep so much better. Our baby was a sleep fighter too, but it was because she was so overtired. The more they sleep, the happier they are! That might help with the sleep problem.



answers from Kansas City on

read "baby wise", a great book about these very topics. it's a wonderful thing!!!



answers from Kansas City on

I think your baby knows that breast is best! I found it easy because you don't have to mess around with bottles, mixing, sterilizing, cleaning, BUYING, etc. The breastmilk always has EXACTLY what your baby needs nutritionally and it is ALWAYS ready! I would go back as soon as possible! You may have to nurse more often at first again until your body learns it needs to produce more milk, but it will get better, I promise!



answers from St. Louis on

Make sure you are burping her more often when formula feeding. Also, if you haven't yet tried Dr. Brown's bottles they are really good at preventing gas bubbles. If it isn't too late, I would go back to breastfeeding. If you're patient your baby will stop feeding so often as she gets older.



answers from St. Louis on

My thought is that she is not really hungry when this behavior is happening and that she just wants to suck on something. This may be why it is happening when she is tired. Babies need to suck and it does help them fall asleep, but maybe she is not wanting to eat at those times. How long is she going between feedings?

I hope this helps.




answers from Wichita on

K., as previous poster stated make sure she is burped well, half way through feedings & it is normal for them to spit up some anyway. Mylicon gas drops help also, one drop per oz of formula.

Check with her pediatrician before changing formula's. First time mom's can get a little nervous thinking they might not be doing something right, if their little one is cranky or fussy. Relax and enjoy the cuddle time that comes with feeding time. Sing to her or hum, talk and telling how beautiful she is. They love the sound of mommas voice. Get a CD player and pick up a baby Einstein lullaby CD they have classical music that is soothing to little ones. Have it on low and she will relax and sleep even with the music going.

I didn't have all these helps with my 2 son's ages 33 & 31 now. But everything I have mentioned have worked wonders with our 5 grand children. Don't be embarrassed to ask a grandparent for a break or help with her so you can rest, cause that ( sleep ) won't come anytime soon K..
Relax K., she is still so new to this world.

Enjoy your baby girl they are precious blessings
God Bless
K. aka Nana K



answers from St. Louis on

I agree with Rachel. I would try to breastfeed again. Supplement with formula til she takes nothing but the breast. Get a good breastpump (Medela Pump in Style)and pump between feedings to reestablish your milk supply. I would not give cereal or any other solids because babies are not set up to process or digest anyting other than breastmilk or formula til at least 4 mths of age (an exclusively breastfed baby can wait for solids til 6 mths). Your baby wants to eat all the time because she is growing and needs the calories to do this. A baby's stomach is only about the size of an egg at this point. They eat, digest, eliminate & repeat. They have an awful lot of growing to do in their 1st yr.
My son (my 2nd baby) was 10 lb 9 oz when he was born & I nursed. He had to keep up birth wt & add to it so he ate every 2 hrs morning, noon & night for the 1st 4 mths of his life. Even after 4 mths he continued to eat a lot. I never supplemented with anything. I was exhausted but kept it up because I knew this was what was best for him.
You can successfuly return to nursing & hopefully the feeding problems will go away.
Changing formulas, bottles & nipples seems not only expensive but time consuming & frustrating for your baby.



answers from Kansas City on

I used to watch a baby like that but he also spit up. He would eat like he was very hungry then turn his head and cry and squirm and then want it back. He ended up having acid reflux and was much better when on medication.



answers from Springfield on

Hello, i had problems with my baby switching from breast to formula. We worked with her just to find out that it was as simple as the bottle we were giving her. My suggestion is to try him/her on another bottle with different nipples. I'm not sure what you are useing but we were successful with the soothie brand. I also hear dr. Browns is a good nipple also! Those brands are closest to the shape of a mothers nipple. Hope this was helpfull! Another thing is there binky. Switching could help him/her sleep. The gumdrop binky is amazing!! Good luck!



answers from St. Louis on

You know, my youngest who is about to turn 3months soon is doing something similar. He won't take his formula, when we have to give it to him-I'm also a bfm- cold. I have to make it with warm water or heat up a cold one. Because the directions never really say make with warm or cool water. I always have made them that way, ever since my first child. Try it that way, they seem to prefer warm versus cold. You can also try using a different kind of bottle too. This time around I've been purchasing those Avent brand. It's more like me and he doesn't spit so much out of the side of his mouth. Gerber makes some just like those as well that I have notice, because I have only seen Target carry the Avent brand. So if you don't have a Target go to Wal-Mart and look for Gerber. It is hard to breastfeed when you are a first time mother, it was for me. My daughter never really latched on right and she wasn't getting enough so I just gave up. But with my last three it got a little easier. I am not one of those women who is totally for breastfeeding and against formula. I say whatever works for you and your baby, go for it as long as it keeps everyone happy. Sorry to ramble on. Hope some of this helps.



answers from St. Louis on

As the mom of 4 (ages 16-11)I remember those days. i also am a Rn of 18yrs who works in the OB dept. I would stop switching formula's, maybe use a soy(like Isomil) for at least 1-2 weeks straight, burp the baby very often, ALso put her upright after a feeding like in a swing or seat. As far as not sleeping, my oldest did this, she slept in the swing during the day, but would actually sleep at nite in the bed. It took lots of tries but now she sleeps all nite in her own bed, and is a member of NHS, so it does get better. Hang in there.



answers from Springfield on

you can breast feed her and give her the bottle to that way she gets her security with you and you can get your rest to also you can try some ceral in her bottle she may not be getting full enough thats why it seems she eats 24/7 and i would keep her on one formula dont switch to much it will upset her stomach and just keep a bottle of gas drops handy



answers from St. Louis on

My second son had this problem too. Have you had her ears checked? Sometimes when there is an ear infection, the sucking hurts their ears. Also, looking back on the very trying time with him as a baby, he had 8 teeth by 6 months. He started cutting them at 2 months. I think this had a LOT to do with the fussiness when eating (and basically when breathing, blinking, etc....) had to do with these teeth coming in. Unfortunately, the only thing that has ever helped my kids with teething was ibuprofen and you can't give that until 6 months. Maybe you could check her gums and try to give her an iced teether before and during feedings or put some of that ointment for sore gums on her gums before feeding to numb them.
By the way, Congratulations on your first child! My 3rd and 4th babies (twin girls) were born on Feb. 16. So I'm right with you on the sleepless nights! It will get better! Our tough baby(now 4) is my easiest and sweetest child.



answers from Springfield on

you could try a different nipples for the bottles,or just check to see if the nipple is stoped up with the formula if you use the powder.cause that will make them fuzzy like that. And maybe she needs to be burped more often than you think. you are doing a good job its trail and error,every baby is different.



answers from St. Louis on

I always liked Good Start formula with the comfort proteins. They say it is easier to digest, but I think just about every formula company makes something similar to that now. It takes a while for some babies to learn to soothe themselves, and learn to let themselves go to sleep. With my second baby, it was like a switch went off in her little brain when she truned 3 mo old and had no problem falling asleep. She would cry consistantly from 6pm to 11-12 when she would finnaly fall asleep out of exaustion. I switched her formula a few times too, but I found when I let her body get used to the new one (it can take up to a week) ahe was fine. I wish you the best of luck, she will learn to smile soon, and that will make all of the sleepless nights worth it!!!!! Ask a trusted friend, or parent to watch her for a few hours durring the day so you can nap, or just sleep when she does for a while, it will get better!!!!

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