Granddaughter Gets a Fever and Tired Every Couple Months for a Couple Days and I

Updated on October 06, 2017
R.T. asks from Rosemount, MN
7 answers

Granddaughter gets fever and tired every couple months for 2 days and then she's fine.

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answers from Portland on

Not enough info to know what you are asking - how old is she, etc. Has she been checked out by her pediatrician - what did they say?

My kids pick up some bug every couple of months that doesn't usually go full force. The fever is to show their bodies are actually working to fight it off. They rebound quite quickly - but they will be tired until they do.

Pretty common. Is she in daycare or school?

We're not medical professionals - but as a mom, this wouldn't phase me.

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answers from Springfield on

so, whats your question?

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answers from Fort Myers on

How old is she? Before my son started preschool (he was 4) - we sent him to the school on mondays and Tuesdays starting in June. (In August he started going to preschool 5 days a week.) Wednesday he would get a fever. It would last off and on until Sunday. By the following, Wednesday it would start up again. This lasted the whole summer. He was being exposed to new germs and other kids. He was constantly sick. It sucks but all kids go through it.



answers from Anchorage on

Sounds just like my son when he was little, I called him the king of the 24 hour fever and I never could see a cause for them. Then when he got a little older more symptoms showed up (joint pain) and we discovered that he has an autoimmune disorder called JRA. The hallmark of many autoimmune disorders is flare ups that cause symptoms for a time and then seem to go into remission for a bit. There is no cure for JRA, we only treat the symptoms as needed. I don't say any of this to scare you, it is just one possible cause. His disorder has in no way impacted his life in a negative way, he just has to make sure he does not get run down since that is when flareups seem to happen most often. He is a happy active 12 year old boy now.

I should specify that even if an autoimmune issue is expected they can not diagnose it until other symptoms show up more than once. It was only after a few episodes of flare ups that included joint pain were they able to give us a name for his episodes.


answers from Norfolk on

Great question for your pediatrician.
How old is your granddaughter?
Often, if a kid is just starting daycare or school - they catch everything going around for the first few years - and then settle down to one or two colds per year.
It just takes that long to train up an immune system.
Really - every couple of months doesn't sound bad at all.



answers from Dallas on

Talk to her dr and see what they say.



answers from Philadelphia on

The pediatrician should be informed and asked to run some tests. My daughter went through this and it turns out she had Epstein-Barr (her cousin had mono). My son had this to the point the school would call to send him, and another little girl home. Turns out there were severely allergic to the flowering trees some fool decided to plant right outside the classroom windows.

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