Mamogram Call Back :((

Updated on December 15, 2012
A.H. asks from Brighton, CO
11 answers

Soooo I had a mammogram done on Friday- got a letter saying they need further testing a Diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound. Because my left breast has a 6 mm spot and dense breast tissue. I have to wait a week to have it done and I am freaking out. I am 32 years old almost 33. My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 35 and tested positive for Carry the genetic gene. Somebody please give me Some encouraging words or advice or stories I am freaking out!!! Thank you all so much. God bless.

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Thanks for the words of advice And encouragement ladies. It's just very stressful As you all know. Praying things will turn out ok- and no biopsy!

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answers from Philadelphia on

I was called back at my first mammogram at age 38. Everyone one of my girlfriends was called back at one time or another. No of us ever had breast cancer. I think call back are the norm.

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answers from Boston on

Breast density and fibrocystic breast disease (benign, non-cancerous although sometimes painful) are just a few of the reasons for a call-back. I know it's hard not to panic. I've had a zillion call-backs in my lifetime and I know how hard it is. Some of mine resulted in biopsies and even one excisional biopsy (which is surgery) -- but all were non-cancerous. I've since eliminated my cysts so fortunately those days of call backs are over, and I've done a lot for breast health.

So I understand. But that said, don't freak out! It's most likely NOT cancer. That "spot" could be anything - cyst, calcifications, just a dark spot where the xray didn't penetrate because of dense tissue. In fact, it's likely anything BUT cancer.

So try to breathe.

Find out from the radiologist where the best and most accurate equipment is in your area, and have all future mammograms done there.

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answers from Dallas on

my mother had breast cancer too. None of her daughters have had it, but we all are diligent. I also have very dense breast tissue and have "cystic breasts". I tend to develop harmless, benign cysts that come and go with my cycles. My first call back, I was horrified. But it has always been just cysts. 2 things my gyno told me. If the lump is moveable, it is fine. It's the ones that are fixed that are worrisome. Also, if the lump doesn't hurt at all, it is usually fine. The Dr. at the mammogram center told me to tell my gyno to find "something, anything - even a possible think I feel something" so that they can do a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound every year. In her words, "they will always find something in your breasts, and if she requests a diagnostic mammogram to begin with, you won't have to go to two appointments and worry in between."

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answers from Detroit on

Try not to stress yourself out. My doctor explained to me about that phone call and stated that a high percentage of woman would recv that call and it causes unecessary stress.

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answers from Topeka on

I have had 2 songrams done on my left breast they came back neg. had to have no further testing taken.I did this becasue there was a noticeable swelling and lump Dr. agreed to send me in for testing I also had some dscharge from nipple taken sent to lab was put on antibioctics due to infection but swelling pain and lump still there.I wasn't sure what to think I was so strung out it took days to do anything about it to get a fianl diagnoses if it was cancer my mind was getting ready for that diagnoses and what I planned to do about it.In the end it was an infection,but still worried.I was 30 at the time and they didn't want me to have a mamo done when sonogram was a better source for young women.Hope things come back fine for you,you cal tell them to put you on a short notice if there are any cancellations between now and your appt you'll be able to get in

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answers from Lexington on

EVERYBODY I know, myself included, have gotten told at one time or another we had to come back for further testing. It absolutely does NOT mean anything except they couldn't tell for sure what they were seeing. I get that EVERY SINGLE TIME I get a mammogram to the point where I don't understand why I bother! If we have fibrous breasts (think coffee drinkers) - they can't see. If we have dense breasts, they can't see. If we have large breasts, they can't see..... Whatever!

I wish they reassured every woman to begin with that this is incredibly common, and just think of it as part two of the mammogram - the ultrasound follow-up. I am really wondering ... hoping... maybe breast thermographies are better? My doctor says to do that instead, so my next exam is going to be thermography instead.

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answers from Columbus on

My sister and I have both been called back -- I have fibrotic cysts and sometimes they want to double check them and we've both had skin folds that end up looking bad on film. We've both been told that most times the call backs don't mean a thing. Keeping fingers crossed for the same for you.

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answers from Washington DC on

I had a breast ultrasound on Tuesday! I felt something myself and went to the doctor. She confirmed that there was something there, but told me she thought it was probably just dense tissue. Because I am still young (31) and my breasts are primarily dense, she didn't suggest a mammogram and sent me straight for the ultrasound.

Ultrasound confirmed dense tissue and no other masses.

At your age, I'm surprised that you had a mammogram at all. I get that you have a family history of breast cancer, but one reason they aren't routine is that it can be very difficult to read mammogram results on young women because dense tissue is more common in young women.

Doctor also told me that when I DO get a mammogram, it will be difficult to read because I have a lot of dense tissue, so to be prepared for them to flag my results. Hopefully that's just what's going on with you.

Relax and get the tests done. Knowing is always better than not knowing, but I hopefully it's just a false alarm.

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answers from Chicago on

I went last Thursday for routine mammogram. I was called same day saying I had to come back as soon as possible the next day. I had an ultrasound done. They think it's ok but I am schedule for another appointment in 6 months. My grandmother died at 55 of breast cancer, so it's a bit worrisome.

I will say a prayer for you!!

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answers from Denver on

About three ago, I was called back after a mammogram for further testing due to a dark spot and dense tissue. It all turned out to be nothing (can't remember what it was, just something they would keep an eye on). The radiologist said it's not unusual to need to do further testing. I know I'm not offering much information to you, but just know that dense looking tissue with spots happens more often than you think. I have had two mamograms since and nothing has shown up. I know it's stressful waiting and I wish you well.

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answers from Washington DC on

I'm surprised they sent a letter rather than call you. Many women end up getting call backs for clarification. This is the norm, and probably everything is okay. I would caution you that with your history, if they give you a wait and see in 6 months approach, I would push them to see now rather than wait. They told my MIL to come back in 6 months, it was probably nothing, and it turned out to be cancer. Thankfully hers was slow growing, but I wouldn't chance it. Have you tested for the gene? I don't want to worry you further, because this probably is nothing, but just don't let them sweep you under the rug.

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