Need to Get Rid of the Binki!

Updated on February 06, 2010
A.K. asks from Cary, NC
33 answers

My daughter is 2 years old and still using her binki. It seems like she wants it more now than ever and is always asking for it. I am in the process of trying to wean her from it. Currently I am not giving it to her during her wake hours. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to wean her from the binki? How long did it take you to do this?

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answers from Sarasota on

If there is something she really likes (Dora,Einsteins, etc) bring her to the store and have her "buy" it with her binky.



answers from Jacksonville on

I believe my son was around 14 mos. or so when we started to wean him from his binky. I used a method I had read about in several mags and websites. I cut his binky slightly at the very tip (on all binkies he had), and then a little more the next week, and a little more the following week until it was down to the nub. By then he wasn't getting any sucking motion from it, so didn't even notice when I threw them all away!



answers from Lakeland on

Try cutting the end of the binki off so it won't hold air...sometimes this makes it less attractive to kids

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answers from Sarasota on

Hi! We just had the Binkie Fairy come to our house LAST NIGHT! My daughter is 2 1/2, and was in LOVE with her binkie! But... her teeth were becoming a problem. She has a large overbite that her dentist said was not caused by the binkie, but was not being helped by it, and it needed to go. I freaked out at even the thought of it, but decided that day to limit it to bedtime only - it never left the bedroom. That worked very well, surprisingly! (Wish I had done that sooner!) And I talked about the Binkie Fairy who would come and take all of her binkies to brand new babies that didn't have one. The Fairy would also leave her a toy in the morning. She got all excited, but I wasn't ready for a few weeks - notice I said I wasn't ready, not her!! So we finally did it last night, and it worked! She was a little confused at night when I told her she couldn't have one because they all had to be in a box for the Fairy, and she cried a little, but after that, it was over! And she woke up SO excited to see a new doll on her dresser this morning - right where the box of binkies had been. I know she'll probably need a couple nights of adjusting to it before she goes right to sleep without a problem, but we are proof that it can be done, lol! My daughter was more attached to the binkie than ANY of my friends' kids. I thought she'd have it until she started school! But it can be done. Good luck!



answers from Orlando on

I had the same problem with my 2 yr old. My pediatrician gave me great advice. Cut off the "bulb" of the binkie, the big round part at the end. This way you can still give her the binkie but she will have to work at keeping it in her mouth (she will have to hold it there because there is not as much to suck on). My daughter got tired of holding it so she started to ask for her binkie less and less, even when she did ask for it it was only to "suck" on it for a few minutes before putting it down. Give her the binkie whenever she asks for it, which will become less and less, at this age it is just used as a comfort measure. Hope this helps.




answers from Jacksonville on

I went through the same thing when my son was 2 years old. I don't think he actually gave it up till he was closer to 3 yrs old... alot of my friends with kids this age have the same problem so don't feel bad! I tried everything... nothing worked! Until my husband and I reverted to the good old bribary tactic!. We waited till there was a toy that he couldn't live without... binki mysteriously went missing. We told him that we can replace it with that toy or a new binki... but if he chose the toy he would never get binki again. He went for it and chose the toy. Everytime he asked for binki we told him we would have to take away the toy since he traded it. After a week we never heard of binki again! I thought it would never end... but it did! Good luck! Getting rid of binki was harder than potty training! :)



answers from Pensacola on

Hi A.! Don't worry about it too much. You are doing the right thing in letting her have it only at sleep time. Two of my boys had binki's (we called them paci's). She just has an urge to suck when she is tired and sleepy. It's a comfort thing. She will get rid of it by the time she is three most likely. Remember how convenient it was for you for her to have it when she was a baby, now it's her turn to have it be convenient. It will pass just like those stinky diapers and you will sigh and miss those baby years. S. W.



answers from Orlando on

My son was 3 1/2 when I used santa as a way to get rid of the binki. I told him santa would bring him a special present if he gave them up, and he has not used one since that time. Easter is coming, if you celebrate the easter bunny you could try that :-). Some friends of mine went to build a bear and had them put their binki's into the bear then they would always have them near. Hope this help!




answers from Orlando on

we only do binky at night and at naps but man i think its harder on my daughter then it was for me to quit smoking! then need a binky patch!



answers from Ocala on


I am the parent of a teenager. The best thing to do is just take it away all together. Cold Turkey. Some people are against this. But my experience is if you just take it away all together, it will take a few days or so to get over it. Then your done. If you gradually take it away over time, you are prolonging the problem. You will have many other battles over her growing years in which you face the same obstacle. If you can find a good way to resolve the problem now, it will help you battle future problems.



answers from Tampa on

I'm not really sure how you stop this, except telling you what my mother did to my brother when we were little kids. Now he didn't have a binki, but he constantly was sucking his thumb. Now this might be a little cruel, but my mother really did do this. She put mustard on his thumb at night time. I guess it worked, cause to this day, my brother does not like mustard.
Good Luck.



answers from Lakeland on

I agree with Mom F. My son too had a latex fettish.LOL He not only had on to suck one but he had one in his hand to play with. I thought I might have the 1st child to graduate with it. But never the less one night age 3 yrs and 3 months he had it on the couch just before thanksgiving, he got up and came to me and said where's my nite nite (we called it that because that was supposed to be the only time he had it HA) I said I don't know lets look. I swear we couldn't find it.....this was a sign. We got through that night ok but the next night we left for my brothers for a few days and everytime he'd ask for it I would remind him he lost it. We went to the store he'd ask for one-- I told him they don't sell them at uncle jeffs walmart :) when we came home we had a few rough nights but all in all 3 1/2 months later we are nite nite free YEAH!
He even knows all the others are on top of the fridge--I can't throw them out. If he finds one he comes to me with it and says I'm a big boy now here mommy. We still never found the one he lost.... There will be a defining moment just be sure to see it and embrace it.

Hope this story helps you know your not alone and for those who judge have just never been there!!!!




answers from Pensacola on

MY daughter was a binkaholic, and I dreaded the fight that was bound to come when detox time came around. The solution presented itself almost magically one day with the birth of her cousin. She was very concerned with the fact that 'her baby' didn't have a bink!! So we talked it over in a profoundly adult-like manner, and she decided to give hers to the baby. The key was to make her feel like she was a BIG GIRL. Not just tell her that she was too big for the bink and try to make her 'give it up'. I let her help me 'cook' while we talked, the whole time praising her about how big she was for helping me. We talked about the baby, and how awful it was for the baby to not have a bink. I slid in that it would be nice if a big kid would give her one...did we know any big kids? The idea became hers, and I praised her TO THE SKIES for being so thoughtful and, well...a BIG GIRL!!! I won't say that there weren't a couple of tense nights after she donated, but I reminded her of her valor and that it was gone now to the baby. It helped that the cousin lived some disance away... On the whole, one of the easier parenting jobs I have had in the last 11 years!



answers from Phoenix on

when our daughter was 22mos we cut off the tip of the binkie so when she used she didn't like it. she told us it was broken so we told her to throw them away and she did and has not asked for them since. the whole process for us took 2 days with no tears shed and she was the one in charge of getting rid of them.
she also slept with it every night and would have had it in all day if i let her.



answers from Sarasota on

Do you know anyone who recently had a baby or is going to in the next few months? If so tell your daughter that the new baby needs the binkis and that you will take her to the store to pick out a new big kid toy.



answers from Jacksonville on

I currently stay home with my children. I used to be a pediatric dental asst. I am no expert, but can share what was successful for my three children. I simply made it DISAPPEAR. Once it's gone, it's gone. You can't make ANY exceptions even when it may be easier on you. With all three of mine, within a week or less, they were okay. When she asks for it repeat the same thing to her...if you want to make up a story about giving it to fairies, or maybe you could plan to give it to the easter bunny ("big girls give their binkis to the bunny and he leaves you a present" or something like that). That way if you set a date, and you start preparing her each day, when it does happen, she will have some understanding as to why. It may be tough and you may have a harder time getting her to sleep, but be strong and give her the same answer each time. I hope it all works out for you and her!! =] The sooner she gives it up, the better, as far as her bite goes. At my office, sometimes kids would turn them into us to be a big boy/girl. The dentist would take it and keep it in a bag/box and we would praise the child for giving it to us. The hardest part is making sure that they are all gone. You know how those things seem to multiply and you/she may find one behind a chair/couch. Ha!! If she is still hanging onto a bottle by any chance, you may want to nix that at the same time. Good luck.



answers from Tampa on

My brothers little girl was attached to her binki so they had a big ceremoney to give the binki to the baby birds because the did not have any....

It worked like a charm.



answers from Tampa on

It's hard, but you need to permanently "lose" the binki's, when you as a parent are ready. ha ha We had one thumb sucker, and three binki babies. Our girls gave up their pacifiers on their own, but our youngest son was almost 3. We finally hid them all from him and only allowed it if he was sick (he has asthma). The tantrums lasted a few night times, but he forgot about it with in about 2 weeks. Plus he still had his favorite blanket to sooth him when he became over stressed.



answers from Orlando on

Hi A., Both of my daughters LOVED the binki. With my first daughter, we had a favorite person (adult) of hers ask if they could have it because she was a big girl now and didn't need it. She gave it right to her! Then, she asked for it for a few days after, but we explained that she gave it to Kristin, remember?? And that was IT!

With my other daughter, the BINKI FAIRY came, just like the tooth fairy! Try it, hope it works for you!

D. M



answers from Tampa on

I didnt read through all the reposnses, but I ended up cutting the nipples off of them and it was done and over like that. :) HTH



answers from Boca Raton on

“The Story of Binkyland” was created to provide a fun way for parents to help their children give up their pacifier out of their own free will while instilling in them a great sense of pride, accomplishment and gratification once doing so. Your child will even be rewarded with a special “Hero of Binkyland” certificate at the end of her journey for a job well done! In order to prevent long-term dental problems, many dentists and orthodontists recommend the pacifier be discontinued after the age of 2 ½. However, as parents with toddlers that still cling to desperately to their pacifiers know, this task is often much more difficult than they expected. Many children develop an attachment to their pacifiers because it has given them such a sense of comfort and security for as far back as they can remember. How, then, is a parent to help their little ones to have the courage to let go of something that offers them so much contentment? Binkyland to the rescue! Take a fun filled journey with your child to Binkyland, the magical place where all Binky’s live.
Press and Contact Information:
L. S.-Creator of Binkyland
Gary Chemielewski-Publisher



answers from Tampa on

The Binky Fairy worked like a charm for my then-2-year old, as well. Rather than going cold turkey with no reward, it's like going cold turkey with a little developmental ritual. Be careful to collect ALL binkys that might be lying around, though, so you don't have to make multiple Binky Fairy trades! Also, make sure that the Binky Fairy leaves something tangible that signals new "big kid" status rather than something that might create a new habit.



answers from Tampa on

When she was about 26 months, we told our first daughter the dog chewed it up and just never got a new one! She went through a few rough days of withdrawal, but got over it. She didn't go to her thumb either, so that was good. We were down to only having them at night, so it wasn't too bad. She actually took 2 to bed, one to suck and one to hold. Not sure what the one to hold was for, but that's what she did. Our second daughter, we just stopped giving it to her before she was even 1. She didn't really notice too much. We had a few rougher nights getting her to fall asleep, but that was all.



answers from Sarasota on

My son had a binki until he was three. On his third birthday (you could pick any special day, Easter, Christmas etc), we told him that he was very lucky because the pacifier fairy came and saw that he was such a big boy, now three years old, and that she decided he did not need his pacifier any more, she needed to give it to a new baby who was just born, it is now that baby's turn to have the pacifier. She did leave him a present though, in place of the binki. We said it in a "matter of fact" way and that was that. I was surprised that is was that easy, and I kept one hidden in my bathroom for years though, I think I just threw it out last year, and he is 13 years old! He never asked for it again and when he though about where it was, he would say "ooh thats right, it went to the new baby"! Good luck.



answers from Tampa on

Why does she need to get rid of it? Or rather I should say why do you need to rid her of it!!!??? Let her have it - it won't hurt her! both of mine used a binki (nipnert) at night and when THEY were ready we got rid of it together! My kids! are grown (My daughter is 25 and My son is 34 -married with 3 children) and both are quite well! they have great teeth too!!!



answers from Ocala on

My daughter was about the same age when the "Binki Fairy" came. I prepared her for it for about a week ahead of time and trird to explain to her that there are new babies that need her binki's. One day before nap she wrote a letter to the binki saying that she was a big girl now and she didn't need her binki and she asked if the binki fairy could give it to a baby. We tird her binki to the letter and she set it on the front door step. She got in bed and asked for it with some crying but she eventually fell asleep. When she woke up she went to the front door and the bini fairy had left her a barbie with a thank you note. She only fussed for a couple of days and that was it.

I have also heard about having the child "mail" the binki's to a new baby by having your child put it in the mailbox. What ever it is... have your daughter do it. So it is easier for you to explain later where it went. Example, "remember YOU put it in the mailbox for the other babies." That way you aren't the bad guy.

What ever you do stick with it! If you take it away... through all the binki's in the house away so you won't be tempted to give it back.

Anyways, just a suggestion that was very well recieved by my 2 year old.



answers from Washington DC on

Hello, our son is three and still uses his binky. Some kids like blankets, some binkies. If it makes him happy and is not hurting him, we don't mind. When he goes to preschool, he sees the other kids don't have one and then he can only have it at nap time. I have also seen parents who tie the binkies to a bunch of balloons and let them go to binky land where other babies can have them and then the binky loser magically receives a new present. Another trick we do, is we tie my sons binkies to a bandana so we can find it easier. So you decide, don't let other peoples opinions on her binky usage persuade you into taking her comfort away with the binky. L. Z.



answers from Lakeland on

I feel your pain! My 3 year old (+ almost 3 months) has been without her passie for 6 nights now! I had said we'd get rid of it at 12 mos, 18 mos, 2 years, 3 years... and she still had it. I did tell her that when she lost all of her passies, mommy wasn't going to buy any more, and she would be a big girl then! Well, 6 nights ago, she lost the last one. It was rough, but it really hasn't been as bad as I would have thought. The "broken" passie thing (where you snip them off) just made her really mad... this seems to be OK. And I do think that I was being "weaned" just as much as she was... it was so easy just to give it to her, and she's be so happy and fall right asleep. But, I think it was time... and the tooth/bite damage thing is definitely a consideration.

I never would have thought I'd let a child use one for as long as I did... definitely less judgmental of others through this! She's my 3rd (and last), and the other 2 gave theirs up at 6 and 4 months on their own! My baby LOVED her passie... in fact, on night 4 we were in the car, and she said, "I like passies and blankies." So sweet. She's growing up.... :-)



answers from Tampa on

A. K. Hello! I had a great baby doc from Japan when my little ones were young and he had great advice for this situation...pacifiers and thumb sucking are just a self-soothing habit...let your baby have it as long as it never see a high school grad with their thumbs in their mouth or a binki, ha! The more you make an issue of it, the more stress that it brings on etc. Just tell your 2 year old that the binki is their for as long as they need it and they will decide when to put it in the memory box for 58 year old husband still has his but never uses it anymore...maybe he should sometimes, ha! God Bless! "Grandmoms to the Rescue"



answers from Tampa on

whatever the next big holiday is, say thet person needs all her binkis, and then simply say to her you don't need them right? you're a big girl. We told our son when santa came he was going to take all the binkis to give to little kids that need them. he hasn't asked for them since.



answers from Jacksonville on

I asked this same question a few weeks ago and we got rid of the binky without any crying or fussing. My daughter is 2 1/2. I asked her if she didn't mind giving her binkies to the binky fairy who gives them to little babies that need them. She said yes. SHe choose the day to give them up and I reminded her everyday that on Saturday the binky fairy is going to come and take your binkies. SHe will leave a nice toy. On that day my daughter was so excited she ran throw the house and found every binky she could find and put them in a special spot she chose. The binky fairy left her a cool dora toy and the next day she asked to look for more binkies so she could get more toys. THe problem is she has found 2 more binkies since. She never put them in her mouth when she found them just ran to me and said she had to give them to the binky fairy and get more toys. The binky fairy has come three times now but she has been binky free totally for 3 weeks, no crying or fuzzing. She did ask to buy more binkies for the binky fairy. It worked great and she was so excited and happy with her new toys. I would definately recommend this approach to anyone. Make sure you give her a few days with the binkies reminding her that the binky fairy is going to come on this day. It was great. Now I just need to get her off of the bottle.



answers from Jacksonville on

A friend of mine had luck with the "Binki Fairy"... she told her son, 3, that other babies needed his binkis and so he had to give them up... so at night, he would leave one on the windowsill (or all of them at one time)... for the Binki Fairy to get... she cleared the house of all the pacifiers, but he found one or two leftover and they did it again... she left a toy the first night but not after that. It really only took two weeks to get done with the whole thing, although he was so proud of giving his binki to other little babies after the first night!

Good luck,


answers from Fort Walton Beach on

MPO: I disagree with others that say don't get rid of it. The pediatrician told us we need to get rid of our daughter's... she is a doctor and a mom. It's bad for speech and teeth development, according to the doctor. Since daddy just came back from a deployment, I will be taking it away soon. It's hard for all of us since she just loves the pacie, but she has been talking with it in her mouth and it's not fair to her and us if she developes speech problems with it because we lacked the courage to take it away. I promise she won't need to see a shrink if you take the pacie away.

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