NEED To Lose Weight - Muskegon,MI

Updated on September 03, 2008
L.S. asks from Muskegon, MI
20 answers

On Thursday this week I will be having a D&C for a second miscarriage this year. My Dr. has told me I need to lose some weight and that I won't have as many complications. I am overweight but not grossly over weight. I could stand to lose 40-50 lbs. I don't have extra money to join a gym or to take supplements. I have a 22 month old daughter so finding time to workout is hard. My husband is a very very picky eater so many foods you would eat on a diet are hard unless I cook two meals and if I do that it makes me want to eat the "bad" food. If anyone knows of a good diet or workout please let me know.

Added after a few responses.

So far I am very upset with the responsive I had. I am here asking for advise on how to change and everyone is focusing on the fact that before I was making excuses. I am here to change so please don't send me another message saying I just need to wake up or anything like that. Also it was my Dr. who said I am not glossily over weight. She suggested I lose about 10-20lbs I am the one who said I'd like to lose 40-50lbs. Going through what i have been though is hard and has made me very depressed I came her for help not put downs. I am hard enough on myself. My daughter does nap but only 1/2 hour to an hour a day and I have been spending most of that time doing bills, cleaning, and other normal daily functions. I am heer because I want to find something I can work into my day to help me. I can't believe people have been so rude and not helpful at all. So please unless you can help without the put downs don't respond to me.

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So What Happened?

After a rough start I have good some really great responses. I did sign up for spark so far seas like a good site. I did start walking the other day but I had surgery yesterday and today I'm not quite up to it yet. Physically or mentally. I do work this weekend but I am hoping to try to find time to fit in a walk after work, if I'm feeling better. Otherwise I'm starting Monday with no excuses. Thank you for everyone who did help me.

New Update~ I ended up losing 25 lbs with it was a great motiveation for me. I got involved in many of the teams on there. I am now pregnant so not trying to lose weight but as soon as I have this baby in August 2009 I will be right back on Thank you to the person who suggested it to me.

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answers from Detroit on

Hi L.,

I have to agree with most of what others have said. Your giving excuses and poor ones at that. Doesn't your 22 month old take a nap? I have a 5 year old and a 2 year old, the 2 year old takes naps and during that time I'll work out. Or I take them to my local rec center and I work out for an hour. Every night before or after dinner my husband and I take the kids for a walk. You can do it, but it seems your not ready to based on your post. When your ready there will be no more excuses and you'll just do it.

In regards to your husband, I about fell out of my chair... If my husband didn't like what I cooked I'd point to the stove and say have at it. Your not a short order cook are you??

I hope you decided that now is the time to get into shape. There are so many avenues for you. WW is great one and you can even do it on-line. Sparkpeople is awesome and free, I belong to that web-site. You can go to the mall and do the walk or go to a park, etc....

Good Luck,
J. in Macomb

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answers from Detroit on


3 words- JUST DO IT! Don't make excuses about how hard it is and that you have a 22 month old. I have 3 chilren and run a daycare and I get up early before daycare starts to get a workout in, I take the kids for long walks, or I'll go for a jog after dinner...whatever works for me that day. I find workout videos very convinient. I highly recommend taebo..Billy's newest workouts are called T3 and they are a lot of fun. Your husband will just have to eat what you make and if he doesn't like it that too bad let him make his own food. Its your life and its important to stay within a healthy weight range. Your husband needs to learn to be supportive and I think if you just do it he'll come around...they always do. :) If you are not sure of healthy meal choices than invest in a book that can guide you.

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answers from Grand Rapids on

Go to

1500 calories a day

good luck



answers from Detroit on

My husband just lost about 50 pounds and I lost 10 pounds below my pre preg weight... my daughter just turned one year. my husband was told he had high blood sugar and cholesterol, and he didnt' want to start on medication at only 30 yrs.

Here are some tips...
cut out things that quickly turn to sugar...potatoes, white breads and pastas. some people don't like all whole wheat. try aunt millies 100% ww bread. it has no high fructose corn syrup. also, barilla plus pasta is good and very similar to regular, but much better for you. it is not hard to make two types of noodles either if your hubby won't eat the ww.

if you are a soda drinker, STOP drinking soda and switch to water. also, watch out for amounts of salad dressing, cheese, etc.

eat at home and not out and try to cook with more vegetables, so you fill up on them rather than starches or meats. even if your hubby doesn't like them, you can make a side for yourself.

cut down or cut out desserts. have low calorie snacks in the house for when you get hungry and try not to stock junk food in the house. if it's there, you'll eat it.

don't eat off your daughter's plate, even if she doesn't finish. it's wasted whether you eat it or not (i've heard this happens to many moms!)

one things that has helped us is planning meals in advance, making a shopping list and then shopping only once every two weeks. this way, we don't fall into the eating out trap because there's nothing to make for dinner. also, sticking to a list in the store helps from buying junk. both of these will also save money!

START EXERCISING...i am convinced that people cannot lose weight and keep it off without exercise. if your daughter doesn't nap, take her for a walk. EVERY DAY. plan it into your day, and if it's not nice out, go to the mall and just walk around. time it and walk AT LEAST 30 minutes per day at a quick pace that you can handle. my husband and i get up early and both exercise before our daughter wakes up...which works for us.

my husband and i have really made an effort to improve our lifestyle and to pass that on to our children. try to keep in mind that the lifestyle is ongoing. it is hard to keep a diet going forever. whatever you do, don't go to extreme because you won't be able to live with have to do things you can live with. if you mess up or have a special occasion, just get back to healthy choices the next day (just don't have a special occasion every day! ha ha ).

hopefully, your husband is on board with you to lose the weight and will help you by being an accountability partner, and encouraging you. talk to him about it, and i'm sure he will help you find time where he can play with your daughter while you exercise or maybe will even be more open to eating different foods, especially if it will help you expand your family!

God Bless your efforts!


answers from Kalamazoo on

It is hard!!! I agree with the other post about finding "exercise" to do with your daughter like walking or ride a bike with one of those trailers behind it. You can sometimes find those trailers on clearance at the end of the summer. Play!Play!Play! Play tag, hide and seek, soccer, kick a ball back and forth, anything. I try to make cleaning like exercise too-vacuuming, mopping etc.
Eating: My biggest thing is not eating late in the evening and if I must it can only be fruit, a cup of healthy cereal or air popcorn. Load on the veggies!! Good for everyone. Make things your hubby likes, but try to make them healthier and with extra veggies on the side that you and your girl at least can load up on. No pop. Drink lots of water, black coffee and I like tea(no sugar). If hubby is gone at work during the day? then you can at least prepare meals good for you during that time and eat healthy snacks. More whole grains instead of the white stuff. Cook your food instead of packaged. Olive Oil instead of butter. Make sure you get enough low fat protein to keep your energy up. When I feel like snacking and I know I'm not supposed too, I drink a whole glass of water or iced tea with lemon and then see how I feel.
I definetly need to follow my own advice better too. Don't be h*** o* yourself. Tons of people struggle with their weight. And don't worry about being "perfect". If your doc says you need to lose 10lbs, start with that or 15lbs. If you set your goal too high at first it might just seem too hard to reach. Also make sure you have winter gear for you and your daughter so you can go play in the snow this winter. Building snowmen is great exercise!!!!



answers from Detroit on

You can join sparkpeople on line for free. They give you all the tools you need to loose weight and there is a big support system there also. You can log on at your convenience. They have meal plans that you can follow if you choose. They have hundreds of recipes and exercises. There is a place to log what you eat and to help keep track of calories and sodium, etc. There is way too much on the site to mention. At first it is a little hard to figure out because there is so much. If you join and you need any help just email me I would be happy to help you.



answers from Detroit on


I don't have any advice regarding weight loss, but I just wanted to say I'm so sorry about your losses. I've also experienced miscarriage and know how difficult it is.

I hope you do okay on Thursday. Hang in there!



answers from Detroit on

L. I am so sorry about some of those rude remarks that is just horrible and for someone to say that 40-50lbs is grossly over weight. I am 55lbs over weight and I do not feel gross nor does my husband think and my health is great. Yes I am going to weight watchers now which I think you should as well it does help and like some of the other ladies said you can do it on line. My problem is the same as yours I do not have time to excercise I work two jobs and take care of my family. two kids 4 and 2 I do try to get excercise in when I can but very very hard. Just start with watching what you eat and that should help let me know if you need any other help.


answers from Detroit on

I very much am stuggling with losing 25-30 lbs. It will take self control!

I honestly think the only thing that works is

Eat less and move more.

I am cutting my portions and if I need a snack inbetween meals I only allow myself a handful of fruit or veggies. I also try to run in the run or jog on the treadmill. Before I had a treadmill I would give the kids breakfast in the stroller in walk for 45 mins to one hour.



answers from Detroit on


Sorry your responses have been bad - I do notice sometimes we as replies can get off subject and be harsh.

Do you have time to walk? Get up early and walk a half hour.

When you take your daughter to the playground: stair step the stairs. Try the monkey bars for chin ups but keep your feet on the platform so they are assisted chin ups. Push ups, etc. That is what i am slowly doing. I got the ideas from Fit Yummy Mommy. I cannot afford to do the workout, but they have a great blog.

I need to lose about 15-20 pounds after my child and it has been a struggle. Summer helped as I walked a lot more and played with my son outside.

Journal your food - you will be amazed to see what you do or don't eat.

The biggest thing is to burn more than you eat. I appreciate the lack of time, but try to work into play time with your daughter. Go for walks as a family with your husband!

Good Luck.



answers from Grand Rapids on

What works best for me is if I don't buy the junk foods at the store. Instead I get fruits and veggies. That way if I want a snack the junk food isn't there for me to eat and if I'm truly hungry I eat the fruit and veggies. Also try taking your daughter on long walks. Put her in the stroller and go for an hour walk or so. If you can eat healthier and move more it may help with some of the weight.



answers from Grand Rapids on

I feel your pain!!! After having my first child, I had no trouble losing the weight because he would sit in the stroller for hours if I let him. Now, 5yo is too big for the stroller, can't ride his bike far enough for me to see real change (he starts complaining before we make it to the end of the street!), and the baby doesn't like it anyway. Yes, my baby naps also, but this is when I need to clean the house and get ready for work, since my husband and I work opposite shifts to avoid daycare. I am on my feet all night at work, so I'm tired by the time I'm done. My husband leaves for work at 5:30am, so getting up before he leaves is really out of the question.

So, enough of the "excuses" as people will call them. I am getting most of my progress from watching what I'm eating. My husband is very supportive, so he eats whatever I make him, whether he likes it or not (except for sweet potatoes...every man has his limits lol). If he really doesn't like it, he knows he can go into the kitchen and make something himself. For you, I'd say to leave the baby with your husband after dinner and go for a walk by yourself. He helped make the baby, he can help take care of the baby! It's a good way to clear your head after an exhausting day as mommy and a couple of miles doesn't take too long when you are by yourself. I have also found that my baby thinks it's hysterical when I do floor exercises like yoga and pilates. He tries to climb all over me, which in turn, adds extra resistance. Try to go into a downward facing dog before the baby can climb on your back...great fun! Good luck, you can do it! I'm very sorry for the troubles you've been having and I hope everything can be resolved.



answers from Detroit on

Hi L.,
Your recent responses are good and I agree with the added activity during the day, like walking and take your daughter with you in her stroller. You can still eat good foods to give your body nutrition, but try to avoid sugars and carbs. If you stick to proteins and some fats, like eggs you'll feel satisfied and won't be nibbling... by the way your husband can eat the good foods you're eating, too! You'll need to stop buying the sugary snacks and the chips (I'm not sure what you normally buy)... try to buy meats, eggs, veggies, fruits, and for snacking I use walnuts or almonds - they work everytime I get hungry for snacks. I also have slices of cheese - avoid the processed kinds. You'll save money on the foods you shouldn't buy... ELIMINATE THE NUTRITIONAL NEGATIVES
No carbonated drinks, No caffeine, No Margarine [Use Butter], No Fried Foods & No Sugars.
Consume low carbohydrate and high protein meals and snacks. Drink plenty of purified water.
I also know of a nutritional drink you could have once a day, called PollenBurst... this has green tea in it, too along with Superoxide Dismutase (super antioxidants) and will help your body with the nutrition it needs.... you can read more about it on
I love it and you'll have energy without the jitters and can be your stress relief, helps with weight loss, and is anti-aging and is your pain relief, too.



answers from Detroit on

I am sorry you are receiving such unhelpful information.
I don't think you said but have you tried to lost weight and have not been able to? If so many have your dr. do a complete blood work up that might lead to some reasons why you are unable to lose weight.
Now if that is not the case and you are just looking for tips I have a couple.
Walking 30min a day is great for you and your heart - you can go to a mall and walk (early in the am if that fits your schedule). It is cool inside so that is nice, plus gives something for your child to look at.
I have switched to whole grain pasta, sugar free syrup, whole grain low fat waffles. I am picky myself so it is hard for me to watch my diet. Try during the day to eat the really good things then at dinner time when you eat with your husband take smaller portions.
I know cooking two meals would be hard but maybe sneak the whole grain pasta into the meal ( 1/2 reg and 1/2 whole grain) he probably won't even notice.
I do exercise's with my daughter (29mths old) sit ups, jumping jacks (teaches her to count). She loves it - and now she does them with me (in her own way)
Good luck - stay positive - and trying is better than not trying at all



answers from Detroit on

I think some people can lose weight easily and it’s just something they can do. I also need to drop some weight and because I haven’t, my second pregnancy I am being treated for gestational diabetes.

I tried Weight Watchers and it's great. But it's expensive.

It's good to write down what you eat and the amounts you eat. Also use a smaller plate so you think you've had more. Drink lots of water. And I have stopped picking off my daughter's plate when she's done.

Another great thing to do is go for walks with your daughter. Go to the park and play with them. Even just kicking the ball back and forth is better than nothing. We also got a bike trailer so I can go for bike rides and pull her behind.

Also, don't think of it as a diet, think of it as a life change. I think calling it a diet makes you feel more pressured.

Good luck and I am sorry to hear about your losses.



answers from Detroit on

I hear great, great stuff about weight watchers. You can go online and learn about stuff so you don't have to dish out the money to join. You can do weight watchers without actually can cook whatever you want. You will learn portion control while your husband still pigs out lol. Maybe once in a while you will have to cook different dinners, but you can make yours so easy it won't be a struggle. Do some research on may love it. And as far as working is important so try to find any time you can to just do something in the privacy of your own home (even just some stretching or a little yoga or take your child for walks). You can even make cleaning into a the bills and stuff for after her bedtime at night. There is a way, you just have to find what fits you best. Good luck to you!!!!! I hope I helped.



answers from Detroit on

I lost a lot of weight becoming vegetarian. Plus, it is cheaper and better for the environment.



answers from Detroit on

Hi L., First I just want to say I am sorry that you have had to go through two miscarraige this year. It is a very emotional time. It is the loss of two lives, the loss of dreams you started making once you knew you were pregnant. It is a very difficult time and all the while you are caring for your daughter and husband.
Loosing weight is hard with kids around. There is NO TIME
and kids eat all the time so we have to be in the kitchen more then we wish.
Some ideas that I liked when my son was small. I would turn on fun kids music (you get tapes at the library) and I would dance around with him in my arms. I would set goals. First it was to dance through two songs then three and before we knew it we could dance to the entire tapes. He absolutely LOVED it. In fact he still remembers it to this day and asks me to dance with him now and then (he's 7 yrs. old) I'm not kidding..... dancing that long with a child in your arms is guite a work out.
I am a outdoors person so anytime I could take a walk with my son or push him in stroller was my favorite of all. Better yet do you have another mom friend to do it with. Chatting with someone always makes it enjoyable.
Also you could get one on those little seats that go on the back of your bike. Bike riding is great exercise and kids always love it. The fresh air makes them tired :)
If you have stairs, while you daughter plays take 5 minutes to go up and down the stairs continuoulsy. I think 5 minutes here and 5 minutes there is a good work out. You can also use the stairs to do leg lunges.
Some other tricks are don't eat 3 hours before you go to bed.
If you go to bed at 10:00pm then don't eat after 7:00pm.
One huge thing that I never really learned to do myself was this.......when your daughter is napping that should be your time. Forget the wash, the dishes etc. focus on you, take that time for excersice or reading a book. Something to call your own so that when she is up again you feel revived and regrouped. (I know this is the hardest thing for mothers to do but taking time for ourselves is we are worthy of it). Also get plenty of sleep (I know once again hard with a young child) the more rested the more your can resist temptation and more energy to dance around the room with your daughter.
Also the library has tons of exercise video's and CD's.
Do as much as you can and when you are interrupted put in on pause, do what you need to do for your daughter and get right
back to it until it is finished.
I used to think if I didn't have a big chuck of time without interruption it wasen't worth working out. But after 7 years I have learned to incorperate my son coming in and needing something while I am working out. I do my treadmill everyday and still at the age of 7 he still comes in 2 to 3 times needing me. (I know it will stop once school starts, which then I will miss his inerruptions dearly).
One nice thing is perhaps the three of you go out for a evening walk and stroller ride after dinner. The evenings are so peaceful and it gives your husband and you time to chat and your daughter some fresh air to slow her day down.
Good wishes as you try to loose weight.
L., I just read your update and learned that your daughter does not like being in the stroller. Please excuse my ideas of taking her outside for a walk. I thought of another idea instead of the stroller.
We used to have a back pack type of child carrier that my husband or I would put my son in. It balanced his weight out evenly so that even I could use it. Putting a baby on your back and walking beats any weight bearing or aroebic excersise at any gym anyday.



answers from Detroit on

L. -
I am really sorry that you received anything but positive feedback. It is a very stressful situtation that you are going through, which is not helping you lose weight. The more stressed you are the harder it is to lose those pesky pounds.

My suggestions maybe some of what was already given but I have struggled a lot over body issues and weight. So please bear with me.

I feel when you are first starting out with our body transformation (I would not call it a diet) is get a small pretty little notebook that will fit in your purse or diaper bag, write down everything that you put in your mouth for a week, keep track of times, quanities and how you feel when you eat the food. Be honest with your diary, so that way you can get a good picture of what you are consuming. You maybe surprised how much or little you are actually eating everyday.

Once you have your diary - take a look at what you can cut out or minimize. Also look what your triggers are, try to recognize patterns. Once you know that when your are overwhelmed with your little one you reach for the sweets (that is what I would do) think to yourself what can I do instead, go for a quick walk outside or something to keep your hands and mind occuipied.

The biggest thing is really watching what you are consuming, I would say to start with this learning your triggers and recognize how to control them.

I hope that this helps you out a bit.

Good luck!



answers from Detroit on

I have been very successful at Weight Watchers, it does work if you do it correctly. I know it costs money, but what are you paying for being overweight! No offense I know you have a 22 mo old but you only work 16 hrs a week, so the excuse for not working out is a poor one. Working out is not only to lose weight its to be healthy. Do you want to be around for your kids when they get older? If you need to lose 40-50 then you are grossly overweight. Wake up! You are on the verge of not only having complications but also being a diabetic and having heart problems. If you start doing things for yourself you will feel so much better-don't you deserve it. I cook a lot of meals for my husband that he doesn't even know is a "diet" food. You need to start looking at it as being healthy not being on a diet.

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