No Morning Sickness - SCARED!

Updated on August 14, 2010
P.H. asks from Castle Rock, CO
52 answers

Hi Moms,

I need some reassurance :) With my first pregnancy (nearly 3 years ago) I was sick for the entire nine months. It was rough, but of course totally worth it in the end! The throwing up started just a day or so after I took the "test 5 days early" HPT.

I'm about 5 weeks pregnant and have NOT thrown up once. I'm worried something is wrong with the baby. I see my doc at 8 weeks.

Any helpful or kind words would be appreciated.

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So What Happened?

As I write this, I am battling to get through day number two of throwing up, feeling queasy, etc. MAMAS, YOU WERE RIGHT! I took your advice and tried to relax... and then the morning sickness started :) Guess I'm not going to be one of the "lucky ones" with no morning sickness, but I know it will be worth it in the end!

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answers from Augusta on

With my second I was sick for 9 months , with my second , wasn't sick a day.
Every pregnancy is different , and morning sickness or lack of doesn't say if you are pregnant or not or if there are problems or not.
Relax .

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answers from Denver on

I never had a single second of sickness for my pregnancy of my totally healthy now 19 month old boy. Not every pregnancy is the same. My girlfriend said she had no morning sickness at all with her first, and was totally sick for 6 months with her second.
It could mean something, but it may mean nothing - like all things when you are pregnant! Enjoy...breathe...

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answers from Pocatello on

No worries :o) I was moderately sick with my first son, Sick for 7 of the 8 months I was pregnant with my preemie son but barely nauseated for a week with no vomiting with my little girl. With my boys I couldn't even look at meat cooked or uncooked without retching. But with my daughter I was a raging carnivore haha. All three are healthy. Just enjoy feeling good :o)

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answers from Dallas on

I've only had one baby, and didn't have morning sickness. Very little nausea, and as long as I was eating pretty regularly. I've heard every pregnancy is different. Try not to make yourself crazy (though I know that's hard!) :)

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answers from Chicago on

I never threw up once through my entire pregnancy and now have a healthy 13 month old who was born 2 days before her due date. I felt a tad queasy from weeks 6-about 13, then fine until week 30 or so, then queasy again, but never SICK. I am sure you are completely fine...don't stress about it.

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answers from Harrisburg on

I was pregnant with my 1st child and had NO morning sickness. 2nd one felt queasy but nothing to vomit over. Nothing to worry about - your baby is fine and probably going to be easy going (lol)

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answers from Jacksonville on

Every pregancy is dont have to get morning sickness.....when i was pregnant i was sick ALL DAY LONG especially at lunch time..... and if you google your question it should tell you just how different each pregancy can that show "I didnt know i was pregnant" .....some of those women said they didnt feel one bit like they did with there first pregnacy.

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answers from Dallas on

I was sick until the 11 or 12 week mark with my daughter, but with this pregnancy (I'm 27 weeks along) I have not been sick ONCE. They're all different.

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answers from Boston on

every pregnancy is different. I didn't feel pregnant with my first until I could feel him move. I was never tired or sick with my second I was sick as a dog before the test even came back positive. Try not to worry I'm sure everything is fine.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

I am sure you are just fine. I was lucky with both of my pregnancies. With my first, my daughter, I only threw up twice, but I was nauseated all the time and smells REALLY bothered me. I also got a couple migraines. After my 1st trimester, though, I had no problems other than just the usual discomfort. With my 2nd, my son, I had NO symptoms at all, nothing! I actually asked me doctor when I was about 2-3 months along if I was really pregnant because I didn't have any sickness, nausea, I wasn't tired. I have heard that when you have a girl, you feel terrible all the time, but if you are having a boy, you have a much easier time. An old wives tale, I'm sure, but it was true with me, however, my friend has 3 boys and was always terribly sick. Don't worry about it, just enjoy it. Talk to your doctor to ease your mind and congratulations!

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answers from Washington DC on

With my first 2 pregnancies I had no nausea or sicknes whatsoever , the only way I knew I was pregnant was the tests. With my 3rd I was sick from weeks 6-16 and it was awful , so it is true what they say , no pregnancy is the same and you are fine , sickness may still come just a little later.

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answers from Detroit on

Don't worry I am sure everything is fine. When I was pregnant with my twins I never got sick once. I dont even remember ever even feeling any nausea. Enjoy it while you can incase it doesnt last :)

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answers from Greenville on

I am currently almost 39 weeks pregnant with my second child (a girl!). I have had morning sickness the entire time. With my first child, I had absolutely no nausea or sickness. He was a boy. Maybe this a boy for you? :)

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answers from New York on

I didn't have any morning sickness at all with either of my pregnancies **knocks on wood** and I have 2 beautiful healthy baby boys (and had 2 uncomplicated pregnancies).

Congrats, I hope you continue to feel well!

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answers from Tampa on

My sickness did not start until I was about 6 weeks pregnant and abrubtly ended as fast as it started around 13 weeks. It seemed like forever at the time :-) I only have one and he was very healthy. My mother had three of us and she was not sick at all....not even one day during any of her three pregnancies. Everyone/every pregnancy is different....that is what I've always been told and see evidence of it all of the time. Don't worry about this.

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answers from Oklahoma City on

I had no morning sickness with my first pregnancy. I felt kind of queasy for a couple weeks (8-10 weeks) and then it was gone. Never got sick, felt great most of the time, and I had a perfectly healthy 8 pound baby boy! Now I'm pregnant with my second and have felt worse this time, but still never thrown up. Just had a longer time of feeling queasy. I wouldn't worry about it, some women never get morning sickness! Plus, 5 weeks is still really early, sometimes it doesn't start till later. Don't worry, just enjoy the fact that you're feeling good! Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy! =)

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answers from Denver on

No worries...I wasn't sick a single day and had a very healthy pregnancy and baby. Your body has done this before and may just be controlling your hormones better this time around.

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answers from Cleveland on

Don't worry, enjoy it!
Every pregnancy is different and every women is different.

I'm 36 wks pregnant with my 2nd child. I didn't have ANY "morning" sickness through either pregnancy.

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answers from Boise on

Each one is different. I haven't had morning sickness with either of my pregnancies, unless you count a handful of days feeling a bit nauseous, but never close to throwing up. Maybe you will be one of us lucky ones!!

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answers from Chicago on

I am also about 5 weeks pregnant right now, and also have not thrown up yet. Then again, I only threw up once with my first pg, and none at all with my 2nd. I would not worry at all. There probably is nothing wrong, but worrying COULD cause something to go wrong.

Congratulations on baby #2!!

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answers from Salt Lake City on

Working on baby number 5- Threw up twice a day like clock work with number two for four months- even before I knew I was pregnant. The first one I threw up once- the first time I felt him move. Number three I threw up when I got stressed. Numbers four and five have been reletively vomit free- All have been healthy, full term pregnancies.
Count your blessings and don't stress! You'll make yourself sick! lol

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answers from Dallas on

I have been told and read that it ususally kicks in at about 6-8 weeks, but it is different with every person and every pregnancy. Like me for example, i have a girl who will be four saturday, and with her, i was sick from about 6 weeks until my second trimester. Then with my son who is 18 months, i wasnt sick very much at all. I might have gotten sick a handful of times. I would be very glad not to be sick cause i remember it very well from my daughter and it was No fun!! But anyways, good luck and congrats!

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answers from Pocatello on

My best friend has two beautiful children, her first child she didn't get sick at all, her second child she was sick the whole time. Each one is different. I think you will be just fine. Be grateful that you are not sick, I had 4 that I threw up the whole time... Blech! I would have loved to have a pregnancy where I could have enjoyed it. So, just enjoy! I'm sure all is well.

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answers from Denver on

I wouldn't worry, you are probably having the opposite sex baby than your first.

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answers from Denver on

Try not to stress. It's not good for you or baby (or your other little one). I had a pregnancy that I through up so much I weighed less at 9 months than I had before the pregnancy. My next pregnancy, I was only nauseated. My third I never even had so much as a positive urine test. Each pregnancy is really different. If you are really concerned, you can call your doctor's office, but if you haven't had problems in the past, they probably won't be worried, either. GL!

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answers from Denver on

I wasn't sick with either of my girls- ever. My friend was a-ok with the first, and sick all the time with the second. In these cases, all 4 children are VERY healthy and HAPPY! Don't worry!! =D

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answers from Denver on

With my first I was nauseous 24 hours a day for the first half and I always threw up if I didn't eat constantly. With my second I felt brief waves of nausea for about 2 minutes ever once in a while, but hardly anything to even consider. It was just enough to tell me that the baby was indeed okay, and I really think it could have been psycho-somatic :-)
So no throwing up, especially this early in the pregnancy, is nothing to be concerned about yet.

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answers from Kansas City on

I had three boys and never had an ounce of morning sickness! My mom didn't have any with me, but said she was sick as a dog with my younger brother.

Trust me, this is a good thing!!!

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answers from Harrisburg on

LOL Thank your lucky starts you're not sick! Every pregnancy is different. Enjoy your pregnancy!

K. B
mom to 5 including triplets
events and chat within 2 hour radius

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answers from Denver on

While morning sickness is a sign of a healthy pregnancy it does not mean something is wrong.
With my first I was sick all the time. Never threw up, but was just ill feeling 24/7 for months and months. It was horrid.
With 2nd I had zero moments of sickness and she is as healthy as my first.
So don't worry too much just yet.

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answers from Johnstown on

I got sick maybe 2x with my first pregnancy and then nothing the rest of the time.

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answers from Provo on

Every pregnancy is different! Not only that, but morning sickness is in no way a judge of how healthy your pregnancy is! I had morning sickness with my first pregnancy for the first trimester, and it really wasn't too bad. With my second pregnancy, I didn't get ANY at all. If I had, I might have realized I was pregnant before I was 10 weeks along! LOL! Both babies were full term, healthy, boys, and the second one was even bigger than the first one! Don't stress out, just be thankful you are feeling better this time around!!!

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answers from Seattle on

Every pregnancy is different. I was not sick at all with my first two and with this one felt pretty queesy for the first 3 months. My mom, who has had 5 kids, often tells me how she thought each of us was different sexes than we were based on morning sickness, kicks, heartburn....and each of us were completely different pregnancies. Enjoy the fact that for THIS are not sick!

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answers from Denver on

Don't worry! I am on my 4th pregnancy and EVERY pregnancy was completely different. My first I was a little sick to my stomach, no puking, my second, no sickness whatsoever, my third, I was sick for 7 of the 9 months but threw up in my third trimester only, the fourth, I was bedridden sick for the first 3 months then nothing. You just never know what that little guy is gonna dish out to ya.

Just relax, it is not good for the baby for you to stress out anyways.

Good luck and congrats!

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answers from Salt Lake City on

There is nothing to worry about. Each pregnancy comes with different sickness or ailments. Your baby is just fine and you will be too. Be happy not to have the morning sickness. Good Luck!

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answers from Indianapolis on

I had NO morning sickness through either pregnancy, but each of my pregnancies was COMPLETELY different.

Many women do not experience morning sickness. Many women have morning sickness with one and not another.

Good luck! I hope you're expecting a healthy baby and will share news with us in a few months.

Don't be afraid to call your OB's office and ask them as well. It may bring you much needed peace of mind.

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answers from Columbus on

Be happy! If.something is wrong, what good is worry? Go to your OB and ask to nearer the heart beat because you feel so different this time so that you can let it go!


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answers from San Diego on

Every pregnancy is different. You are now in the "Lucky Club" of women that didn't have morning sickness. I NEVER had morning sickness with my son. I am so nervous now that the next prenancy will be morning sickness morning, noon and night. Good Luck and Enjoy your pregnancy.


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answers from Salt Lake City on

I threw up EVERY DAY with all three of my girls. My third pregnancy was a boy and not a once. Felt good and perfect the whole nine months. I could tell my fourth was a girl at week 7 when I started getting sick, because I started getting sick, of course. Count yourself lucky, lady!

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answers from Salt Lake City on

I didn't have a day of morning sickness and my little girl was fine. Each pregnancy is different. Rest easy my friend. :)

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answers from Philadelphia on

I really did not have any morning sickness with all three pregnancies. Maybe a day here or a day there. The only time I really got was when my husband came in the room eating sardines and normally I think they are gross.


answers from Houston on

No worries, I was not sick at all with my first and sick with my second. Both are boys and both are super healthy and happy. Congrats, hope you stay morning sickness free!!! Watch out though, I gained toooo much weight with the first:D



answers from Philadelphia on

I have been pregnant 3 times have 3 beautiful boys. I have never had morning sickness. My sister is expecting baby #5 any day now and only had morning sickness with 3 of 5 . Every pregnancy is different



answers from Boise on

Morning sickness can be a result of vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Particularly the b vitamins and magnesium if i remember correctly.

Make sure you are getting magensium Which is VERY important, and if I were pregnant again i would make sure I am taking iodine. Iodine can be taken in drop form in a cup of water. I would take 2 drops a day.
Iodine deficiencies reduce IQ in the fetus, contribute to thyroid problems in the mom.



answers from Seattle on

I didn't have a spot of morning sickness.

The clinical term for it is "Lucky".



answers from Salt Lake City on

Most likely things are fine. I have had 4 children with no morning sickness, they have all been fine. If you are really worried that something is wrong call the nurse at your doctors office and see what they think. Maybe they will have you come in sooner, to check things out.

Good Luck


answers from Dover on

I was fortunate to not have any morning sickness with either pregnancy. I wouldn't worry about it, I would be thankful.



answers from Sacramento on

the nausea did not hit me until six weeks, then it stayed until almost 4 months.



answers from Dallas on

I was sick my entire pregnancy too, but it didn't start until 6-8 weeks. Hopefully, yours won't start at all this time!! I've known many people who don't have sickness and have healthy babies. Don't worry!!



answers from Oklahoma City on

I never had an ounce of nausea or vomitting the entire pregnancy and everything turned out just fine.

Hang in there!


answers from Raleigh on

I had zero morning sickness with my son. I did throw up every Thursday night for a month, but that could have just been some weird coincidence. Morning sickness doesn't equal pregnant, it's just a sign! Good luck and congrats!



answers from Jacksonville on

I was never sick with my daughter throughout the entire pregnancy. I do not believe "Morning Sickness" has anything to do with wether the baby is healthy or not.

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