Not a Nice Question for Valentines Day

Updated on February 15, 2012
C.C. asks from Conroe, TX
54 answers

Can you be really honest....I'm not judging at all....but do you say the "F" word in front of your children? Just a discussion I had with a friend.

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answers from Dallas on

No. I think it's trashy. I feel like people use that word all the time, when they aren't intelligent enough to come up with something else.

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answers from Houston on

Nope, I don' even say it in front of other adults, or when it's just me or silently in my head. I try to use self control and model the best behavior in my language as possible.

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answers from College Station on

I use colorful language often. I refrained as much as possible when my daughter was young (through elementary age). As she got older, I restricted myself less and less. I do continue to make every effort to not take the Lord's name in vain. And I do refrain when I am near others' children.
I have a significant temper and I allow myself to express through whatever words necessary to allow the release of stress. If I tried to "hold in" my feelings, it would not be good for me or anyone around me. Yes there are different words to use but colorful language allows me the most release and ability to move on from the anger or stress.
My almost 17 year old daughter does not use colorful language at all. She chooses not to. Anyone who thinks that there child is "safe" from colorful language if they don't use it, is really kidding themselves. They will be exposed to it whether you choose to use it or not.

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answers from Chicago on

I say " oh f" under my breath ALL THE TIME. I have an almost 4 year old. Luckily, I've just been saying it in front of my 2 year old. But when he said it about a month ago, I realized it was time to stop.

Americans are such prudes.

The first time I went to Ireland, I almost had a heart attach. Females were throwing around the C word like crazy! People swear there. They have a purpose and a function. They are words.

Words are lovely things, all of them.

My 4 year old says dammit all the time. I can't decide if this is truly a bad thing.

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answers from Augusta on

No I do not. I don't use that word very often at ALL. I don't like that word

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answers from Anchorage on

I have, and I am sure it will happen again. They are just words, I don't think it is the end of the world.

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answers from Seattle on

I've got a pretty bad mouth albeit over the years I've cleaned it up a bit. You will never hear racial slurs come out of my mouth EVER. Nor will you ever hear me say "gay" in any other way than which is literal with either it meaning happy or as in a couple is gay, never as a slur! Do I use the F word? Yep, it happens. Do my children repeat adult words? Nope.

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answers from Chicago on

God NO.....I have seen people in public say this word directly to their kids, makes me want to punch them in the mouth. And I do say something.

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answers from Austin on

I have a 4 year old son, and my husband and I do tend to have colorful language. My son knows not to say those words, and when he does say those words he gets his hand slapped and we tell him no cussing. When he hears and recognizes that we are using 'bad words' he gets to do the same to us.

Its worthless to shelter our kids, especially in the society we live in now. We need to teach them the words that only adults can use. If they don't learn something from us, they are sure to learn it from their friends/TV. We just need to explain to our kids right from wrong.

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answers from Austin on

Never.. too harsh and did not want her to repeat it because I had said it..

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answers from San Francisco on

I have, and probably will again, but it's rare. It's just not a part of my regular vocabulary :)

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answers from San Francisco on

my husband does, while I use every euphemism I can come up with (frick, frack, flarging, etc). I used to get on him for it, but he can try and try and try but sometimes it is the only thing that matches what he wants to say. And he is genuinely the most articulate, thoughtful, expressive person I know. I had a conversation with friends about this recently, and someone brought up the idea that there is an endorphin release when you swear. Don't know if it's because it's taboo (what if we all collectively agreed to stop caring about it? would we stop using it too?) or if there is inherent pleasure in forming the words. But there is a way it becomes a stand in for emotions or actions that are truly hard to capture in words. Not because you can't think of them, or because your vocabulary is lacking, but because swear words can concisely convey something when words fail.

My linguistics teacher in college used an excellent example, when describing F*CK as the only infix in the english language. You have lots of prefixes and suffixes but only one word that can go in the middle and enhance the meaning of the word:
"I have to go to Alabama." rather neutral statement.
"I have to go to AlaF*ckinBama" suddenly you know a lot more about the person's feelings on the subject.

That being said, I do try to model restraint and the kids know that swear words are not OK for them to say. One of my most favorite things is listening to my 9yo son ask to listen to the AC/DC song "Heck's Bells."

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answers from Phoenix on

never have. don't curse at all.

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answers from Cincinnati on

Never. I hate that word. I don't allow it in my house. I do occasionally use the "S" word, though. :-(

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answers from Savannah on

I have before. Not often but in a moment of extreme anger, frustration or pain, it has been said before. Not a habit with OR without children though....but I don't sweat it. My kids are smart enough to know that if something like that comes out of my mouth, they need to give me space because something is very wrong. If I say it, then I need to get a grip. Once I get a grip on myself, of course I have no problem apologizing for losing my temper so they can learn that #1--I'm not perfect, #2--I don't think I'm perfect, #3--it's not nice when people lose their tempers but life goes on.

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answers from New York on

no, my kids are 4 and 5, I would absolutely not. And I do love to swear...I also work from home, and speak to clients on the phone, and don't swear in front of them either. People can rein themselves in.

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answers from Washington DC on

According to my 3 y/o only adults can say F*** & S*** (she literally said the words!) She didn't hear them from me but she is not sheltered from the world

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answers from Kansas City on

No. I can't say I've never let sh!$ fly a time or too (unintentionally), but never the f bomb.

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answers from Oklahoma City on

Yes, I am imperfect, else I would have been translated directly to heaven years

I have even said the most dreaded of all, G...D...and then I heard it back to me about an hour later.

But dang it, he had taken a dozed eggs and thrown them on the new mattress and box springs in his sister's room, on the new carpet, the poured a 4 lb bag of sugar on it and then a 2 liter of Dr. Pepper on top of it. I was seeing red. I felt like I was about to explode. I can only say the reason that child was not wearing bruises is because my rage came out of my mouth and the mess got called all kinds of bad words.

It was one of those times I took it out on hubby because he was watching him, and fell asleep watching TV. I was sick and taking a much needed nap.

We are imperfect. We learn something new every day. I now have new light, almost wheat colored, carpet with huge ugly orangie yellow stains all over it in one room.

Do I feel bad about the words that came out of my soul? YES, do I realize it was abnormal for me? Yes, is it a habit I want to break? Yes. Am I going to do it again? most likely I will slip more than I'd like to believe.

We all make mistakes and should acknowledge what happened and think f ways to do it differently next time.

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answers from Rockford on

I don't. I just don't use the word in general and really don't like it. Other swear words...yea....they have heard them come out of my mouth at one time or another (not to them though, just in other talk). I don't swear much, but when I do, I do, oh well.

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answers from New York on

No, I never say the "F" word or any other curse words around my daughter.

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answers from Detroit on

As a high school teacher, I ask, "Do your children say the "F" word in the hallways at school?" I wonder if there is a correlation between parents who say it in front of the kids and then the kids saying it to others later. Hmmmm.

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answers from Washington DC on

I think I said it once. Other than that - nope - try NOT to swear in front of the kids. Can't say I'm perfect - but I do use Tartar Sauce a lot....

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answers from Detroit on

Oh, Im sure its slipped a time or two, but I certainly try not to. Plus my husband is extremely bothered by women saying that word so I have to watch my back when hes around too.
I can never catch a break :) F***!

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answers from Jacksonville on

I try not to swear at all. But I have to admit, now that they are older (not "little" kids anymore--they're 10 and 13) I have let the S*$t word slip out now and again (never AT THEM, just a general s*@t that something broke or fell or pinched my foot or whatever). But NEVER the "F" word. No way.

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answers from Seattle on

I never swore before my years in the military. Honestly, never.

After several years as an officer, I must admit, when I am stressed and tired and upset - bam, out comes the F word. Nothing else takes it place. I have said it in front of my kids, my husband, my family, anyone in the car when some idiot cuts me off, so friends of my kids as well. Sorry. I would love to replace it with something else, but nothing different ever comes out.

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answers from Atlanta on

Oh yes -I try not to, but sometimes it just slips out! My kids have a very firm understanding that some words are only for grown ups -just like some drinks.

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answers from Dallas on

No. I have let the s word slip a few times but not when they were younger. I have only used the F word once to my husband when I was so angry it seemed less harmful than the other things I wanted to do to him! Otherwise, I have used it when I am alone and I am really angry and need to get that negativity out of my system.
I think the F word is in the same category as the N word. Neither are ever acceptable. The same for all the F substitutions. You might as well use the real F word.
I totally disagree about it being only a word. Also disagree with the saying "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Definitely not true.

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answers from Washington DC on


My son is 10 and has some hearing loss. A while ago I was vacuuming and the cat was there so I went after her with the vacuum, it was off. I said to her I'm gonna suck you up. Well my son repeated me only he said "I'm gonna F*** you up, Kitty!! Here I come!!"

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answers from Houston on

I have never said the "F" word at all. I decided a long time ago I the English language had more than enough words I could use to express myself in anger.

I don't mean to sound like I am judging anyone. You asked and I answered.

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answers from San Francisco on

Nope, during my teen years I worked in customer service jobs and had to train myself to watch my language down to an unconscious level. So it's not generally a problem for me to refrain from swearing in inappropriate circumstances.

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answers from Iowa City on

Nope. I do say damn or damn it.

The car wouldn't start one day and I said 'damn it'. A few days later the car wouldn't start again (it was a sensor getting wet) and my daughter said 'is that a damn it?' She now knows that that is adult language and she doesn't get to use it until she is an adult.

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answers from Austin on

Only if it's okay with you that they say the "F" word, too.

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answers from Houston on

Never say the word at all AND my kids (20 and 17) are not allowed to say freaking either. Bad language assualts my senses and it just really galls me that our TVs spew it now - even in prime time and during the day. What ever happen to just normal language??????

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answers from Houston on

My wife, NEVER says it. I however have on occasion.

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answers from Dallas on

No. I don't curse at all in front of my kids.

Actually, I have to take that back. Now that my oldest is 14, I speak more freely in front of him when I'm telling stories about school. I teach high school, and if I am telling a story about something that happened, I might say, "A student called the teacher across the hall a bi#c@ today." I wouldn't tell the story in front of my 7 year old, but I would in front of my 14 year old now. I still don't say the F-word in front of him, though. It just doesn't feel right in any context yet.

My husband and I don't ever call each other names or curse in anger, so the kids don't hear foul language from either of us in that context.

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answers from Austin on

No way! Never. That particular word is just gross anyway. That's the last word I would want my kids repeating. I think TV is exposing all of us to way too much. People become desensitized and are starting to feel like these sorts of things are acceptable. Well, they're not.

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answers from San Diego on

ONLY if I am super ticked off and I would change it if I knew how.

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answers from Washington DC on

It has slipped at times. I'm not proud of it, but it has come out.

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answers from Philadelphia on

I've said it maybe 3 or 4 times in the 14 years I've been a parent. I'm not proud of that and it's not a word I'm comfortable using, but it just slipped out those few times.

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answers from Detroit on

Absolutely not. My husband has been known to let it slip once in a while when he is really upset about something, but it's rare. I don't say it at all, I can control myself better. I don't even try to say "friggin'" or other substitutes.

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answers from Minneapolis on

I have. Not a proud moment, but he head butted me in the nose, full force (on accident). I was sure it was broken.

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answers from Houston on

It's nt a word I say in front of anyone. I'm sure my kids have heard it, but never from their parents. It really bugs me when I hear it coming out of kids mouths, which does happen when I am at the elementary school after school. Usually the older kids, but still...

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answers from Austin on

Sometimes it slips usually after something crazy happened....I work around men, been in the military so some places it is "appropriate" and others not so much. Sometimes when trying to get a man to understand something, a well placed F-bomb can highlight your point in a way they can understand. I use my best behavior around my parents, grandmother, kids and kids of friends.

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answers from Austin on

not in front of anyone

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answers from Phoenix on

I have accidentally. none of the kids have repeated it though.


answers from Dover on

Almost never & definitely never at them. It does happen from time-to-time, though.



answers from Lincoln on

It's slipped I will be honest. I'm not perfect. I can say it's never been directed at him. I have a friend who swears at her kids ie. Go clean you Fin room. I've slipped when driving.

Since then my son and I make it a rule that not to swear. If I slip I sit in time out just like he would have to do. I use a lot of fudge for my word. :-)



answers from Kansas City on

I try not to, but it does slip out. And I try not to make a big deal out of it if I do, so that she won't think it's a big deal and want to repeat it, which thank goodness she never has.



answers from Miami on

There is a time and a place for everything and I think there is never a time for saying that in front of your kids. Nope I have never dropped the F word in front of my child. Its all about respect I think. My parents never said that in front of me and to this day I have never said it in front of my parents. I just think its a dirty horrible word and I can think of so many other words to say in its place. :-) That being said, I do say it in my head quite often at work!! lol



answers from New York on

We really try not to, though my husband tends to slip up. I say "fudge-nickle". My 5 year old thinks it's funny. Now if she's fustrated she has taken to saying "oh frick-a-frack" which we usually all then start giggling. She knows there are bad words that we as people shouldn't say but that sometimes people say it when they get angry.



answers from Detroit on

Nope. I used to drop it all the time before I had kids but somehow I am always conscious of who I'm around and use appropriate language. I don't think my kids have ever heard me or my husband swear. My 8 yo knows there are bad words - she hears them at school (great, huh?) - and feels comfortable asking me about them. I know she hasn't heard the f-word yet but is aware of its existence. That'll be a fun one to explain!


answers from Washington DC on

no way! I actually NEVER say any bad words EVER in front of my kids. If I even say the word "stupid" my kids will say "awww mommy you said a bad word!". I never really even say any bad words at all. I have to be REALLY upset about something to ever say a bad word and never in front of the kids



answers from College Station on

I HAVE said the F word in front of my kids, usually in anger towards them.

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