OB In Chandler?

Updated on July 09, 2009
L.V. asks from Gilbert, AZ
16 answers

I am 28 weeks pregnate and very unhappy with the dr group I am going to. I am trying to find a Dr in Chandler Az. Anyone have one they love?I hate goodman and partridge and valley women for women. Feels like a cattle call and have had to wait for over a hour EVERY time!Have any of you heard of Dr Harry Waters?
Any input would be appreciated!
Thanks, L.

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answers from Phoenix on

I see that some other women have recommended Dr. Kells. I just want to jump on the bandwagon. He and his staff are all wonderful and I have NEVER had a bad experience in his office. I highly recommend them. http://www.drkells.com/

More Answers



answers from Phoenix on

If you are interested in homebirth as an option, I am a licensed midwife and I have two offices, one near Gilbert Rd and Baseline, and the other near Greenfield and Queen Creek Rd.

If you'd be interested in a free consultation, you can call at ###-###-####.

A. Haasch, LM



answers from Phoenix on


I cannot recommend Dr. Joan Warner highly enough. She was the doctor on call when I had my baby and I switched to her immediately. If I weren't 42, I would have another child just so I could see her more often. She's really great. Her number is ###-###-#### and she is on Chandler Blvd. and Kyrene.



answers from Phoenix on

Hi L.,
I actually go to Today's Women's Health which is Dr. Waters group and they are great. I've seen a variety of doctors including Dr. Boag and Dr. Pruite and have liked them all. I think they are also reasonably priced for services not covered by insurance and the staff is friendly. My wait time has always been minimal. My sister-in-law delivered both of her babies with TWH and was extremely satisfied.
Good luck!



answers from Phoenix on

I recommend Dr. Brass-Jones (female) and Dr. Kells (male) and Dr. Hazelrigg (male) and Dr. Leonard (male). Also, if you're interested in homebirth, we have a GREAT local community of certified professional midwives. They give great care (hour-long prenatals!) and are really respectful of women's choices. Good luck!



answers from Phoenix on

Dr Gregory Layton, he is in the same office as Lori McNeal that someone else recommended on Higley & Baseline. Both my sister and I go to him. He delivered her last 2 children and my last one (just moved back out here). He is awesome and caring. The whole office is nice and they have it together. ###-###-####



answers from Phoenix on

Contemporary Care for Women. Two locations in the East Valley. Love them!!



answers from Phoenix on

Hi L.,
I would highly recommend Boojum Obstetrics in Chandler (Dobson and the 202). Dr. Kells is a regular ob/gyn and they have two certified nurse-midwives whom I LOVE. They never have made me feel like a number. You really get some focused attention. The staff is also very kind and helpful. Dr. Kells is relaxed and kind of off-beat (read: not like most ob/gyn's). It's a busy office, like most, but not insane. I've had several friends use them and all have had a very good experience, from beginning to their deliveries. Just google the name (boojum)and you should find their website. Good luck to you!



answers from Phoenix on

Go to Dr. Christina Brass, she is excellent. She is very relaxed and more natural. What I like is that she is a medical doctor, but when you want an alternative she will give you that too.


Good luck!



answers from Phoenix on

Dr Kells at Boojum Obstetrics is an excellent and kind Dr. We had a really good experience having our baby boy with Dr. Kells's help. His staff is also excellent.



answers from Phoenix on

I am very happy with Dr. Brass, she is in Mesa but it's Country Club and Baseline. She does pretty much integrative medicine. Here is her site if you are interested:


Have never heard of Dr. Waters, sorry!

OK, that's funny that I got post ninja-ed with the same advice :-) She really is great though. I switched at 38 weeks from a doctor that I was EXTREMELY uncomfortable with, and she made a huge difference, it was night and day. Good luck!



answers from Phoenix on

I live in Mesa, but I drive out to Chandler to see Dr. Steven Eddy. I've been a patient of his for almost 12 years now. He and his staff are very friendly. They are located near the hospital.



answers from Phoenix on

L., I am catching up on things as saw your message. I can understand. With our 3 year-old I went to Dr. Goodman and Partridge. I hated that office too. When we found out we were expecting our 3rd child we went to 4 different Dr's to find one we liked.

We ended up with Valley Women for Women. Our situation was a little different, but I always suggest seeing the same Dr. all the time. I know they say you should see all of them, but to be honest it does not matter.

We LOVE Dr. Adams at Valley Women for Women. We had our son on April 10th he passed away after an hour. But Dr. Adams with us through everything. She even had us go in to be induced on her day off. Not only that she remebers everything from the previous appts. Even before we found out our sons condition was fatal we saw her consistantly. When we decided to carry to term she was always there. Plus, the Dr's there have one nurse that works with them. So the nurses get to know you too.

Just a though. I know that our experience with them was good. But we expressed our concerns in the beginning...

1. we waited for an hour at our prior office does that happen here.

2. if we call can we get a hold of you

3. What steps will you take while I am in your care?

4. Are expectations are as follows.

It was very helpful.

See Dr. Adams and tell her I suggested her. You can use my first name and she will know who you are talking about, she still calls me 3 months after our son was born she is an angel.




answers from Phoenix on

I go to Lori McNeal and absolutely love her. She's not in Chandler, but she is close, at Higley and Baseline. I've been going to her for years now...SHE ROCKS
her number is ###-###-####



answers from Phoenix on

had my first with Todays's Womens Health Specialists (Dr. Harry Waters group)...had a great experience. Good Luck.



answers from Phoenix on

Hi L., I had a horrible experience with Goodman and Partridge too. He's in Gilbert, but Dr. Eric Hazelrigg is amazing and delivered my son in October. He is so down to earth and he really cares about you individually and doesn't just rush to get you out of there! His number is ###-###-####. Good luck!

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