See a Doctor or Not?

Updated on March 18, 2008
B.H. asks from Linden, MI
116 answers

Alright mom's I am wondering if anyone has had this experience and what to do. I have not been feeling myself at all lately, no ambition, very tired and just blah! First off I thought maybe depression but it's too late for post pardum (5 1/2 month baby) RIGHT? My hair is falling out in clump's, and 4-5 out of 7 days I feel achy it almost feels like I am coming down with something. But I never actually get sick! It's very fustrating cause I just adore my boy's and my family and I know there are thing's to be done and to look forward to but yet I can't seem to cross that bridge (so to say). my mother in law say's something about Tyroid's not working well (she had tyroid problems) and these are signs of that. I feel sometimes that it will just pass and I want to wait it out cause it is probably stress. On the other hand I think well if I am feeling this way how are is my family feeling about how I have been? I would truly appreciate any feed back on this issue! Thanks so much for your time!!

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So What Happened?

The power of mommies! I have an appointment TODAY! I am just gonna lay it out there for the doc, see what he Say's. Hopefully he can help me out! I will keep you updated on what happens. After reading all this it made me think "why was i even questioning gong" If it were my kids/loved ones ect.. I would not have hesitated!

I went to the doctors! Did blood work things are good there. He put me on paxil for depression. I am looking forward to being me again. I am a bit nervous about being on this med though. Still can't believe that depression was hurting me soo bad physically. THANKS TO EVERYONE!!!!!!

Featured Answers



answers from Detroit on

I would see a Dr.. The hair falling out may just be stress? I would be concerned. Possibly you have S.A.D.(Seasonal Affective Disorder) Some happy drugs might be just what you need.



answers from Detroit on

THose are symptoms of a thyroid problem-- which is increased/more common after giving birth. A simple blood test can confirm.



answers from Detroit on

You definately should go and see a doctor. I wasn't diagnosed with postpartum until my son was about 1 year old, when I lost my job. I think I had it all along but after losing my job it threw me into a real mess. I wish I would have went earlier, I missed out on so much with enjoying my son's first year.
Good Luck!

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answers from Detroit on

it sounds like it could be thyroid, however it could also be postpartum depression. it can go up to 12 months after birth. simple blood test can be done to rule out thyroid problems. but just to let you know if you are having homicidal or suicidal thoughts you need to let someone know immediatley, b/c that can come along w/ppd. don't be afraid to ask for help.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Lansing on

Go see a Dr. if it thyroid he can find out with a simple blood test. She or he can also eliminate any thing more serious. But you CANNOT take care of your family the way they deserve to be taken care of if you are not healthy yourself. If it is stress he or she can find ways to help you cope with that too.
Vickie S



answers from Detroit on

You should definately go to the doctor, especially if you have been having these symptoms for longer than 2 weeks!! Also, it can take a full year for you hormones to get back to normal after a baby so it is possible that it's post pardum. You can either make an appt. with you OB or your family physician. I am currently on medication for depression and the hardest thing is admitting that it might be something more serious than just the "blues". Besides what can it hurt to talk to you doc??



answers from Detroit on

Your mother-in-law may just be right. I had some of the same symptoms and I had a low thyroid.You could also be anemic. Both require a doctors visit and a blood test. Simlpe things to get you back on track to feeling good. WE moms forget to take care of ourselves so we can better take care of our family.



answers from Saginaw on

Definatly go see your doctor B.. You need to make sure what is going on. You need to be healthy so you can take care of your precious babies. Good luck with the doctor and make sure you ask for a thyroid test.



answers from Detroit on

Sounds like it could be a number of things ranging from postpartum to thyroid, to depression. Depression could be from a hormonal imbalance, so you may be "happy" on the surface, but your emotions tell you otherwise. Definitely try to see a doctor asap and don't try to self-diagnose or suffer like this.



answers from Grand Rapids on

It does sound like thyroid problems. I had the same thing after I had my son. I thought it was just that I just had a new baby and was suppose to be tired but I finally called my doctor when I was sure I was going to go bald. I do have to warn you though, when the hair grows back you have lots of little hairs that won't do anything you want. Good luck!!



answers from Detroit on

Hi B.! Please see a doctor. I felt the same way after I had my second child (who is now 10!!!). I was diagnosised with hypothyroidism and I am currently on daily medication. It can be confirmed by a simple blood test. The fatigue got to the point where I became very irritable to the point where no one could stand being around me. It can also affect your labido. In a short while, you will feel a lot better!!



answers from Benton Harbor on

I didn't read the other posts so sorry if I duplicate...

PPD can come at any time and be unrelated to the pregnancy altogether. Plain old depression/anxiety about your new role could be the culprit. Your symptoms are classic and SO treatable! In my personal experience (I recently started medication and my youngest is 13mo.) life felt better after my youngest was 6-7 months old and started interacting with us instead of being a chore. Also, my hair fell out after my 3rd baby, but not the first two...that is totally normal, I found out and it will stop. I was terrified the first time I pulled a handful of hair away from my head in the shower!

On the other hand, you def. need to see a doc. They will send you for a completed lab workup to rule out any underlying problem...but most of all, your doc can treat your emotional symptoms. You don't need to feel this way and there are meds that can help!
Good luck to you~



answers from Detroit on


I totally know exactly what you are going through, about 6 months post pardom with my first daughter I was having symptoms like that, I was very sick feeling like I had a cold, I lost my voice and was super tired, I lost my hair in clumps, I barely socialized anymore with my friends and family, my hands and feet were losing feeling and my body ached whenever I did activites. I also gained 30 pounds in the 6 months of having my daughter even with working out.
I went to my doctor only to be told it was just becoming a mom I was tiring out from, and then another told me I had mono (in my 20's?) and they put me on diaretics (water pills) because they said I was retaining too much water cause my face was so puffy along with my hands.

I finally went on WebMD and checked my symptoms out and asked my doctor to do a tsh blood test and sure enough, my level was 54 when the normal level is 0.3-4.0. my doc said I was about 2 months away from kidney failure. Your thyroid balances your whole body.

Since then I take Levoxyl 150mg for the first 5 years and now my level came down to 100mg. I will warn you that if this is your problem and they put you on meds don't exect to feel great overnight, it takes about 6 months to feel yourself again but it will happen and you get it rechecked every 6 months to a year but its no big deal just a pill everyday to take

I take mine in the morning before I eat breakfast and have great energy all day long, I have since started dieting again after my 2nd daughter and am losing weight awesome, my thyroid is working great

good luck and get that checked asap!!


answers from Grand Rapids on

Yup, see a doctor. I have hypothyroidism, and it showed up AFTER my miscarriage, over a year after my first son. VERY typical to show up after a pregnancy, even if it's the 2nd one, or more. I was feeling depressed, tired all the time (as in actually sleepy if I just sat down), was cold all the time, my hair fell out too. These are all symptoms of the hypothyroidism. It will NOT go away, if it is the culprit. You have to get it tested, and see if you need meds. But, since we also don't know what else is going on in your body, mind, etc., you need to see your doctor to know for sure.
If it turns out that your thyroid is off, I highly recommend reading, "Living Well With Hypothyroidism," by Mary J. Shomon. She is a leading expert in this area, and offers lots of hope. Best of luck, and please let us know how it all turns out, okay?



answers from Detroit on

I would definitely see someone. Tell your OB if nothing else. I remember losing my hair like crazy after both babies. It's probably just hormones but I would talk to someone. With the weather we've been having it's no wonder we are all a bit depressed. I too have been fighting something off and intend to talk to my OB about reccommending a counseler. I'm really against any depression medication (all those horror stories about suicide and all and I just don't like putting more drugs in my body than I have too) (I'm not talking about any thyroid meds though-that's different) but I think talking it out with someone could help.
And this may sound insane but lack of sunlight can lead to depression so I've actually been considering some light tanning at a tanning salon.
For what it's worth!
A. E.



answers from Detroit on

OMG! Go see a doctor quick! Get the base line blood checked, the Thyroid checked. Be wary of a doc who is ready to just slap you on some antidepressants....try other methods first. But remember if you do go on the meds...its just a bridge and eventually you should fly solo!
But get an appt scheduled TODAY!
Good Luck!



answers from Lansing on

Please see a doctor. Also, if you worry that the thyroid might be a problem reduce/remove all soy protiens from your diet (you will find it everywhere). Despite popular belief, soy products are not healthy for you. You can read the dangers and find more nutiritional information about soy here:




answers from Detroit on

Do you exercise, eat properly, and get enough rest every night? It may sound simple but it is not always easy to do with 2 young ones. Also, it takes a long time for your hormaones to get back to "normal" especially if you are nursing, so don't worry about hair loss for now.



answers from Detroit on

If I remember correctly ppd can happen anytime in the first year. I also know that after my daughter was born I lost a ton of hair, I would not even put my hair in a pony tail (and I love pony tails) because I had spots on the sides of my head that were very thin and almost looked bald. I have an underactive thyroid and I get extra hair growth (in strange places) and feel tired. I would talk to your dr about the depressive feelings and achiness, those are both ppd symnptoms.



answers from Grand Rapids on

Get to a doctor very soon. Dont try to diagnose yourself that is what doctors are for. Please go soon.



answers from Lansing on

They say you can get PPD for up to a year after the baby is born. My hair too fell out about 3-5 months after my boy was born...has something to do with hormones, especially if you've been nursing and were still on vitamins. This happened to a friend of mine also, the hair thing, so I know it wasn't just me. If it makes you feel better...go see the doctor, it can't hurt!



answers from Detroit on

B., it is very common for your hair to fall out once you have a hormonal shift post-partum. For some women that can be many months after giving birth if you nurse. I had that happen around 7-8 months with my son, right around when he was drinking a whole lot less and heading for weaning.

Thyroid issues are not uncommon, so you may want to have a blood draw to check that out. One other thing to consider wiht the achiness, could you be pregnant? I became pregnant at 5 1/2 months post-pardum. You can actually ovulate before you have your first period.



answers from Detroit on

You could definitely be experiencing some post-partum depression, and my hair fell out too after my daughter's were born. And it didn't start until months after they were born, and it lasted for many months. It's bad at first, then gradually tapers off, then you'll notice lots of new fuzzy growth after awhile. LOTS of women experience this, don't worry, it will come back. You are adjusting to the biggest change in your life! Take it easy, and get lots of sleep and eat good, that will help your hair too. And take walks and maybe exercise, I hate to exercise but it always makes me feel good afterwards. I know this all sounds cliche, but it's true. Enjoy this time and know that it will not last forever, you'll be back to yourself in no time! Good luck :)



answers from Detroit on

I had similar symptoms after the birth of my second son. It did end up being an over active thyroid. Please go get checked and if everything comes back as normal, ask for an advanced test. There is something about the way the number is calculated that can skew teh results. Good luck!



answers from Buffalo on

Hi B.,
I have thyroid issues also, and that was the first thing I thought of after reading your question. But, I also suffered from the baby blues after my second baby. I don't think there is a rule saying how soon you feel postpartum. I felt overwhelmed and exhausted and I wasn't getting much support from my husband. He had to get up for "work" so I felt pressure to take care of every one and everything. I felt guilty because the stress made me feel like I wasn't as good of a mom as I was with my first one, I wasn't enjoying motherhood as I did the first time around. But, it was just the two of us then. Now you are out numbered and it's hard. I would go see your doctor. Checking your thyroid is an easy blood test. However, for mental health questions, in my opinion your family doctor may not be the best start. My doctor gave me pills with a hit or miss method, "If this one doesn't work lets try this." If I had it to do again I would start with a therapist. He or she will be able to help you get to the root of your depression and if a medication is necessary your therapist will send you to a psychiatrist for an antidepressant medication. A psychiatrist in my experience made all the difference. I wasn't a guinea pig. He knew just what I needed. I hated having to take a pill to be "normal" It made me feel defective. You may not need any medication at all. You may just need to get some more exercise or simply take some time away for you. But, if medication is something you need. Then take it knowing that you are not alone and you are doing what needs to be done so that you can be the best mommy you can be. Good luck.



answers from Detroit on

B. -

Definately see a doc and get some bloodwork done. It could very well be Thyroid related issues - mine was for sure. Why wait if something can be done?




answers from Detroit on

I think you should probably see a doctor. What you're experiencing could just be normal post-baby stuff (hair falling out, feeling tired, etc) but it could also be a variety of other things (including thyroid issues). Might as well get checked out, just to be on the safe side.



answers from Detroit on

I would definitely reccomend seeing a doctor about this. You can get post partum up to 24 months after a baby is born...and some people even later than that! A friend of mine has a daughter who just turned 1 and she just went to the doctor and was diagnosed with post partum...she's taking some medication and says it is night and day how she feels. I would agree that the symptoms could be something else possibly...but that's for a doctor to decide. It's hard enough to be a mommy everyday, but it's even harder when you don't feel like yourself! Good luck!



answers from Grand Rapids on

Go see a doctor ASAP! First, the hair loss is normal after baby, but it's quite possibly thyroid. It's common after a baby. The main symptoms are super dry skin, hair loss, fatigue, weight gain, sluggishness. It's a simple test and the meds are cheap. I've been on meds for low thyroid for years and it makes a huge difference.

Also have her check your iron and B levels, those can also attribute to the tiredness, besides having a baby! Good luck and feel better soon!

(PS - there is a website devoted to the moms of all boys called; great site. I have 3 sons and it's nice to know I'm not going through this alone sometimes!)



answers from Detroit on

It is NOT to late for you to develop post pardum. My doctor said that can happen for up to a year. If you think it could be depression you should see a doctor. Chances are it's just your hormones trying to get back to normal. I always lost a ton of hair at about this time and it went on for about 6 months. I don't know how true it is but someone told me that you don't lose hair while you're pregnant, I believe it because I seem to lose a LOT after I gave birth. Try taking a multi vitamin every day and doing some exercises. Just reaching high and bending to touch your toes a few times will help you feel less sluggish. You should also have your tyroid checked just to be safe. Good luck!



answers from Detroit on


Sorry your feeling down, I am a stay at home mom as well. I have heard that your hormones dont level out until 12 mos after the birth, so postpartum depression is still possible until 12mos after.
I would ask your doctor definately.

Hope it helps,




answers from Detroit on

Definitely make an appointment to see your doctor - just to be sure. They can check your health and evaluate you for PPD. It's better to realize what it going on and address it than to wait (and suffer). It really sounds like something is going on that needs to be checked out.

Best wishes and hope you're feeling back to your normal self soon!



answers from Detroit on

The losing the hair is normal a couple of months after pregnancy because during pregnancy your body produces more and hair and not as much falls out. Once the baby is born the body returns to normal and all the extra hair falls out at once. It could also be the blues of winter. I know a lot of people are getting them right now. It could also be your Thyroid. I would get it checked out just to rule it out.



answers from Detroit on

Don't have time to read all of the responses to see what everyone else said, but I've been through this, and hormones and thyroid are two things I'd get checked out. You need to see an endocrinologist, not a regular doctor. I saw Dr. Khoury in Southgate, and I LOVE him! And everyone I recommend loves him. My tests always come back 'normal', yet I've been through so many health problems you wouldn't believe it. He was the first person to say that normal isn't always 'normal' and treated me accordingly, and finally after years I'm getting better, slowly but surely. As far as post-partum, I had it for over six months. Partly winter, partly no sleep and a sickly baby (partly idiot loser EX husband!). I never got treatment and wish I did. I had thoughts of hurting my child. It was terrible. BUT, family doctors are not experienced enough to be giving out antidepressants, you need to see a specialist. And be careful who you see, because some of them are drug pushers because they get a kickback for every rx they write to someone. The first thing I was given when I finally agreed to take something a few years ago had me suicidal withing two days. It took a year and a half and a ton of other pills to undo what that pill did. So pay careful attention to your moods, exercise, eat right, get your hormones and thyroid checked by an endocrinologist, and educate yourself. You are your own life coach in this case, you need to be very aware of your body. As soon as you see improvement for a few weeks, tell your doctor you want to start weaning off the pills. I hope this helps out.



answers from Detroit on

Get to your doctor immediately. It could be your thyroid and is easily medicated. I had similar symptoms and have been on thyroid medication for years. Then get your mother-in-law to babysit one day a week and get out of the house!



answers from Grand Rapids on

I would definitely go to the doctor. It's very possible that you have PPD (post-partum depression) and it won't just go away by itself. A friend of mine waited until her daughter was 8 months old because she wasn't sure what it was and when she finally went to the doctor, things got much better! PPD can start anytime in the first year. If it isn't PPD, your Dr. would be able to rule that out and test your thyroid to see if that's the problem.

One thing that helped me shake the blah feeling is getting out and spending time with other moms. You could join a MOPS group, or find a playgroup to go to. Your kids will love it, and it's amazing how refreshing it is to talk to other moms!



answers from Detroit on

Go to a doctor. Hair falling out is not good, especially in clumps. This could be a symptom of a serious condition and, honestly, why risk it?



answers from Detroit on

B. H,

You've got to take care of yourself so that you can take care of those boys. I have three and I know how tired out you are going to be in a few years. I remember my mom having thyroid issues when I was young and that sounds very similar to what you've described. Go in and get yourself checked out! Hair coming out in clumps is certainly NOT NORMAL! Your boys need you to be on your game and if you're not feeling well, you aren't going to be at your best. Come on mom, you can do it!



answers from Detroit on

See a Dr. I have Thyroid disease and the achy joints, fatigue, hair loss, depression; all of that is associated with Thyroid disease. Symptoms get worse if you arent on the correct dosage of medication PLUS untreated Thyroid disease leads to heart complications. Go to your dr and ask for a blood test. Dont let them just rub your thyroid and tell you that you're ok. It took me 4 years to find a dr who would finally listen to me and give me the blood test and I feel much better now (for the most part). Other symptoms are weight gain, inability to lose weight, dry skin, brittle nails, decreased sex drive, lack of lubrication, irregular/very light periods. I could go on and on. Just check with your dr. Better to be safe than sorry!



answers from Detroit on

Go see a doctor! I don't think it's too late for Postpartum depression to settle in...I'm not an expert though. However you have physical signs telling you that something isn't right. Listen to your body but also your mind and your heart. And get yourself checked out! You owe it to yourself and too your kids to be the healthiest you can be! Take care of yourself your family needs you!



answers from Detroit on

Hi B.,

I would go to your doctor. It would be best to check it out. Your MIL could be right or it could be something else or nothing. The sooner you find out the better you and your family will be. I understand what you are going through. Keep us posted on what you find out.

Take Care

T. M



answers from Grand Rapids on

Please see your doctor. I have been feeling the same way, but for quite a while, almost a year if not more before realizing I was acting not like myself. I visited my doctor a week ago after having a couple really bad days where I just wanted to stay in bed, feeling really as you put it "BLAH". I was given some reading material on depression and anxiety, but the doctor also sent me to the lab to get blood work done to see if it is a thyroid problem or something else. She did say that a thyroid disorder can cause symptoms like depression so she didn't want to start me on any medication until we find out more. I haven't been back to the doc as of yet to see what's going on, but let me tell you that just going there and telling a professional about how I'm feeling made me feel like there's a light at the end of the tunnel. The reading material she gave me explained a lot about depression that I didn't know about. In my case, I wasn't feeling overwhelmingly sad, but I wasn't feeling happy or angry either, just numb. I haven't cried in I don't know how long. I learned that sometimes depression shows itself as a "numbness" to all emotion. Don't get me wrong my kids (2 1/2 & 1 1/2) are the light of my life, but I haven't been enjoying them the way I used to, and I can see it's affecting them. One incident that made me call the doc (I am slightly embarrsed about how I am feeling)was when my little girl came up to me and said "Are you sad Mommy? I'll make you feel better." When she said that I was just sitting there watching them play and didn't think I was communicating how I was feeling to them. In fact, I thought I was trying my hardest to keep that away from them. Kids know way more than we think, and can pick up on things that we don't think imaginable. Please get help before your kids start feeling the effects, too, if they haven't all ready. It will help you and your family. I'm anxious to find out what exactly is going on with me, but like I said before, it feels good knowing I'm not in it alone anymore, that I asked for help. I also read somewhere (I dont' remember where) that post-partum can happen up to a year after your baby's birth. I don't know if that's accurate, but something to think about. I hope this helps and wasn't too long!!! Best of luck!



answers from Detroit on

SEE THE THE DOCTOR TODAY DO NOT DELAY AT ALL. An endocranologist is your best option don't just go to the GP. Go now don't delay.

T. Gilden
Detroit MI and Toronto Canada



answers from Saginaw on

I personally do think you should see your doctor. Maybe it is stress and maybe it is related to your body's changes. And, remember that postpartum depression can take up to a year to surface and resolve. Your body continues to make hormonal and chemical changes as attempts to go back to prebaby stage. This is one of those areas where I think it better to be too cautious than not enough. Hope this help. Hang in there.



answers from Grand Rapids on

You should call your Doc. right away. As you said in your post, how is this affecting your family? If it is thyroid - a simple blood test will show it. IF it is more, the sooner you find out the better.
Good Luck!

PS> Make sure you tell the doc ALL of your symptoms. Make a list so you don't forget any.



answers from Grand Rapids on

I agree with the other women, you need to talk to your doc. There are a couple of things that could be going on. Yes, you can still get PPD up to a year after baby is born. Are you nursing? On prenatals still? I personally had my hair fall out in 'masses' as I called it. When you're on prenatals your hair grows fast and strong. When off of them, you lose that excess hair that you grew while pregnant. So it's not uncommon to lose what seems like gobs of hair. If your hair is thinner than before pregnancy or if you have bald spots then that is of concern. Staying on prenatals while nursing is essential. Nursing takes a lot out of your body and the vitamins help you feel 'up to it all'. But go to your doc, have some blood drawn and check it all out. Better to be healthy and happy!



answers from Detroit on

B. - my advice would be - if you are asking other people, then you should be asking your doctor. It could be an easy fix for a small issue now, rather than becoming a larger issue later on....good luck!



answers from Detroit on

It is not too late for post-partum! Post-partum can occur at any time after birth until the first year. Please do not ignore any of the symptoms and talk to your dr. I did and he took it very seriously and got me on medication asap. Your hair falling out is normal. Pregnancy hormones keep you from losing hair during pregnancy and at about this time all the hair you kept starts falling out. No worry. I have a 6 month old and have been under ppd treatment since he was 2 months old. Also, I am still taking prenatal vitamins to help out with the low energy levels and since I am still bf'ing.

Please, go see your doctor. You and your family will thank you!!!!!



answers from Lansing on

Hi B.,
I would see a doctor if I were you. If it is something it's better to have it looked at before it becomes a big problem. Also you can get the "baby Blues" up to 6 months after your baby is born. Stress can cause them and if you have had depression in the past that also can bring them on. My daughter is 5 1/2 months as well and I have just developed them my self. I also just feel tired and blah a lot of the day. I would talk to a doctor, that way you know what is wrong and how to fix it. Good Luck.



answers from Detroit on

Of course you should see a doctor! You are stressing yourself out further by worrying about it. Your mother in Law is right, it could be Thyroid. Stress (or just having a baby) can trigger many things and your doctor can help. Take care of yourself too, B. so that you can continue to be the best mommy in the world!! :-)



answers from Grand Rapids on

I am at the same stage as you are. I would start with the thyroid, but if that comes back okay I would think of depression. It is common to get alot of hair loss do to hormonal changes, but the other things that you are talking about go along with post partum depression. I am a nurse and definitely not an expert in this area, but due to personal experience I can say that depression may be the cause. Our hormones are all over the place. I think you need to seek a doctor. I had blood work done due to the ache, but it was all normal. I know that it has a lot to do with the hormones. A simple blood test will help you know what your next step should be. Just because you have this in noway states that you do not adore your family, it is awesome that you are recognizing the affect it may have on your family. Seek a doctor. I hope that this helps.



answers from Detroit on


Hello and hope you are having a wonderful day! It does sound like it could be a Tyroid problem or it could be your hormons trying to get back to normal. I had the same type of problem about a year after I had my child and it ended up being my tyroid. The meds helped out so much. I would go to your doc and ask for a full physical. It never hurts. Hope this was some help.



answers from Kalamazoo on

We as moms often put ourselves and needs last. However, your symptoms are definately not normal. Please see a Dr. right away. It would be better to see your Dr and have it be nothing, than to "wait it out" and have it be something serious. I don't want to alarm you, but when I read your symptoms, Lupus was the first thing to pop into my head. Please make an appt asap. Let us know how it goes.



answers from Detroit on

Yes I would see a doctor. It could be something as simple as changing your diet. You need to take care of you so you can be at your best for your family. I was also putting off seeing a Dr.(working at the Dr. office)when I found a lump in my breast. Turns out I have breast cancer. I only felt tired not sick. You just never know. They also have med.s to help you through depression and make you feel like a real person again.
P.S. 2yrs later I got my medport out yesterday and will be getting a tummy tuck and new boob in April. I am cancer free and look at life differently now.

I am 35yr. w/18yr and 16yr girls and 4yr special needs little blessing boy. If I didn't go to the Dr. I wouldn't be alive today!

Please take care of you. Your family will appreciate having a happy healthy mom!

B. Jo



answers from Detroit on

Hi B.,

First thing is don't FREAK OUT!!!

I know it's hard, but you'll just add to your own personal stress and you don't need that.

Make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible, either primary or OB/GYN. If neither of your doctors want to send you for the blood test, find a new one. I can suggest the Ann Arbor OB-GYN Associates at 4940 Calrk Rd. ###-###-####. Dr. Popp and I have discussed this and I am going to get the blood work done as well.

It could very well be PPD. Baby blues are what show up immediately after birth. PPD can show up as much as 6-9 months after your baby is born.

Other things that he should check for are to make sure you aren't anemic and your thyroid. Both are done through simple blood tests (anemia I think can be tested through urine, though I may be wrong). If your doctor is quick to put you on anti-depressants, that's not necessarily a bad thing, but make sure he sends you to get the blood work done as well.

Just remember stay calm... the stress of worrying will make all the symptoms worse.




answers from Saginaw on

Yes, you should see a doctor. It does sound like you are having Thyroid problems. Even if that is the case, you should see a doctor and he can give you medication. But you should definitely be checked out to be sure what is wrong.



answers from Detroit on

B., I am not sure if post-partum can hit that late or not, however I do think its worth talking to a Dr. I recently went through the same thing and just kept blaming it on having two little ones. Then I thought maybe it was my iron or my thyroid. However, I went to the Dr. and turns out it was mono. Not much you can do but rest ( yeah right- with 2 kids!) but it at least helped to rule out other causes. You don;t want o carry on this way because then you can't be your best you. Take care of yourself!



answers from Detroit on

I suggest that you visit the doctor. It's not worth feeling like that and you're probably missing out on a lot of fun things with your family and friends. Life is too short. This may be something so simple that you'll wonder why you waited so long to go to the doctor. Good Luck.



answers from Detroit on

yes, of course, go see a dr. could be thyroid, anemia, etc. let a dr. help you figure it out



answers from Grand Rapids on

Yes, see your doctor. They will probably want to do some blood work. Like others have said it could be hormones (depression), thyroid, anemia. Also it could be diet or an enviromental toxin(s). And it sounds like once you find out what it is you have loved ones who care and will help you through.



answers from Detroit on

Not a doctor, but it sounds like there is something wrong. I take something that helps me with my energy level and it is nothing but 19 fruits from around the world. It has helped me tremendously. It has also helped my health all around. It is the best thing that I could for me and my family. Let me know if you are interested and I will send you some information on it.



answers from Detroit on

I would highly recommend seeing a doctor, at least just to rule out medical problems or depression. It's weird how some mental health issues play themselves out physically, but you mother-in-law is right also. My cousin had thyroid problems and was losing her hair in clumps.

Go, if for nothing else, because your sons deserve to have their mom at "full strength."

Good luck!



answers from Detroit on

It is NOT too late for PPD and your MIL may be right too, have the blood test done for the thyroid asap and be honest wiht your docs too about how you are feeling....all in all no matter what it is it deserves being looked into. good luck
nurserytimes day care



answers from Detroit on

Hi B.,
I can so relate with your story. I had been feeling this way for months. I thought it may be depression too. I finally got sick and tired of feeling sick and tired and decided to go to the doctor for a physical. They did some blood work and found I had mono. I was really suprised. I also found I had low B-12. You should trust your instints and go get a physical. It could be any number of things..low iron, ect. I only wished I had not waited so long to go.



answers from Detroit on

I agree with your m-i-l. Could be your thyroid.



answers from Kalamazoo on

Hi B.,
I'm sorry to hear you are not feeling up to par. As I was reading your question, the first thought that came to my mind was the Thyroid problem also. Thyroid is very important and if this continues for any length of time, I'd definitely call my dr. To test your thyroid all they do is blood work. My son's Thyroid was overactive several years ago, and he went from 200 lbs down just below 100 lb within a year. I couldn't believe his dr never tested him for that..............I'm not a dr and that was my first thought. Finally (he had no insurance) I convinced the dr to check. The results? They had him over to Borgess the next morning at 7am at the Nuclear Center. Sure enough.....his body was fighting his Thyroid saying "this shouldn't be here." They sent him to a surgeon to see about surgically removing it, but the surgeon said he was too weak to undergo the surgery, so they radiated it out the next day. Now he had to take Synthroid (medication) daily to replace what the gland used to do. most cases, especially in women it seems, the Thyroid goes in the opposite becomes under active, a condition called "Hypothyroidism". Here are the symptoms and see if you match with any number of them (the first being the hair loss):
Weight gain or increased difficulty losing weight
Coarse, dry hair
Dry, rough pale skin
Hair loss
Cold intolerance (can't tolerate the cold like those around you)
Muscle cramps and frequent muscle aches
Memory loss
Abnormal menstrual cycles
Decreased libido
Of course keep in mind you JUST had a baby and your hormones are still trying to figure out what happened and how they can get back to normal. It could be just as simple as you not giving yourself enough time to recoup the pregnancy.
However, that being said, if you relate to more than just a few of the symptoms above or this continues to be an issue, I certainly would call my dr.....that is what they are in business for. You and your family deserve for you to be at your best. No one wants to have a new baby and a family and not feel well enough to carry on with all the chores that requires.
I am a hairdresser, and I went through some intestinal surgery 4 years ago. At that time because of the length of the anesthesia, and my not being able to get in enough protein, my body also reacted and I lost alot of hair too. Being a hairdresser, I thought to myself, "there is no way I can go into work with little stubs like this on top of my head!" LOL. But my dr prescribed a regiment of certain vitamins and essential minerals that my body wasn't absorbing and about 5 months or so, I started to see new growth starting back in.
So, you could just be your body reacting to the trauma it just went through. But if it were me, I would give my dr a quick call and ask the nurse if she thinks it might be something they would want to check out possibly by a simple blood check. Remember, our blood is likened to the oil in a car; if it gets sluggish, it won't work with other parts like it's supposed to and somewhere, something must give. I'm sure your family would not want that to happen.
Take care and let us know what happens down the road ok?

Good Luck,

My opinion (after all that....LOL) Call your dr. :)



answers from Saginaw on

It's sounds like a thyroid problem, all you have to do is go and get your blood drawn, and they test it. I would do that just to see if that's the problem. I don't think I would wait too much longer.



answers from Saginaw on

Hey B.,

First off you need to tell your doctor. It is not to late for post pardum depression. Your body could take up to a year to get back to pre pregnancy hormone levels.....that leaves a year to start showing signs. Don't fret yet, because your mom could also be right. The thyroid gland can be very elusive in women of child bearing age. But the most important thing is to ask for help and not be ashaimed to. I also had post pardum with my first child. My signs manifested with crying, and though I didn't realize it at the time, no appitite. From delivery I just didn't have any interest in eating. But my biggest concern was like a week post delivery when I just could not stop crying. If I sat down at all I was crying. I finally called my doctor and his reply was help is on the way. He put me on antidepressants, that sure helped. I could tell some days if I forgot to take them.
Anyway just don't be afraid to ask for help or guidence. With what ever is going on, your doctor is you first line of defense!
Good luck, things will be okay.
K. M.

Little about me: Working mother of three year old with twin boys on the way. Married for 7 years.



answers from Saginaw on

I do agree with the overwhelming responses regarding the thyroid. If I were you I would go see a doctor and have the thyroid levels checked. However, you must know that the averages in this test have been taken from sick people. There for you may have a thyroid level that comes back "normal" but still have a thyroid issue. I would also encourage you to do a little research on natural things you can use. Primarily Dulse - this is a seaweed that feeds the thyroid. The number one nutrient that the thyroid needs is iodine (not the kind you use for cuts). Michigan is one of the most iodine defycient states, so we cannot get this from the foods grown here.

The next things I would consider is vitamin D, Iron and hormones. All of these defyciencies can cause exactly what you described and put stress on the thyroid.

If I were in your shoes, I would begin with eating lots of vegetables, raw or steamed. Limit meat to 1 serving per day. Drink 1-2 cups of molassas tea per day. (this is high in calcium, magnesium, iron and b vitamins) and helpful when you feel your "get up and go" got up and took a vacation.

PS. If you are nursing, please realize that any medication over the counter or prescribed will travel through the breast milk to baby.



answers from Detroit on

absolutely see a doctor. hard to say exactly what the problem is, but the fact that your hair is falling out is telling you that either your hormones are still shifting (which means loss of appetite could be hormonal), or your thyroid is struggling now after all that progesterone left your body. i developed thyroid problems 8 yrs ago 4 mos after my son was born. with each subsequent pregnancy, my thyroid levels shifted. it could also just be typical postpartum hair loss (that'll grow back) and postpartum sleep deprivation (which can easily lead to loss of appetite and loss of ambition). point is...go get blood checked and find your answer. good luck.



answers from Detroit on

I do not have any babies of my own and youngest stepchild is 14, so I know I am not suffering from post-partum. However, your symptoms sound very much like mine. Only thing not happening is the hair coming out in clumps. I do lose some hair, but mostly seems to be normal breakage.

I am not in a position where I can go to the doctor easily, as I have no insurance and little money. Hubby just does not make enough to make ends meet and I have not been able to work the past several months. Hoping that is about to change.

It was suggested by my mom and by a friend who has depresiion that I have my seretonin levels checked, but my doctor doesn't want to do it. With no insurance, blood tests are expensive.

I would love to know anything you can find out, and hopefully I willbe able to get some insurance soon and discover my own problem!

Best of luck!



answers from Grand Rapids on

Make an appointment to see your doctor TODAY!!!! How can you take care of children if you're not taking care of yourself?! The symptoms you describe are most likely due to thryoid imbalance and a simple blood test will answer that. When you make your appointment, ask to have a complete physical and get the full work-up. You'll be glad you did--don't delay!!




answers from Saginaw on

It could be the thyroid. I was 3 month pregnant with my daughter before they caught it though. Mine was over active. I did have it before I got pregnant with her though. I couldn't even keep up with my boys then 1 and 4 at the time. I did pass out twice and was told it was just stress. Once I moved with my hubby and got pregnant I ended up in the hosptail several times before they finely fingered it out. Make sure you let the doc know if you have gained or lost weight and how much over the last few months. It is not uncomen to have things like this happen. I would go to the doctor and find out for sure what is going on. They do have medications out there that could help.



answers from Huntington on

Yes go see your doc. If it is your thyroid than it is a blood test and a pill. If it is Deppression than that is an easy fix too. I know that with my depression my famil noticed, but I didn't until the problem was fixe. There is no sense in you feeling crummy. When it could be a small fix.

D., Stay at home mom and child care provider



answers from Lansing on

It's not too late to be diagnosed with postpartum depression. I believe that can be diagnosed up to a year after the baby is born. It could be your thyroid as well. Better safe than sorry and you'd be doing yourself and your boys a lot of good by just going to the doctor to see what they say. It can't hurt and it can only make you feel better. I'd rather it be nothing than something I didn't treat and lost time with my kids because I felt this way. Have it checked out!
M. : )



answers from Lansing on

Better to find out now so you don't have to worry about it. That is my thought. Hope everything turns out ok.



answers from Grand Rapids on

I have gone through some of the same symptoms..... for me personally, I would never consider a chemical anti-depressant... there are WAY to many side effects for my comfort, I use St. Johns Wort, it's an herb used for mood enhancement.. and it's at your local grocer.
ANYtime I'm feeling a little down, I just take a few of those for a few days, and it pulls me right out of my slump!
It's amazing stuff really, and you don't need a prescription ;-)

I also take Krill oil, which is a more advanced form of cod liver oil, you get your omega 3, 6, and 9, which is extremely important for your eyes and heart, it also lifts your mood, among a plethora of other health benefits!

Check it out!



answers from Lansing on

It could be stress, but it could be many things that blood work up could tell you. Don't let it go, you need to find out!



answers from Detroit on

B. - it definitely sounds like you could have troubles with your thyroid. I was diagnosed years ago with hypo-thryoidism and those are some of the symptoms I experienced. If you visit your Dr, they will do a simple blood test to determine if this is the case. It is definitely something to get checked out and very easy to correct the problem - you will feel like a whole new person with the medication!



answers from Benton Harbor on

Hi B.. Hope you're having a better day today! :-)

First off, ABSOLUTELY go see a doctor! While I agree that it's later than post partum depression normally shows up, it still could be PPD. Also, it could be stress related depression (What new mom ISN'T stressed? LOL).

The fact that your hair is falling out could be related to the stress, or it could be some other unrelated medical issue (maybe thyroid, I don't know... No experience with thyroid problems), and only your doctor could tell you for sure.

I just recently FINALLY went to my doctor about depression, and while it took a couple trys to find the right medication for me, I have to say, I feel better than I have in YEARS!!!

I had the same unmotivated, blah feelings you described, and I also thought that I would eventually just "snap out of it." Well, sometimes it's not that easy. Don't feel bad that you might need a little help to get back on your feet. I've always considered myself a strong, formidable woman, and I guess I thought depression was a "weakness" and I was a little ashamed that I, of all people, would need "help"...

PLEASE don't make the mistake I made by not going to see your doctor! I literally missed out on 2 years of enjoying my family! I am so much happier, and so are my kids... They've got their mom back!

Work at home Mom of 3 fabulous kids! Ages 10, 5 & 3



answers from Lansing on

Definately see a Doctor! It does sound like maybe Thyroid but could also be other hormone imbalance. No need to feel down when you don't need to and you can stop the hair loss too!



answers from Detroit on

While I definitely would consider speaking with your doctor about your symptoms and a possible hypo or hyper thyroid, but I would first ask if you could possibly have:
A) Seasonal Affective Disorder? It is a very common condition for people living in the Northern part of the country during the winter and basically results from lack of sunshine. It can cause depression, tiredness and lack of overall motivation. I know there are a few things you can do (outside of just getting outdoors), including sun lamps and taking vitamin D supplements. I know (and having a 4 month old myself) that i am very much affected by the seasons, so I try to take a walk outside anytime I have a free moment when it is sunny (bundle baby up in stroller or wait until husband comes home). With the sun setting a little later now, maybe that would work?


B) Were you or are you breastfeeding? If not, disregard this. If so, at month 5 your baby may be eating some solids and less from the breast. this is a natural weaning process. When you wean (at any stage) your hormones take a real hit. when I weaned my son at 3 months I went through big hormonal swings, had all the signs of the beginning of the flu and my hair finally started to fall out (which as I'm sure you know is totally normal after a pregnancy--it is just the hair that didn't fall out when you were pregnant, finally shedding). So this could be what is happening...and as they say : This too will pass.

Anyhow, hope this helps. There is no reason for you to have to go through your days feeling down, so I hope you start feeling better soon!
:) S.



answers from Detroit on

I would definately see your dr. Your symptoms could be your thyroid - hair falling out and very tired all the time. I have hypothyroid and have been on meds and its helped out alot!



answers from Detroit on

We shed all our lives, except when we're pregnant (the full, luxurious hair time). Then we play catch-up with the shedding process after delivery (the bedraggled time).
I had untreated PPD for months after my son was born. It turned into depression, so I finally made sure this was addressed by my MD. They ran bloodwork to rule out other factors (thyroid, etc.) before proceeding with treatment.
See a doctor because the only way you can give good care to your loved ones is if YOU are cared for first.



answers from Detroit on

This time of year I feel much the same as you! I'm no doctor, just the run of the mill housewife and mom, but for me a trip to the tanning bed once a week for 15 minutes really alters my mood. That little bit of fake sun exposure and warm nap seems to help alot. You may have seasonal depression.



answers from Detroit on

B. - I have never had your exprience but I sugget a doctor. Don't wait it out so things get worse. What is the harm in seeing a doctor or two. Get your life back and your families.



answers from Detroit on

As a mom with a thyroid problem and a health psychologist I highly recommend you check in with your primary care doc. They should run a few simple tests (thyroid or TSH and white and red blood cell counts among them) and ask you some basic questions. Also keep in mind that you can develop postpartum depression up to one year after delivery and some of what you are describing is not inconsistent with depression. Then again, what you are describing are consistent with some medical problems too and you really need to rule out the medical issues.

Good luck, and feel free to email me at if you want.



answers from Detroit on

Hi B.,
You can have post partum depression up to 1 year after the birth of your child. If you suspect you might be depressed, I suggest going to see your OB/GYN and discussing your symptoms with him, or a psychologist, whichever you feel more comfortable with. It is winter, so it could be winter blues, but why take any chances? A pill could mean all the difference in the world, or just talking about what you are going through can help.



answers from Grand Rapids on

I would agree with your MIL - have your thyroid checked out. Fatigue and such are symptoms of an underactive thyroid. It could be other things also, but one of the first things a Dr. will check is thyroid. (I have hypothyroidism - underactive thyroid).



answers from Detroit on

Hi B.,
Go see a doctor, explain your symptoms and let them run some tests, if there is someting wrong it can be fixed. And you'll feel a lot better.
God Bless



answers from Saginaw on

i am currious about this to.



answers from Detroit on

A simple blood test will tell if you have a thyroid problem. Why not see a doctor, it will remove that stress from your mind. Good luck!



answers from Detroit on

YES, you need to see a doctor! I am not one to run to the doctor by any stretch. But recently, I had back pain and it turned out to be multiple myloma. If I learned anything from that, it is to seek medical attention as soon as something is not right. Besides, you and your family are suffering because of your lack of action. Check it out and hopefully it can be fixed with something as simple as taking vitamins. But DEFINATELY check it out!


answers from Detroit on

If you feel like you should see a doctor - schedule an appointment for a physical and talk to your doctor about how you're feeling while you are there. You could probably use a normal physical anyways and then you won't have to feel silly if the doctor feels the rest is normal!

BTW - the hair falling out is normal. My hair fell out TONS from a few months to around 6-7 months after my daughter was born. I asked around then and found out that it's completely normal.

Good luck!



answers from Detroit on

I had the same symtoms and my baby was 15 mo. I talked to my doctor cause I thought I was loseing it!! Come to find out you can have psot partum up till your child is 2!! Dont worry you will get through it! If it gets too bad I would say get doctor attention right away! with my first one I had psot partum so bad I ended up in the hospital ( I thought I was ok, but then just snapped) not that I dident love my baby or my husband I dident know what was going on! hope that this helped! If you need any support you can email me anytime!!



answers from Detroit on

HI B., it sounds like a vitamin deficiency go to and there you will find the best of all purest to natural its natural form, vitamins and many other wonderful products for woman, I have been taking her multivitamin, and energizer for two years now and feel completely awesome for the first time in years, she has a lot of info to read and you can subscribe to her monthly news magazine its so informative, also for free you can get HSI alerts from the health science institute a must for whats up in the health world. Blessings




answers from Detroit on

Yes see a doctor postpardum can come up to 2 years after a baby. You may also be lacking in a vitamin or mineral with your hair falling out. Depression is serious and it is also treatable and its not uncommon either so dont think your crazy with being a Mom and all the new things going on with having 2 instead of one uts common but its better to be safe sand check it out.




answers from Detroit on

Hi B.,

I have days like this now sometimes. I feel tired and weak like I might be getting sick, but then I don't get sick and it seems to pass. The weather and this time of year could have something to do with it. Have you tried light exercise? Maybe have someone watch your children and go to the gym and get on the treadmill for like 20 minutes or maybe ride the bike? If you can't leave try a workout video.. Denise Austin is a good start. Also, I do want to mention that 5 1/2 months is not too late to get postpartum depression. I have read that sometimes it can happen after 6 months after giving birth. If exercise doesn't help and you are still feel blue and weak.. I would definitely talk with your doctor. I am a strong believer that exercise cures depression and fatigue, but if its postpartum depression than you may need more help (I've never had it, but I have heard and read a lot about it). Good Luck!



answers from Detroit on

I was going to suggest a vitamin deficiency of B12 or vitamin D. It makes sense being that we haven't had sun in so long. I think spring would make a big difference. But I hope the drugs work. I hope you don't have to take them for the rest of your life and I hope you don't have too bad of side effects. Sorry about that.



answers from Detroit on

Hey B.,
It REALLY sounds like you have hypothyroidism. I had many of the same symptoms. Irritability, depression, fatigue, joint pain...... It is very common after a pregnancy to produce antibodies that attack your thyroid glad. It is called Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. I am a medical professional and I did not even realize I had it until a routine visit found a goiter or enlarged thyroid glad. I was so tired, my whole body hurt, even to move.... It also occured at around five months post partum. PLEASE call your doctor TODAY.



answers from Saginaw on

Go get checked out. What you are experiencing could be a health issue that with time can be corrected. Your mother-in-law sounds about right. If you don't do it for yourself do it for two little boys and your husband.
Your family, especially your boys, can feel that you are not up to par. If it does turn oout to be just stress, then get into something to help destress. Join a mom's group or start walking if your able to.



answers from Grand Rapids on

I am a mother of a 2 1/2 year old and a 3 month old. I think you should see a doctor. It is not too late for post pardum. You can be diagnosed with it even after a year from the birth and it can be any pregnancy. I had no depression with my first. But with my second, things just aren't the same. Post pardum can be very slight to very intense. You just won't know until you see a doctor. Your OB/GYN should be able to help you. If it turns out not to be post pardum, the hair falling out would worry me and I'd want to be checked out anyway. Good luck. S. L



answers from Grand Rapids on

first, u can experience post-pardum up to a year after the babe is born. but if i were in your situation, i would talk to a doc. it will set your mind at ease and they can either test your thyroid, prescribe anti-depressants or give u other advice to perk u up and get u back to your old self. hope this helps



answers from Detroit on

I would definitely check with your doctor a simple blood test can tell them if you are being affected. Next question though, are you either losing or gaining weight at a different pace than is normal for you? This is an important sign for thyroid sufferers. (usually) because the thyroid is tied into your metabolism.
Let me know how things go.



answers from Detroit on

I would go see the doctor!! it could be your thyroid. or postpartum. i felt just like you and was diganosed with postpartum depression that went undectected.(my son was almost one) before i went to the doctor. so go find out whats wrong so you can feel better! good luck!



answers from Grand Rapids on

I sugest you see a Dr right away instead of waiting for worse sympttoms. Your boys are your joy so don't ruin it, get help soon and don't forget to tell him (Dr) all your symptoms.
I am a stay at home Mom and felt like I had the flu but never got better...well my kidneys shut down and now a Mom on Dialysis. Not real easy but making it. Understand your dilema!



answers from Grand Rapids on


It's very common for thyroid problems to manifest during or after pregnancy and your symptoms sound very much like low thyroid function. You should check with a doctor but be aware that not all doctors are equal when dealing with your thyroid. I would recommend that you find one with experience in this area or just simply go to an endocrinologist. Also, naturopathic practioners are excellent resources for this type of thing since they treat the entire person, not just one symptom at a time.

Dr. Broda Barnes has an excellent book about it, 28 days to a new you? somthing like that. He has been dealing with thyroid imbalances for many, many years. One thing that he stresses is the importance of your basal body temperature as a diagnostic tool for thyroid function. (This is your resting body temp. You take it by placing the thermometer in your armpit for 10 minutes IMMEDIATELY after you wake up, with as little movement as possible.) Dr. Barnes has found that no matter what your TSH is, if your body temperature is low, it's almost always your thyroid. It may be helpful to take yours for a few days and be armed with this additional information when you consult your doctor. Most doctors will rely on the blood tests but most GP's are not very well educated in this area so be sure they follow the new guidelines(TSH between .5 and 3.0.)

Mary J. Shomon is a wonderful advocate for thyroid problems and you will find much useful information on her website and on Her books are also excellent resources.

Not to discourage you but if it is your thyroid it can be very difficult to get a good diagnosis. Become informed, listen to your gut instincts, and do NOT get discouraged when (and it will happen) you are made to feel that it is "all in your head" or you're just a silly woman. If you feel that your doctor isn't taking you seriously or is not very supportive, find another one!

You may also want to check out the Blood Type Diet by Dr. Dadamo. ( Remember, in order to be able to give the best care to your family, you need to take the best care of you!

Hope this helps!! Blessings to you and your family!



answers from Detroit on


Your MIL is right. I would go see a DR, and have your thyroid levels checked out. I can tell you from experence that once you are on a correct dose of meds, your hair won't fall out and your energy will return. Good luck




answers from Toledo on

I say first of all, it is not too late for post partum. I would definitely talk to the dr. I had something like that, minus the hair issue when my daughter was 1 & 1/2. I loved her to death, but I felt like I was gonna go crazy. I think that you need to take care of the mommy so that everyone else can be taken care of.

Good Luck!



answers from Grand Rapids on

oh I think you are dealing with depression, have you called your OB? I am finally getting through postpardum, and my daughter is 18 mo



answers from Grand Rapids on

I would go see a doctor. It does sound like your thyroid. My pregnancy kicked mine out of whack for a while (other friends have gone through it too). Even if it is just a temporary situation you need to have it looked at. Momma needs to take care of herself to be the best for her family. It is just a simple blood test and possibly a very small pill once a day to feel like your old self.

Best to you,



answers from Detroit on

Short, sweet and to the point! The sooner you go see the doctor the sooner you will feel better and the sooner you will know what is going on with you. The most important part is the sooner your family can know and help you work through whatever is causing you to have your problems.
Good luck!



answers from Detroit on

Hi there. You definitely need to see a doctor right away. Thyroid could be the issue, I would get a complete blood work up just to make sure. The next step would be to talk to a very good psychiatrist. Dr. Kerber at U of M is wonderful, and can recognize whether it's post partum or not. PP is very tricky, you may not have suffered from recognizeable symptoms in the beginning, but now that you have settled in with this new baby, they might be showing their ugly signs. I have 3 boys, the PP got worse and worse with each one, lasting from 3 months to 1 year. It lasted that long because it went untreated, we thought it was fybromyalgia, similar symptoms. Anyway, don't ignore it, you are not weak if you seek help.



answers from Grand Rapids on

I was surprised to learn after my first baby that you can actually experience post-partum up to a year after your baby is born. It is amazing how long it takes for your body to figure itself out. I have a thyroid condition and have since I was young. It's a pretty easy blood test so totally worth the visit to your doc for that; but I wouldn't discount the possibility of depression. The hair part can also just be hormonal, but again don't discount. See or call your doc and tell them the whole scenario, if you trust them, they can point in the right direction. Don't let them put you off, it sounds like you are really seeking a solution so you should do that.



answers from Detroit on

It sures sounds like depression to me. What you described is exactly what I went through after all three of my children. And, I didn't have this happen until about six months after they were born. I was told even though it's past the "normal" post-pardum timeframe, your hormones are still out of wack. And I know with me, I love new things, it's when everything settles down is when the stress of it hits me and wham...depression.

If I were you, I would not wait it out. Why suffer? If it's depression, get help. If it's a thyroid condition, get help? It doesn't make you a bad mom or wife to ask for help. I'm not sure how much free time you get for yourself, but asking for help in that regard (babysitter for a couple of hours and get out by yourself, even if it's to CVS or the grocery store). That sometimes works wonders too. Take care of yourself. You are no good to your family or yourself in this condition. I know because I'm going through the same thing.

Peace to you. K.



answers from Grand Rapids on

B....Pleasse do go see your Dr. and have blood work done....My 32 year old daughter has been complaining for months now the same things you have....she was just now put on meds for hypothyroidism .... this was the second round of blood tests for her so don't give up if you don't get results at first... I have to tell you I also have been on meds for the same for a few years now, and if you have this there can be other problems if not treated....

Good Luck!!!!

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