Seeking Good Therapist

Updated on November 13, 2008
N.S. asks from North Salt Lake, UT
5 answers

I would like recommendations for a good therapist in Salt Lake City for my friend. I believe my friend is very depressed and has been for years. It's all coming to head now that my friend is having a problem with her teenager and it is having rippling effects of problems with her marriage.

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answers from Salt Lake City on

Hi N.,
there is a great counciling center in the Murray area (1300west and just south of 5400south). Dr. Eric Caten has been my therapist in the past. He is middle aged (late 30's) and is very good with all types of depression. He could refer you to a doctor for pediatric therapy too.

I believe this building is Wasatch Canyons Counciling Center.
It would be listed under IHC (Select Health) insurance.
Good Luck!

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answers from Salt Lake City on

Linda Nielson, LCSW. She's in SLC. I don't know her number but she has been in the phone book.

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answers from Salt Lake City on

I know of a really good therapist. His name is Jim Smith (popular name I know but honestly an amazing therapist!) He is an LCSW and has a ton of experience. He use to work at an adolescent treatment center but recently started his own private practice. He does an amazing job working with couples and families- not to mention teens. it is very important for your friend to find someone they feel comfortable with so they may have to see a few people before finding the "perfect" therapist. Good Luck
Jim's number is ###-###-#### he is located in SLC

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answers from Salt Lake City on

Comprehensive Psychological Services. They have LCSWs and psychiatrists (MDs) who work together; so she can have the counseling, but also have access to a doctor who can diagnose and treat with medication if necessary (which it may not be, but it's good to have that option). I believe they also have some counselors who specialize in working with teens and families, which could also really benefit her.

I know that they take several different insurances as well.

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answers from Salt Lake City on

I'm not sure what your friend's religious affiliation is, but LDS Family Services has great therapists (both my husband and I have been seen by different therapists for depression) who not only find the cause of the disorder but help patients learn how to change their thinking patterns and disrupt the destructive thought processes. My therapist also recommended a couple books to me, both by a Dr. David Burns; "10 Days to Self Esteem" and "Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy". I hope your friend is able to get the help she needs, depression is a serious illness and can be treated!

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