Stomach Bug???

Updated on September 22, 2008
A.D. asks from Ann Arbor, MI
15 answers

Lily (10 weeks old) has a stomach bug. She's not eating as much as normal and out of the blue she'll start to cry. Last night she bf & had a bottle (4 oz) at 9 pm, got up and bf at 2 am, but only an oz of formula and then didn't eat again until 5 am. She'll drink 2 oz easily and then start playing with the last two...smiling, chewing on nipple, etc. and her stomach makes some weird noises when she eats. She still has a lot of alert time...yesterday she was awake for a little over 9 hours off and on. She smiles and talks, but I know she's uncomfortable. I feel bad for her and I don't know what to do to help. It's been 2 1/2 days already...UGH! When will it be over????????!!!

Any suggestions???

Thanks in advance.

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So What Happened?

It was a small tummy virus. Thanks for all of your advice and info. She is great now!

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answers from Grand Rapids on

Hi A.,
I agree with the other mom, it doesn't sound like a stomach flu. She probably wouldn't be eating anything is she was truly sick. Does she have a fever? or throwing up? She's only 10 weeks old and seems to be eating well. I think it may just be gas. Good luck.

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answers from Detroit on

Hi A.---I tend to agree that it is probably something that you are eating. You could probably do an internet search of the biggest offenders, and cows milk is probably at the top of the list. (For more info on the dangers of cows milk, go to Then start to exclude those from your diet one by one to find the offending food. It is likely to be a temporary sensitivity. The one thing I realized about having babies is that once you think you have things figured out and a routine established, they move into another developmental stage and you have to start figuring things out all over again.

Based on your post, it doesn't sound like she is in great distress all of the time, so try not to worry too much unless she develops fevers or changes in bowel habits.

It's been a long time since I had babies, so I'm not sure what is available, but if you can find a formula based on goats milk, I understand that it is most like human milk.

Good luck. I think the biggest challenge will be to try and be patient, even in the face of a little discomfort, for your daughter's body to adjust to having to digest food on her own.
It will happen. Just be confident in knowing you are trying to do the best and that she is extremely resilient. In health, D.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Detroit on

have you thought about food allergies??? my son was lactose intolerant and i didnt realize it until much later. however, looking back, there were so many signs. sometimes he wouldnt eat, he had a hard time sleeping, he would kick his legs straight and cry, seemed like his stomach hurt and was gassy. if you think this is a possibility let me know and maybe i can help.



answers from Detroit on

did you eat brocolli or pineapple or ? I learned certain foods I ate would do exactly what you described.... I have heard dairy too.... though I seem to be fine with dairy... not sure why you are bottle and breastfeeding but I am sure thats for another posting :) but with that said is she on the same formula cause formula creates havoc in a lot of little guys.



answers from Detroit on

Your milk supply could be enough for her and she's just full. If you really don't think that's the case it could also be something you're eating that's upsetting her, so look closely at what you've had the past few days. Fresh veggies always upset my kids tummies so did chocolate. I'd start there and then move on to other possiblities. It could also be the type of formula she's eating. I know a few people that have had the baby on one thing and a few weeks later realize they aren't tolerating it well anymore. If you really don't think it's any of this you sould talk to your doctor about it, I'd do that right away if she's having any other symptoms such as watery stool or spitting up alot(which usually happen if it's a stomach bug). You don't want her to get dehydrated and end up in the hospital! Good luck, I hope she's ok!



answers from Lansing on

I would suggest nursing her every three hours during the day, and just before you go to bed at night, and spending a little extra time burping her. I found that babies burped much better in the sitting position with one hand supporting the chest and tummy while gently rubbing and patting their back. Your breast milk should be plentiful as long as you are getting enough water (drink a big glass while nursing). By weaning her off the formula you remove one of the causes of tummy upsets. Another benefit to the three hour schedule is that in no time at all they will sleep through the night (solid sleep) for you and them!



answers from Benton Harbor on

Could it be a milk sensitivity? Even if you have increased your dairy intake it could be bothering her. Just make sure she is having wet diapers and you'll know she is hydrated. If she isn't wetting enough, time for the doc.




answers from Detroit on


I would give her a bit of gravol to settle her stomach. Talk to the pharmacist to see what dosage to give her.

Watching your kids being sick is one of the harder things to do. I know I want to take the pain away from them as well.



answers from Detroit on

Another vote for food or milk sensitivity (not necessarily "allergy"). Something has upset her little belly. She may have gas from it too. Try some of the mylicon drops.

My babe, when she was that age (she's now 18 months and done BF) used to have an upset stomach for 5-6 days after I ate ANYTHING with tomatoes or other such acidic foods (citrus is another biggie). You're going to have to go on an "elimination" diet to find out what it is. Write down everything you eat and then cut one thing out for a week and see if it's better, if not, try something else. It can take up to 10+ days for some things to be completely out of your/her systems. Good luck babe. It's tough, but once you figure out what it its, it'll be smooth sailing!

Here's some help:



answers from Grand Rapids on

I had to supplement feed my son while he was in hospital at 3 weeks old and the same thing happened. Ped told me that he was having a hard time digesting the formula because its harder on his tummy to digest the the breast milk. So the issue may be feeding her bm and formula. Try a formula thats is alot closer to breast milk or pump and feed her those bottles. Best of luck to you and let us know what happens.




answers from Detroit on

A. ~

Is she vomitting or loose stools? Or is it just belly pain?

I agree with alot of your other writers ~ it could just be something you ate, or milk intolerance from the formula. Everybody is different when it comes to bf ~ some moms can eat everything under the sun with no problems with their milk, others have to be careful because what they eat bothers the baby.

Also, have you tried Mylicon infant drops? They are wonderful for gassy babies!

Hope she feels better!



answers from Detroit on

Hi A.!

I'm a little confused, are you breast feeding her and giving her a bottle? Is the bottle breast milk or formula? If it is formula, it could be a sensitivitiy to that. And why do both? I would try just the breast, and follow the suggestions the other Mom's gave you regarding foods that you eat causing gastric distress in her. Also, are you sure it is a stomach bug? Is she vomiting, diarrhea, have a fever? If she is, at 10 weeks old, I would certainly visit the doctor. You will figure this out, just keep at it!



answers from Detroit on

It sounds more like gas than a stomach bug. You can try burbing her during the feeding and massaging her lower belly/bowls as well as moving her legs up (into a kind of scqatting position) to help her release the gas.

It sounds to me like she is eating enough and on a pretty good schedule.



answers from Detroit on

It sounds like you are breastfeeding and supplementing with a bottle?? For starters, I would get rid of the bottle. Breastmilk usually doesn't upset baby's tummy, but sometimes something YOU ate could be the culprit...broccoli, milk, eggs. Also make sure you burp her often during feedings, sit her up, lean her forward and rub her back a bit. The littlest bubble can cause a terrible tummy ache. Doing "bicycles" with her legs can help with gas. Congrats on your little one! Good luck!



answers from Grand Rapids on

How frustrating. My daughter did the same thing and we finally figured out it that she was lactose intolerant. Talk to your doc. Hopefully it's that easy as just changing her formula. We had to put her on a very expensive formula for 3 months (Neutrologin) then she some how grew out of it. Good Luck!

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