Tubal Ligation Question

Updated on February 28, 2009
J.M. asks from Riverhead, NY
29 answers

Hi Moms. You have been great before with my questions, so I'm hoping you can help me again. I am 27 years old and pregnant with my third child with my husband. He also has 2 children from a previous marriage whom live with us as well. With a household of five children, I am seriously considering getting my tubes tied. The thought of 5 now scares me, but the thought of any more truly terrifies me. I am planning to try and breastfeed this baby, so I know oral contaceptives are out of the question, and I'm sure that 5 children is plenty for us, so I really don't want to have any pregnancy scares, or worries. I am however scared to get my tubes tied. The few people I talked to had horror stories about the awful periods, and cramps, and they said not to do it. So I'm really nervous and undecided. I am having a c-section so I figured that while I'm open it would be easier for me to tie my tubes, rather that have my husband get a vasectomy, which I also heard isn't 100% either. Our insurance doesn't cover either of these expenses so I also thought it may be cheaper for me to get the tubal now since I'll be in surgery anyway. Can anyone else give me any info, hopefully some good? I only have 4 weeks left before my c-section. Thank you in advance! J.

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answers from New York on

Consider an IUD. They've come a long way in terms of safety and comfort; my friend Katie uses one and LOVES how no-maintenance it is.



answers from Binghamton on

J., Do you want more children? think about the cost of raising children, college, weddings, sports, psych/social needs of children, energy into raising 5 children and the added challenge of step families. I would suggest getting those tubes tied, get a tummy tuck and have a worry free wonderful sex life!!! Enjoy what you have. Good Luck



answers from New York on

I had my tubes tied after my daughter was born by c-section. I haven't had any problems with cramping or anything like that. My periods have been heavier, but they were heavier after the birth of my son too, so that could totally be unrelated.

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answers from New York on

Hi J....
First of all...congrats on your pregnancy and I wish you the best of luck with your new little one.
I got my tubes tied after my second child. I was also having a c-section, so I figured while they were in there...might as well get everything done at once instead of going through another surgery.
I think everyone's body is different. I have not really had any change in my menstrual cycle. Once in awhile it's a little bit heavier, but nothing outrageous. (I also nursed for 14 months and did not have my period for almost 15 months after the baby was born.
I think you have to do what you feel is best for your body and your family. Every body is different, you only know your body the best.
Good luck in whatever decision! (There's a big plus...no expense of birth control and worries about the oops!!)



answers from New York on

Have you considered the Mirena IUD - atleast that would cover you for 5 years and not interfere with any breastfeeding.

Also, the side effects are minimal and very temporary. I know because I am on my 2nd one.



answers from Albany on

I don't know about tubal ligation, but I wanted to tell you that oral contraceptives are not out of the question. You can still take the mini-pill while breastfeeding. Ask your midwife or Dr about it.
Good luck



answers from New York on

Hi J.,
I am 8 months pregnant and I just asked my doctor about this last week at my appt. I told him about the "horror" stories I had heard. He said that most of these issues were not caused by the tubal. The women were likely on oral contraceptives prior to the tubal which masks the symptoms of endometriosis. I'd say ask your doctor. Tell him what you've heard and see what he has to say.
PS My first son and this pregnancy were both IVF. With my first, they did many tests and felt that I probably had endometriosis. They couldn't confirm without laproscopic surgery (which wasn't necessary to continue with the IVF) so we didn't do it. That's why we are leaning towards a vasectomy.



answers from Albany on

Hi J.: If neither procedure is covered, then i would send hubby in for the snip. Maybe alot of the horror stories you have heard don't have anything to do with tubals,but how do you know for sure? When was the last time a man have complications for a vasectomy? Also ask your doctor, you're probably going to be charged for the tubal anyway and no birth control is 100%. My husband had his done two years ago and never had a problem. On the other hand i know women who have had tubals with problems, IUDs with problems, and problems with birth control pills that you can take while nursing. You have been in charge of the birth controling your whole life, I say let someone else worry about for a change.



answers from New York on

Hi J. - Congratulations on your pregnancy! I too was faced with which way to go when I gave birth to my daughter last July, me or my husband. Then my Dr recommended the Mirena as an alternative. And I love it! My insurance paid 100% and the benefits are fantastic. My period is very light with no cramps. I have no side effects whatsoever.
BEst of luck with your new baby and your decision.



answers from New York on


Have you and the husband actually discussed a vasectomy? In my opinion, a vasectomy is easier as it only takes 1/2 hour to perform with very few side effects - AND - he can be back at work in a day or two.

I'm not sure if they can tie your tubes after a C-Section, I tried, but because I was in a Catholic Hospital they did not perform them and the alternative was to go back in the hosptial at a later date - an out of the question option. What mother has that much down time available and besides going "under the knife" after a C section isn't too glamourous.

Good luck on your delivery.



answers from Albany on


Oral contraceptives are an option for breastfeeding moms - talk to your OB/GYN at your next office visit.



answers from New York on

With a tubal you need to be specific with your doctor. He needs to explain exactly what he is doing in there. My doctor told me he tied and singed them together and less than a year later I had a ruptured ectopic pregnancy and almost died. I have since been told that the doctors should cut and then singe the tubes, no just tie. If your husband is brave enough I really think you might consider having him get the "V", a lot of men don't want it. They can have themselves easily checked afterward to see if their guys are active or not. We can only take a test if we are late, I was never late and had no idea I was pregnant when my pain started. I don't want to scare you but you need to know exactly what this doctor is going to do to you. Good luck with your choice.



answers from New York on

Sounds like you have a lovely family. However, you never know what will happen. Hopefully your family will be healthy and life will be good. But think hard about cutting off your future options. There are other less final alternatives. Maybe consider and investigate all your options.



answers from Albany on

Hi Jaime,
I'm 31 and a mother of two, It has been almost 6 years since I had my tubal done. I can only speak for myself and my experience. I am having so many complications with my cycle now that it is looking like my only options are a menopause pill or stripping my uterine wall to stop my periods. I always had long periods so the bleeding did not really bother me but the pain is unbearable. I bleed during ovulation and then during my cycle. I've changed my doctor because I felt he didn't understand what I was going through. I just want to feel normal. I hope this information helps. I don't want to discourage you but if you Google tubal ligation you will find support groups for people who are suffering from these symptoms after a tubal. I also know people who have had the procedure and have no symptoms what so ever. Good Luck.



answers from New York on


I watch the show called "the Doctors" that comes on CBS in the morning. A few weeks ago, they were talking about a new birth control procedure where they insert these coils in both fallopian tubes, scar tissue then forms around them and there ya go. They did it on the show to a woman. The doctor who perfomed the procedure, did it right in his office. No cutting or anything. They say that it has been approved by the FDA for about six years. The doctor also stated that he doesn't perform tubal ligations at all because of the complications. I don't remember what it was called. I wish I knew about it before my husband got his vasectomy six years ago.



answers from New York on

I breastfed my daughter and I was able to take an oral contraceptive called Errin, which is known as one of the "mini-pills." I believe they are a progestin-only pill. You HAVE to take it every single day, and at the same time everyday, for it to be effective.

I don't have any experience with tubal ligation, but I figured I would at least give you another option to consider. Good luck!

(Oh and I come from a family of five children. Although it was a crazy house, my mom always says that, even though she was terrified when pregnant with #5, she wouldn't have done anything differently. Now that we are getting older, holidays, birthdays, and vacations are amazingly fun. Even with a fifteen year gap, now that we're older it doesn't matter. Everyone is so close. Our friends are always jealous of our family's closeness and end up spending holidays with us!! Making them crazier!! Oh and I have 4 best friends that are blood!! Anyway, just benefits that your wonderful family will have over the traditional 2.5 kids and 2 parents! )



answers from New York on

I had mine done after the third one and I never had a problem. Everyone is different. I highly recommend it since I have no problems and I had it done when I was 45. I still cycle each month like a 16 year old girl which may be unusual, I don't really know. I am 55 now and still no problems. Yes, periods are a little different, shorter and more flow, but hey, things are "changing" a little bit. Too slow to suit me I would like to be done with this already as it is really old now. I would stay away from birth control bills period. They are just bad bad bad for you. The drug store contraceptives are not bio-identical and are foreign to your system. I would suggest reading a few books by Dr. John Lee and another one called Hormone Deception before you decide to take birth conrol pills again.

I have many friends who have had the proceedure done and I have never heard anyone complain. And yes, some husbands have the snipping done too. I knew mine would never do it.

Bless you.......5 huh? You are a saint and a magician too! I could never handle 5. The third one sent me over the edge for a few years. Two I could do with one hand tied behind my back...three wow, it's different. I have a friend who has 6 and puts me to shame.

Glad I did it. Love babies but next one I hold will be a grandchild!

snip, snip, snip....



answers from Glens Falls on

you can use the depo shot, I'm on that now and its fine for breastfeeding. I am going to get the Mirena implant. it last for years and you can have it implanted in the doctors office. I have 3 kids and Im not ready to have another one now but I am not ready to get my tubes tied.



answers from New York on

Have you thought about a Mirena IUS? It has a very low dose hormone and sits inside your uterus. It's 99% effective so really just as good as sterilization. Most people get lighter/no periods and it lasts for 5 years, then you can just have another one in after that. You just forget it once it's in. If you ever did change your mind and want another baby it is reversible.
I have one and think it is wonderful. Birth control pills never suited me at all but this one is OK as the dosage is so low - in fact it has helped a lot with PMS and heavy periods. I am sure I have completed my family but it was nice not to have to make a totally final decision.



answers from Syracuse on

Hi J....
I don't know about getting your tubes tied, mine aren't...although I have heard mostly negative results...lots of bad cramping with periods, and heavy bleeding...that's just what I've heard, not experienced.

As for the pill...you can be on a low dose bc pill...talk to your ob about it...I was with our children.

Best wishes...



answers from New York on

Actually, you can use birth control while breastfeeding. You just should avoid pills that contain estrogen. Any "mini-pills" or progeserone only pills are safe and won't limit milk supply. I took them all while breastfeeding my son and had no problems. You should also consider Mirena which I have had friends who have had good results with. It is a progesterone only IUD that works for 5 years. I am currently looking into this after giving birth to my second who is due in August, good luck!



answers from Binghamton on

I didn't read all you responses, so sorry if this is a repeat....Have you considered an IUD? One type is good for 10 years and the mirena IUD is good for 5 years. The Mirena has progesterone in it, so most of the time it stops your period. I got the Mirena about 8 months ago...no period yet!!! If your insurance does not cover the IUD let me know. My doctor ordered it from a pharmacy in Canada for $250 for me, it would have been over 500. It is safe to have the Mirena while breast feeding. There is also a progesterone only birth control pill that you can take while nursing...just talk to your doctor about it. Good luck



answers from Rochester on

I would vote for your hubby getting a vasectomy, IUD, tubes tied, or the pill, and in that order. Vasectomy is so much easier, and easier to get it undone if you would like. IUD works for five years and you can get it taken out if wanted. Tubes tied, I know is reversible, but a vasectomy is so much easier to reverse. The mini pill? Forget it. I took it and ended up getting pregnant with my second. It is only 80% effective, and who wants to use condoms or other contraceptives after all that?



answers from New York on

There are low dose contraceptives you can take while breastfeeding...My doc offered me. I know that vasectomy is way less of a surgery then tubal ligation, but if you are already in there for a c-section, i don't really know what i'd do... there are lots of options these days, iud, etc... I think your dr. could give you the best advice/options.



answers from New York on

I was ready for a tubal, too, but opted for Mirena IUD. With insurance, it cost about $150. I bled like crazy for 2.5 months, and have had daily spotting since, but no heavy periods. They say Mirena is as effective as a tubal. Just one other option for you. Blessings on you and your family!



answers from Bellingham on

J.-I don't like the idea of doing a permanent birth control option because I have had friends and family that made the decision and regretted it later causing more expenses in the long-run because they wanted children or they have experienced awful hormonal issues.
I breastfed my two boys and will breastfeed my upcoming third child while on a birth control pill that is formulated for breastfeeding moms. Another option is to research the rhythm-method and use condoms during your fertile days. I am considering this option with my third baby because I don't necessary like the hormonal side effects of the pill. Hope this helps. J.



answers from New York on

I had my tubes tied after our third child almost 3 years ago & have had no problem with excessive bleeding or cramping. As a matter of fact, my cramps are less severe & my periods are lighter. You are very young. You need to think long and hard about this decision. It may seem like a great idea now, but you don't want to regret it later on. Good luck!



answers from Syracuse on

IUD could be another option for you. I have a Mirena IUD and love it. Very light periods, no worries about taking pills or preg.scares. I know others have had both good and bad experiences, but I personally would highly recommend it. It's a much less expensive option and is good for 5 years. (also less painful and less invasive). I do have health insurance and my out-of-pocket expense was still $80, but so worth it in my opinion.



answers from New York on

Dear Jaimie,

I recently had a baby who will be four months old next week and had C-Section as well as tubal ligation. I am 39 years old with three children; my husband and I decided that this would be our final pregnancy. I did not feel anything during the proceedure, but it was uncomfortable during the healing stage. So far, I have had no problems, but I advice to you would be to discuss this in details with your OBGYN if she is someone whose judgement you trust.

Congratulations on your Baby!

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