Where Do You Put Your "Pile?"

Updated on January 12, 2012
W.R. asks from Blacksburg, VA
17 answers

I am trying to get a handle on my messy house. It seems like one of the worst problems is my and my husband's "piles." His is all his mail, magazines, receipts, etc - paperwork he needs to keep, and to make sure he sees it and doesn't lose it it seems to always reside on the kitchen table. Mine is usually coupons, info I need in the next week or so, bills to be paid - generally a "to do" list. I have tried moving the piles to our nightstands but it just gets forgotten. We need our kitchen table back, but I just don't know where else to put it!!

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answers from Williamsport on

Downstairs my pile is the mail and deluge of paper on the dining room table. I disperse it several times per week, but it replaces itself instantly. When company comes, or I need the table, I sweep it all into a large box to go through "later" Sometimes I fill the box several times before I can go through it all.

Upstairs it's the clothes and books on my dresser-seems like all the stray kids clothes, toys, hair ties, and books go there. Again, I disperse it regularly, but it's always BACK

I need to see that Better Homes article or flylady. It's maddening.

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answers from Los Angeles on

I have one of those slimmer reusable totes that I keep my "junk" in. That way I always have it with me, hehe.

My husband has his pile too. I have known him for 12 years now and he has always had his pile. I have learned not to touch it, lol

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answers from Chicago on

We also do baskets--actually, fabric bins that I got from Walmart several years ago.

I put my husband's opened mail in one, unopened mail in another, bills are on a clipboard that I keep in our desk drawer, along with my checkbook & stamps (we don't send many checks--but just makes sense to keep it all together).

"To Do" list: I have a large wall calendar marker board that I write mine on, along with a shopping list. When I leave the house each day I take a quick picture of it with my cell phone & then I ALWAYS have my list with me, it doesn't get lost, and I can change it each day without making a mess of my list.

Receipts: I keep a file folder of them, in a file drarer of our desk. For big ticket items, the receipt & and accompanying paperwork gets their own envelope & then gets put into the folder.

So, for us, investing in a good desk has really helped. Ours is from IKEA.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

This is what Fly Lady (www.flylady.net) refers to as a "hot spot". It needs attention every day to stay somewhat manageable.

Basket--out of sight, preferably. In a closet or pantry cupboard, maybe?

I also have a 3-tiered wire "in basket" on the server in the dining room that has helped tremendously with the school papers (whole other story!).

Even though I feel like I'm constantly "on it" our "pile (though kept smaller these days) is on the divider between my kitchen & family room. I hate the pile. Grrrrr...... I bought a verticle divided wooden thingamabobber that has helped with the appearance of "the pile".

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answers from Rochester on

You just need to get organized. I'm sure you've heard of the "one stop" rule...as in, you don't set papers, etc, in five different places. The second they come into your house, you disperse them properly.

Get a nice filing cabinet (I have a wood one with two drawers) and I have very clearly labeled folders for all the paperwork that needs to be saved.

Open your mail and deal with it immediately...if it's junk, throw it, if it needs to be filed, file it, if it's a bill, pay it OR...

We also use a six tier paper tray. Six shelves gives you lots of space to store things. We personally use ours for our schoolwork, blank paper, finished assignments, a "to do" spot (the top tier, so you can easily "see" what's in it), and I do dedicate one shelf for "put away later" for when I just don't have the time to follow my own rules.

I have a little magnetic box (think, high school locker) that attached to our back door (which is steel, but you could put one on the fridge) and all my coupons are in that. Whenever I go shopping, I pop it off, sort through, and put it back.

Magazines go in a small trash bin (decorative) and when that gets full, it's time to recycle some.

I use a five pocket plastic folder for "info I'll need" and whenever I need something that's in it, I'll take it out of the file cabinet and bring it with me, etc.

I also use a large marker-board calendar posted above my kitchen sink. I love it because I stare at it frequently enough while doing dishes to remember what I have going on, I can add and erase from it as needed, etc.

My only sore spot of "disorganization" when it comes to things like this is that my husband likes to tape things to the back door (the one we use) such as notices, adverts, coupons, etc. I bought him a dry-erase "to do" board and since then, it's gotten a lot better because he can just write down events, etc, instead of saving newspaper clippings.

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answers from Savannah on

You may hate me and think I'm a fruit for this answer, but it's my honest answer and although it sounds like a lot, it has worked wonders for my sanity, my husband's happiness, my children can just not stress about where stuff is, and noone is killing each other. I do flylady too (love her!) She calls it a hot spot and we're supposed to hit it everyday. Another thing: my husband always said we need a place for everything, and everything in its place. First thing's first then: a place for everything. What you can do for now is put it all in a basket and then tackle it all, jointly, this weekend and get it all "done" and squared away.
I have a 3 tier black mesh thing on my desk. The back tier is stuff I haven't opened yet (mail), the middle tier is stuff I've checked out, paid, etc and just needs to be filed, and the front tier is for things that need to be done now (taken to the mail box, dropped off, given to the school, etc). In its little drawer is our checkbook, a calculator, and stamps, and in the pen holder is a pencil, black pen, red pen, and highlighter. Then every Sunday part of the Sunday to do list every week is to clear out whatever's left in there: things filed away, check register balanced, etc so it's a fresh start on the new week. (And so we don't forget to pay something or lose something that should be filed, or just have a junked up desk). For magazines: we have a hanging rack in one bathroom that holds some magazines and toilet paper, and we have a magazine rack in the living room that we go through and clean out the last weekend of every month; we don't throw everything away every month, but just kind of sort through and make sure some of that can't just go to recycling now. (That may sound weird, but we follow flylady.net's advice to divide the house into zones for the month, and the living room is the last weekend of every month, for us). For coupons I use a little file thing that's can fit in a purse. The paper comes on Wednesday and Sunday, and I just stick Wednesdays coupon section in the back tier of my desk file and then on Sunday I clip coupons from the Wednesday and Sunday papers at the same time and they go in the coupon file for my purse. For receipts I have a file with envelopes for every month of the year in the file cabinet and the current month's envelope is sitting on top of the desk. We save all the receipts. On Sunday we sit down and tally up everything to just keep track of what we've spent on food, entertainment, household goods, etc so we can stay on track for the month with our budget. At the end of every week I paperclip that week's receipts together with a little slip that says "week 1 (or whatever), the dates, and the totals in taxes, and budget items. At the end of the month I write the totals. I'm old school and like to write (I dunno, it's just a thing for me) so my dayplanner goes with me everywhere and it's got my "to do" list and the days I'm hoping to get them done. Hmm. Control freak? I swear I'm a nice person......I just felt weird about becoming a stay at home mom so I feel like the better I do on household management, the better I keep the budget and save money in little ways, that's me doing my "job" and feeling proud of doing it well.
We also have what fly lady calls a "launch pad". It used to be the bar that divides the kitchen and the living room, where we put our keys, wallets, etc. But my friend is great at woodworking and she helped me with the cutest project (Ok, she probably did most of the real work but I helped, and it was my idea, so I should get some credit!)---we now have a little wooden rocket ship with 4 shelves, I painted it, and it comes up to about my chin (I'm 5'2") and that's our launch pad. It sits in the entry hall, and Jeremy gets the top shelf, I've got the 2nd shelf, my oldest son has the next shelf, and my youngest son has the bottom shelf. That's where we put all the things we'd need as we're walking out the door (keys, wallet, quarters, Jeremy's glasses, my dayplanner, something Joe my need for school, Victor's diaper bag, etc). Part of the evening routine is to clear all the hot spots (areas your house may collect junk), to put what you need for tomorrow on your launch pad, before bed. That way in the morning you just do your thing, get dressed, and go without running around worried you forgot something or trying to gather everything. While we have a rocket ship launch pad, I went to one lady's house and her family went inside the house through the garage....in the garage by the door, they all had FULL SIZE lockers, like in highschool, one for each family member, and one for guests! That's where they hang their coats and put their stuff in preparation for leaving the next day. Awesome. You can buy lockers online, all different kinds. We may do that once the boys are older, in school, and have to worry about more junk everyday. I also made a strict and stern rule that "stuff" was not allowed on our table, because everyone kept trying to make stacks of junk on it, and then how do we sit down to a nice happy meal together? (At one house years ago, that was an issue). I don't suggest the night stands because night stands need to be happy and peaceful, relaxing, so you can sleep easy instead of having all that stuff you need to do things with just sitting right by your bed as you try to relax and sleep.
Until you figure out a new "cool" thing for your "launch pad", you can have the bar totally cleared off of all junk, and then just have one stack for each person NOT of coupons, bills, mail, etc but for the things you NEED as you leave for work or school or whatever: a packed diaperbag, a sorted bookbag, or your husband's wallet, keys, glasses, etc. The cleaner that bar is, the easier it will be to keep "junk" at bay.
I am NOT saying our house is perfect because it is not, it is always a work in progress. I do NOT try to have my house as a museum: it IS a place where the kids can breath and guests can feel comfortable to just sit down or hang out. But I think it's also clean and organized enough all the time that I wouldn't be embarrassed to open the door if drop in guests came by, or where they'd feel uncomfortable, looking for a clean place to sit. (ha) My problem area is the kitchen. I am a MESSY cook. My husband and mom are like "how do you make this big a mess for just one meal?" I dunno. But it's cleaned every day (a couple times a day). It's just scary to watch the pots, pans, dishes pile up as I'm standing at the stove. I'm not a clean as you go cook, but a "ok, here's my huge mess, the stuff is in the oven now so let me rush around scrubbing and loading the washer quick now....someone please help me!" Oh well....we all have our weak areas.

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answers from Washington DC on

get a basket for his receipts. if that won't work - get an envelope (large 12x15) and put it on the desk next to the computer.

If he can scan it - and store it on the computer and/or a flash drive? Do it. then throw it out.

Get a magazine rack - even use an old cardboard box and put them in there. If he doesn't read them by the end of the month? Recycle them. If they are work related? purchase one of the magazine holders or use an old cereal box and put construction paper around it and label it what magazines they are and from what year.

We have a file system on the desk for bills to be paid, the checkbook, pay stubs, etc. there is a slot for each thing. you can buy it at Staples, Office Depot, etc.

I want to buy the Neat Desk thing - but haven't yet. I would love to get rid of my filing cabinet.

I LOATHE piles. I have one next to me of my coupons that I need to cut and then file.

If you haven't touched it in 3 months - it needs to be tossed. If the receipts are that important? Make a receipt envelope or file and get them put in a filing cabinet.

There are MANY things you can do. I don't know your space constraints or what your house looks like - set up wise - so I can only offer these comments.

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answers from Beaumont on

There is an article on organization in this most recent Better Homes and Gardens that has really helped me. Try to get your hands on it. It has an simple but efficient system in it detailed...
It's already helped me. Good luck, I think alot of us fight the paper tiger... :)

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answers from Seattle on

We have to same problem here.

My husband loves to bring tons of paper work home from work and then he leaves it. I do not know what 90% of it is. Making tossing it that much harder.

My problem personally is I work at home. I am an artist. I have paper ALL over most of the time....It is what I do. So I try and keep my messes to my computer desk and my drawing desk...That does not always happen....and now because my computer desk and drawing desk are across the room from each other.....I am constantly dropping stuff between the two!

I go though and moved piles together about once a week. then once a month I make him deal with his piles...and I clean up my area's so they shine....I gave up trying to do anymore then that because I would just be letting myself down when the mess was still there....or recreated as soon as I was done cleaning.

Have no answer's but I sympathize with you!! Maybe someone can inspire me from your post.....maybe learn to try something new for myself!!

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answers from Houston on

We have baskets for our various piles. These baskets are in the office/study of our home. Maybe place them in the laundry room, or close to the back door or which ever door is used mainly in the house. Maybe try a file folder. Habits are hard to break. Hope this helps.

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answers from New York on

Our neighbor says she is absolutely ruthless about this sort of thing, at 9pm every night, everything which is left out is put in a rubbermaid storage box in the garage. at 8pm the following night, she dumps the entire contents of the box into the trash/ recycling/ charity bins at which point they are deemed irretrievable. 23 hours to reclaim your goods.

She said that after a few weeks everyone, herself and hubs included have been reschooled about tidiness, piles, and re-thinking what to even allow into the house.



answers from Chicago on

I have a small spot on the counter, that needs immediate attention. Once it is dealt with it is moved to a basket on top of the filing cabinet and then once a month I go in and file. (okay truthfully it is maybe it is once every 2 or 3 months). My goal is monthly but that rarely happens.


answers from Dallas on

We each have a drawer in a hutch in the kitchen. If the drawer gets too full, it's time to clean it out. We're all super-clean freaks except for my 7 year old, who is a pack-rat, so our 7 year old is the only one who has a difficult time with the drawer getting too full. We don't ever have anything out on the table or countertops (except things that are supposed to be there).


answers from Sacramento on

We have a round table in our kitchen "breakfast nook" area. We never ever once have eaten in there, so that is our catch-all. I try to tackle it once every couple of weeks, but it has been let go for a while :-/



answers from Minneapolis on

We bought one of those mail slot sorter things (not sure what exactly they're called but it's wooden and hanging by our front door). I go through the mail when I get home or after dinner, we put it on our dining room table. Magazines get put in our magazine rack (there's one built in on our end tables). I have to go through these once in a while to make more room.



answers from Boston on

Hubbie uses dining room table, and keeps his home laptop and some small piles next to it. Mine are in the kitchen on a built-in desk. I have bills, calculator and stuff I am working on out at all times but in a fairly small pile. Our counters and island not empty either, with toaster and coffee pot and sodas and tissues and knives in a block and breads all laying out. However, when we have company, like for Thanksgiving or Christmas, we do clear most of it away and each have a pile next to our bedside dressers, that are full with books. I just find I prefer things out since I need most of the stuff daily. I do sort the mail as soon as it gets into the house and shred or recycle or file right away.


answers from Dallas on

on the computer desk, just inside the front door

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