Where to Get Carseat Installation Inspected?

Updated on January 30, 2013
L.M. asks from Chandler, AZ
12 answers

Does anyone happen to know where or how to get our soon to be here baby's carseat inspected for proper installation? Somewhere between Denton and Lewisville would be ideal. Thanks!

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I'm going to make an appointment with the Denton P.D. Thanks so much for all the tips!

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answers from Dallas on

Hi Lauren:

Any fire station will do it for you. You may want to call ahead first, though, as some have just one designated car seat inspector.

Have a great day!

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answers from Dallas on

You can go to any fire station and have them check your installation.

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answers from Dallas on

Not all fire stations and police stations are certified for car seat inspection. Your best, and safest bet, is to call a hospital. We delivered at Baylor Frisco and they provide the service by certified technicians. You can find a place at http://seatcheck.org/

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answers from Dallas on

Contact Wanda Esker Hopkins, Senior Duty Officer and Certified Child Seat Safety Tech. with the Denton Police Department. ###-###-#### or ____@____.com

She can normally do them, Monday thru Friday from 9am thru 4pm. Just call to set up an appointment wiith her. She is a super nice and helpful lady. She helped us with several car seat safety checks with our MOMS Club of Denton-Northeast.

Denton Police Department
601 E Hickory St. Suite E
Denton, Texas 76205
(Just east of Bell Avenue.)

Also, don't hesitate to join MOMS Club in Corinth! There are I believe three chapters in Corinth, so you can join whichever one falls within the boundaries of your address. We are part of a fun international organization that provides daytime activities for stay-at-home moms and their kids, as well as moms who work part-time or are home during daytime hours when most moms need social support in the way of playgroups, monthly meetings, park days, lunch bunch, MOMS Night Out, etc. To learn more about us and find a local chapter, go to http://www.momsclub.org.

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answers from Dallas on

Not all fire stations offer this service, in fact I can tell you the Lake Cities Fire Dept does not. I live in your area and we tried that :)

I know there is an offering in Plano by the police dept.

Congrats on your upcoming addition to the family!

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answers from Dallas on

Any firehouse, OR better yet! Call the local police dispatch and ask if they have a contact for the state trooper's office near you. I met a trooper in April who said he makes house calls to show people. I live in Denton.

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answers from Dallas on

I would definitely start by calling your local fire station, but I don't believe all stations provide this service. They have to have someone certified on hand, and although most stations invest in the certification process, some smaller stations may not. Best to call beforehand.

In addition, you might check: http://www.seatcheck.org/ You can enter in your zip code to find out local inspection sites.

Finally, some that I know of that are local to Flower Mound/ Lewisville/HV:

8/21 5:30p - 7:30p Excite Gym in Highland Village is having a special event with bounce houses, etc. Also included: "The City of Highland Village will be conducting FREE bicycle helmet checks, bicycle safety checks, bicycle rodeo obstacle course, car seat checks, bike registration & a visit from McGruff the crime dog..

9/19 8:00a - 12:00p Flower Mound Central Fire Station (behind post office near Morriss & Main Street) This is offered monthly ad various FM stations.

Details for listed events can be found on our website Calendar page.

Good luck!
www.familyeguide.com Free guide to affordable family activities in Lewisville Flower Mound, Highland Village and the surrounding communities.

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answers from Dallas on

Your local Firestation will inspect it for you.

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answers from Dallas on

We also live in Denton County and before our son was born, I had the carseat inspected. The sheriff's office in Denton has someone that does carseat inspections. You just have to call the main number and set up an appointment.

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answers from Dallas on

I don't think every fire station will do it. In Little Elm they have one person who is certified and you have to catch him the days he is working. I would say call your local fire and police.
Also, my mom works for Children's and she sent me this:

Safety seat checks at Children's

At Children's Medical Center, child passenger safety seat systems are an important part of our programs to keep children safe. The hospital's Injury Prevention Program performs regular car seat safety checks for the public, distributes car safety seat systems and has an online interactive child safety seat guide.

Children's performs safety seat checks at two locations by appointment:

* 1 to 3 p.m. Mondays at the Children's Dallas Ambulatory Care Pavilion
* 9:30 a.m. to noon the last Friday of every month at Children's at Legacy.
* Call the Car Seat Line at ###-###-#### for appointments in English or Spanish.

Children's also performs community car seat events once a month. These free checks provide an opportunity not only for the safe installation of the car seat safety systems but also for educating families about the necessity for the systems and for their use every time a child is transported in a vehicle.

This was a portion of en email.

Good luck!

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answers from Dallas on

Any fire station will do it for you for free as well as the police dept's. Another good place is any DPS office. Good luck and congrats!

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answers from Dallas on

In the Dallas area you can call the hospitals and most fire departments. There are a few companies that do installation education and installs for a fee. Like Safety Seat Experts in Dallas ###-###-#### or Jimmy's Car Seat Inspectiond in Ft Worth ###-###-####

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