Allergies: Infant, Aveeno

See all 1,306 articles
12 answers

Aveeno Lotion for Baby

this is in regard to my first question 30mins ago... does anyone know if baby aveeno for eczema works??


Excema = Allergy?

Does Excema ALWAYS mean there is an allergy? My son is 6 months old and has...

Allergist Referrals

See all 330 articles
7 answers

Help with Eczema and an Allergist for My One Year Old in the Tampa Area

My little girl (15 months) has eczema all over her back, chest and tummy. It first appeared when she was on antibiotics, getting worse with each course of antibiotics that she took for chronic ear infections. (has recently had tubes in her ears, so hoping antibiotics will now be out of the picture) The eczema flares if she eats even the smallest amount of dairy and or eggs. I'm unable to get rid of the current flare up to be sure if there are any other triggers for her eczema. By the end of the day or if we spend any time out in this humid...


Infant with Exzema

My brothers son has really bad exzema. He is seven month old. She is still...


Need an Allergist

Hi! My almost 3yr old son has a dairy allergy and I am looking for a new...


See all 447 articles
26 answers

Excema = Allergy?

Does Excema ALWAYS mean there is an allergy? My son is 6 months old and has had bad excema since about 2 months. Under my ped's advice, I use Cortisone and Aquaphor, but it's still there. It is getting a little better but nonetheless, it's still there. I don't know if it could be a milk allergy, or dust allergy. Could he develop asthma because of this? I question my ped all the time and he just says "Awww don't worry about it. If he's eating, sleeping, and playing, then he's fine." But as a Mom I am concerned. Help Mamasource! :)


Allergy to Eggs

Hi, my daughters school does valentines party and there is a girl in her...

Allergies Medications

See all 567 articles
23 answers

Could I Be Allergic to My Dog?

Please help me ladies! I have battled hives on and off. Last spring was the first episode and I think it was caused by stress. I took Zyrtec and although it basically knocked my out (I was so sleepy and groggy for 24 hours), it took care of the hives. On occasion since then, I have taken it when the itching is unbearable, but the sleepiness really is an inconvenient side effect. Lately, I have had hives on a daily basis (I use dye free soaps and detergents). My legs look horrible due to the itching/scratching. I have started to...


Excema = Allergy?

Does Excema ALWAYS mean there is an allergy? My son is 6 months old and has...

Milk, Dairy & Formula

See all 948 articles
23 answers

Could I Be Allergic to My Dog?

Please help me ladies! I have battled hives on and off. Last spring was the first episode and I think it was caused by stress. I took Zyrtec and although it basically knocked my out (I was so sleepy and groggy for 24 hours), it took care of the hives. On occasion since then, I have taken it when the itching is unbearable, but the sleepiness really is an inconvenient side effect. Lately, I have had hives on a daily basis (I use dye free soaps and detergents). My legs look horrible due to the itching/scratching. I have started to...


Sudden Milk Allergy?

My three and half year old daughter developed hives all over her body out of...


Allergic to Formula?

I have been pumping and feeding my 5 month old breast milk up until now, but...


See all 268 articles
23 answers

Could I Be Allergic to My Dog?

Please help me ladies! I have battled hives on and off. Last spring was the first episode and I think it was caused by stress. I took Zyrtec and although it basically knocked my out (I was so sleepy and groggy for 24 hours), it took care of the hives. On occasion since then, I have taken it when the itching is unbearable, but the sleepiness really is an inconvenient side effect. Lately, I have had hives on a daily basis (I use dye free soaps and detergents). My legs look horrible due to the itching/scratching. I have started to...


Excema = Allergy?

Does Excema ALWAYS mean there is an allergy? My son is 6 months old and has...

Pets & Dander

See all 691 articles
23 answers

Could I Be Allergic to My Dog?

Please help me ladies! I have battled hives on and off. Last spring was the first episode and I think it was caused by stress. I took Zyrtec and although it basically knocked my out (I was so sleepy and groggy for 24 hours), it took care of the hives. On occasion since then, I have taken it when the itching is unbearable, but the sleepiness really is an inconvenient side effect. Lately, I have had hives on a daily basis (I use dye free soaps and detergents). My legs look horrible due to the itching/scratching. I have started to...


Excema = Allergy?

Does Excema ALWAYS mean there is an allergy? My son is 6 months old and has...


Allergic to Cats

We just got confirmation that my step daughter is allergic to cats and my...


See all 234 articles
23 answers

Could I Be Allergic to My Dog?

Please help me ladies! I have battled hives on and off. Last spring was the first episode and I think it was caused by stress. I took Zyrtec and although it basically knocked my out (I was so sleepy and groggy for 24 hours), it took care of the hives. On occasion since then, I have taken it when the itching is unbearable, but the sleepiness really is an inconvenient side effect. Lately, I have had hives on a daily basis (I use dye free soaps and detergents). My legs look horrible due to the itching/scratching. I have started to...

Wheat, Gluten & Oatmeal

See all 896 articles
12 answers

Aveeno Lotion for Baby

this is in regard to my first question 30mins ago... does anyone know if baby aveeno for eczema works??


Allergic to Wheat

I just found out that my daughter is allergic to wheat.All these years and I...