Dental: Infant, Halo

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8 answers

When Do You Stop Swaddling Your Baby?

Dear Mamas, My son is three months old and he's recently discovered his thumb. I want to encourage this behavior and also transition him away from swaddling so I've been partially swaddling him keeping one arm out. The thing about this method is that he wakes up when he realizes he's no longer sucking his thumb. I want to tuck his arm back and fully swaddle him since he still startles easily. Any suggestions? When did you stop swaddling and how? Thanks in advance for your thoughts.


Sleeping on Stomach

Hi! My 5 month old keeps rolling onto his stomach while sleeping. Now that...

Chipped Baby Teeth

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42 answers

How Long Did You Swaddle Your Infant? Also, Baby Won't Take Pacifier...

My baby girl is turning 3 months on Monday - I have heard that by now we shouldn't be swaddling her anymore. She will ONLY sleep if she is wrapped up really really tight. If not, she can fall asleep but will wake up soon after drifting off and wake often during the night because her hands are free to roam up by her face --she gets frustrated & all worked up because she starts sucking on her fists. Any advice? She won't for the life of me take a pacifier because the hospital started us on giving her our pinkie finger to suck on & that is...

Losing Baby Teeth

33 answers

Major Hair Loss Since Baby

I knew I was going to lose some hair after I had the baby, but this is ridiculous! My drain is clogged every few days if I don't use something to catch my hair in. My vacuum needs to be taken apart after a couple uses because the bristles are completely covered and won't pick anything up. (I thought it was broken)I pull out chunks every time I brush, wash or take a pony tail out. Does anyone have any suggestions that will help? It's already been 6 months. How long does this last?