Diapers & Diaper Changing: Alimentum

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Breastfed 4 Mth Old Now Refusing Bottle

My 4 mth old daughter usually gets the breast, but on the odd occasion she had no trouble drinking from a nuk bottle - since she was 6 weeks old - whether it was from me, dad or grandma. She did have more burps with the bottle, but no other issues. We recently started giving her some rice cereal mixed with breastmilk once a day on our Ped's recommendation as she has reflux. She eats the rice cereal like she's been doing it all her life. It doesn't seem to bother her tummy and definitely helps with the reflux (she is also on prevacid). ...


Bad Yeast Infections

My 15 mo. old baby has had bad rashes since she was 3 mo. old the Dr told me...

Bowel Movements

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Similac Advance Early Shield and Very Loose Explosive Bowel Movements

Hi, my 4 month old daughter has been on similac early shield since the end of november. First she was on the premixed and now(for about 2-3 weeks) has been on the powder. Ever since I switched her to early shield, she has very very loose poop, so bad that I once had to cut her onesies off to prevent all the poop from getting in her hair. I would say that at least 2 times a week, the poop is so bad that it goes up her back and stains the clothes. She takes the formula very well so i don't want to switch but these loose poops are...

Diaper Rash

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6 answers

8 Month Old on Alimentum formula...Could It Be a Milk Protein Allergy?

Hi moms! So if you've been following my questions, my infant has had a rough go. Up until she was 5 months we couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. Thought it was colic, then reflux. We switched her to Alimentum formula after talking to a friend and after 3 weeks she quit fussing all the time, and grunting and was sleeping awesome! So she was eating solids and doing great. We though she had started to outgrow it and so with the formula being so expensive we chatted about switching to the next step down which was Similac Sensitive....