Diapers & Diaper Changing: Nystatin

Results 1-10 from 65 articles

Nystatin for Yeast Diaper Rash Making It Worse???

J.C. asks from Medford

My nine month old was diagnosed monday with a yeast diaper rash. She was prescribed nystatin cream to be applied four times daily. We started putting it on right aw...


Severe Diaper Rash Help

M.V. asks from Philadelphia

My 10 month old was on antibiotics which we completed 9 days ago and she still has diareah (forgive the spelling) but worse off she has what seems to be an incurable ...


Staff Infection or Yeast Rash? PLEASE Help!!!

L.Q. asks from Chicago

My daughter (18 months) has had a 'yeast rash' for more than 4 weeks now. We brought her in and they told us to give her two over the counter creams. It didn't help s...


The Rash That Won't Go Away!

R.B. asks from Wichita Falls

My 11 month old son has a re-occuring rash that I can't seem to keep away. It started several months ago and it comes and goes. It will clear up for a week or two, ...


Yeast Infection/diaper Rash

R.D. asks from New York

My son has had a yeast infection for over 2 months. His pediatrician says "it's not so bad, it's diaper rash," but I think if she had an itchy vagina for 2+ months, ...


Itchy Diaper Rash

C.H. asks from Portland

Hello, My 11 month old daughter has been suffering from a terrible diaper rash for about a month now. She is so uncomfortable and itchy that she tears at herself wh...


Raw Bloody Diaper Rash

S.R. asks from Spokane

Hi, I desperately need some help! My 11 month old son has had a bloody diaper rash for 6 weeks. We've tried all the over the counter rash creams, I've put nystati...


Seeking Advice on Chronic Diaper Rash

A.Z. asks from Chicago

My son has been getting recurrent diaper rashes that are terrible! I have tried every diaper cream out there, Triple Paste, Desitin, A&D, Balmex, But Paste, Aveeno, C...


The D. Rash That Won't Go Away

S.S. asks from Dallas

I have recently started cloth (AIO) diapering my 16 month old and she has a horrible rash that just won't go away. At night, I put her in her Huggies and slather her...


Severe Diaper Rash/Yeast Infection in Toddler That Won't Go Away!

C.M. asks from Owensboro

Hi everyone, This request is my desperate attempt to find some help! My 19-month-old daughter has had a constant diaper rash of varying degrees since we switched...