Diapers: Infant, Dr. Smiths

See all 75 articles
42 answers

Cloth Diapers & Powder?

Hello Moms~ My first daughter is 6 weeks old and has diaper rash. We own a bunch of cloth diapers and have already tried them out and like them. However she has had a diaper rash and we can't use the cream (desitin) with them; we have been using disposables for weeks now. Today we got a Rx from her pediatrician, and hope to see the rash gone within a week. Once the rash is cleared and we are no longer using cream we'd like to use the cloth diapers full time; what can we use to help prevent diaper rash? I have heard Baby Powder is a good...


Severe Diaper Rash

Moms - I need your help! My son cannot wear Pampers pull-ups and when he...

Cloth Diapers

See all 69 articles
42 answers

Cloth Diapers & Powder?

Hello Moms~ My first daughter is 6 weeks old and has diaper rash. We own a bunch of cloth diapers and have already tried them out and like them. However she has had a diaper rash and we can't use the cream (desitin) with them; we have been using disposables for weeks now. Today we got a Rx from her pediatrician, and hope to see the rash gone within a week. Once the rash is cleared and we are no longer using cream we'd like to use the cloth diapers full time; what can we use to help prevent diaper rash? I have heard Baby Powder is a good...

Disposable or Cloth

See all 26 articles
42 answers

Cloth Diapers & Powder?

Hello Moms~ My first daughter is 6 weeks old and has diaper rash. We own a bunch of cloth diapers and have already tried them out and like them. However she has had a diaper rash and we can't use the cream (desitin) with them; we have been using disposables for weeks now. Today we got a Rx from her pediatrician, and hope to see the rash gone within a week. Once the rash is cleared and we are no longer using cream we'd like to use the cloth diapers full time; what can we use to help prevent diaper rash? I have heard Baby Powder is a good...


Cloth Vs. Disposable

Hubby and I are expecting our first bundle of joy in March. I'm looking...


Which Cloth Diaper?

I am on a quest to start using cloth diapers. My daughter is 17 mos. and...