Disrespect & Disobedience: Snugli

15 answers

Advice of Gift for Single Mom with No Car (Rides Bus)

A friend of mine has an almost 6 week old baby (Jasmine 8 pounds...was 5 weeks early). I've known her my whole life. She is a single mom with no car...rides the bus everywhere. Right now, she has almost nothing...bassinet blankets, and I think enough clothes that currently fit. The Jasmine's dad has a car/carseat and picks her up somethign like every other weekend. Anyway, my friend is pretty much confined to her house with the baby. Her shower is in a couple weeks. I don't have much left from when my son was tiny, and what I did have i...

Hygiene Issues

See all 76 articles
58 answers

Creative Baby Shower Gift

Hi Moms, I am looking to put together a creative baby shower gift for a friend who is having her first child. Have you attended a recent shower and thought, "wow that was a creative way they put that gift together"!?? Let me know your ideas. As always, thank you Mom's for all your terrific input!!