Fast & Easy: Toddler, Lotrimin

Results 1-10 from 11 articles

Help, I'm in PAIN

K.C. asks from Philadelphia

Ok, I feel silly for writing this but I need help. I have a 10.5 month old who was exclusively breastfed until about a week ago when he decided he wanted to finally ...


HORRIBLE Diaper Rash! HELP :(

3.B. asks from Cleveland

My one year old has developed terrible diaper rash. Bright red, lots of bumps, raw. He has been having diarrhea for a few days. I think because he's teething, with a ...


Seeking Help on Diaper Rash

A.S. asks from New York

It's been 3 months of dealing with diaper rash, yeast infection and eczema. Well at leat that's what the doctors said that my son has. I've tried everything. Multiple...



B.P. asks from Chicago

I'm looking to make my own baby wipes. My baby is 2 weeks old and his bottom is already irritated from commercial wipes. Does anyone have a good recipe?


Need Breast Feeding Help PLEASE

3.B. asks from Cleveland

My baby is almost 3 weeks, and Ive been exclusively breast feeding. However the last few days he's been a fussy eater, pushing the nipple out but then still rooting a...


Burning Her Bottom!!!

T.D. asks from Canton

My one year old has had really bad diapers lately. It seems like once or twice a day she explodes a diaper, which I change immediately, but where ever the bm touches ...


Relief from Yeast Infection

T.C. asks from Sacramento

Talked to doctor and was prescribed diflucan (had 2 doses, 7 days apart) which didn't clear up infection. Now using otc monistat 7 for yeast infection, but itching is...


Wipes or No Wipes at Home?

T.V. asks from Portland

Every time we (my hubby and me) use wipes he gets diaper rash. (yes, we even use the sensitive kind.) We were using the baby's changing table and using wipes all the ...


Severe Eczema! HELP!

C.S. asks from Miami

My 1 1/2 year old little boy has severe eczema. It is all over his body and he scratches himself until he bleeds. The pediatrician has given me several different crea...


How to Permanently Cure a Yeast Infection

B.L. asks from Portland

The light bulb has finally come on that I've had a yeast infection almost constantly since I got married 8 years ago. I don't like to use the over-the-counter cures ...