Labor & Delivery: Similac

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36 answers

"Must Haves" for Labor and Delivery

I am trying to figure out what I absolutely need to pack to take with me to the hospital and wonder what one thing did you take with you that you just would not have made it through your labor and delivery without?

Lactation Consultant

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26 answers

Enfamil or Similac

Hi ladies, I am wondering if any of you have had the experience of using both of these brands and can help me make a decision on which to go with. I used Similac Isolmil Advanced with my daughter but just read a study that the Enfamil ProSobee Lipil has higher levels of nutrients in it than the Similac. I am so used to the name brand Similac that using something different worries me without some input. If any of you could share your experiences with me I would appreciate it! Also, just in case, I am not at all against breast feeding and...


Similac vs Generic

My question is this. I am feeding my son Similac Isomil and it is super...


Enfamil Vs. Similac

I was wondering how important it is to keep your baby on the same formula or...


Similac Vs. Enfamil

Hello Mommies! I have a newborn, only 13 days old. We've figured out she...

Water Birth

See all 418 articles
17 answers

Similac Advance - Formula Question

Since our baby was born, she was breastfed, but needed a supplement. We continued using the formula we started on in the hospital - Similac Advance. She has been doing great with the 'ready to go' kind, getting less than 8 oz. a day supplement. I recently bought the Similac Advance 'Early Shield' variety. She has had non stop gas - starting 5 min. after she ate! I hate to think her little tummy is hurting because of it! Obviously I am not giving it to her again...but I am wondering if other moms out there had a similar experience? ...


Similac Go and Grow

Has anyone tried this newer formula? I'm currently using Similac Advance for...


Similac Vs. Enfamil

Hello Mommies! I have a newborn, only 13 days old. We've figured out she...


Water Birth or Not?

I'm due at the November 18 with my second child. I'm very interested in...