Language: Infant, Baby Bjorn

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35 answers

Overly Needy Infant?

I have a beautiful 4-month old boy and while he is relatively easy to soothe and calm down, he becomes intolerably fussy within 2 minutes of being put down anywhere. I end up playing with him or holding him the entire day which I know they need a lot of at this age, but makes it impossible for me to get dressed or cook a meal without listening to a screaming fit. I hear different things: 1) let him cry it's good for him but only for 15 minutes at a time or 2) don't let them cry, they perceive this as abandonment and retain subconscious...


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27 answers

Infant Carrier for Large Baby

My 6 1/2 month old son weighs 19lbs 7oz, and is fast outgrowing his infant car seat. My baby has an almost 3 yr old brother, and we go out a lot to playgrounds, hiking, museums. So far I have been carrying the little guy in a Baby Bjorn (sport model) but I'm beginning to have almost constant back pain. I'd love to be able to carry the baby for as long as he'll tolerate being in a carrier. And when he grows out of that car seat, would also like a carrier that's easy to get in and out, to get us all to and from the car. Do any moms of large...