Mental Health & Learning Disabilities: Steroids

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10 answers

Kindergartner with Major Mood Swings

Okay, I am absolutely at the end of my rope. My 6 year old boy has lately been viciously mean to me, is hyper-active at home, and constantly in his little sister's face, goading her into a response. Then, when she swipes at him, he bursts into tears (so loud I think he has just cut off a limb or something) and starts sobbing that she hit him. He is also having extreme mood swings - he's so sweet, helping his sister or me out, sharing a special treat with his sister, helping me with the dogs, and then all of the sudden starts screaming at...

Counseling & Therapy

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33 answers

Asthma & Steroids

Hello, I am seeking advice from other Mom's that have experience with young Children with Asthma. My son who was born with Asthma has been on Allergy medicine and (an Albuteral inhaler as needed) from birth, He is now 9 years old and doing great in school, very little Asthma attacks! Now that we have moved here, his allergies really hit a High and has triggered his Asthma attacks more frequently, So we are on a regumine of allergy pills and now also added Advair, (which is a steroid on a daily dose about 5 months now) But this has been...


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43 answers

I Don't Understand Depression!

Many women in my church, young and old, have told me they suffer or have suffered from depression. Some of them have been treated (? I'm not sure if this means they were admitted to a hospital or not) and I think all of them have been on some sort of medication like anxiety medication or full blown depression like Prozac. I don't suffer from it but I am asking if anyone here can tell me exactly what it is without medical terminology. I don't have a history of it in my family and I can't recall any of my friends having it so I don't...