Overstimulated: Infant, Graco

5 articles

How Long to Let a Baby Cry?

M.H. asks from Lima

Hello! My daughter is now 4 months old. She was a good sleeper as a newborn baby, however times have sure changed. It takes me about 3 hours each night to get her to ...


Double Stroller

S.P. asks from New York

I am pregnant and due in late October. I have a 16 month old toddler. We are looking for a stroller for both babies. I would like to have something that allows them...


Please Help Me

L.B. asks from Dallas

I'm at my breaking point. I don't know what to do with my youngest son anymore. He will NOT sleep. I just don't get it. Last night, at 4am, after 4 hours of tryin...


Need Advice on How to Get My Daughter to Sleep Somewhere Other than My Bed :(

A.M. asks from Hickory

My daughter is 9 weeks old...from the time she came home from the hospital, she has refused to sleep in her bassinet or crib. My husband and I have tried every sleep ...


Exersaucer Vs. Jumperoo

L.M. asks from Boston

Hi, my daughter is 4 months old and her doctor said she's ready for the exersaucer. The only problem is I am torn between the jumperoo and an exersaucer. My daughter ...