Patterns & Habits: Toddler, The First Years

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24 answers

Daughter Has Changed Her Sleep Schedule!

Hi everyone: my daughter used to have a pretty set schedule when it came to sleep. She would go down about 8:30pm, wake up at 9:30am (yes, I have been told I am lucky), go down for a nap about 11 and sleep til about 1:30 or 2pm. Then another nap about 3 for a couple hours. That's about it. She was awake a lot. Then she got sick, with croupy cough, and changed her schedule! She now gets REALLY grumpy about 7:30pm, wakes up about 7:45am, occasionally waking up around midnight or wanting to go to sleep about 5pm, then goes down for a nap...


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12 answers

Nap- Should I Worry?

At 11 months my daughter decided she was done with naps- completely! She doesn't even go down for 20 minutes. Sometimes (rare) she will nap in the car, but thats it. She sleeps 11 hours at night and not at all during the day. Should I be concerned about this? She is now 13 months and as a first time Mom, I thought I'd get advice from you ladies. Thanks!


No More Naps?

My just turned 2 year old seems to not be interested in naps anymore. I was...

Sleep Problems

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15 answers

Sleep Problems at 4.5 Months?!?!

Hi! I'm L.. I have a 4.5 month old baby boy who doesn't like to sleep. I've been told by our pedi he is a night crier. He doesn't like to take naps during the day, and if he does lay down it's for maybe 30 min. at most. Bedtime usually comes between 9:00 and 11:00 p.m., and he normally wakes again during the night between 4-6 a.m. From month 1 to month 2, he was an incredible sleeper sleeping 9 + hours straight through. Now, I'm lucky to get that at all. Is it normal for 4.5 month old babies to have such an unhealthy sleep pattern? ...