Recurring Expenses: Reebok

19 answers

How Long Do You Keep Your Sneakers?

I have been spring cleaning and threw away last year's sneakers. I heard on a fashion show a long time ago, that sneakers should be replaced every three months. My husband says to keep them until they fall apart. What do you do?

Clothing & Accessories

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20 answers

Must We Price Everything at $1??

We are participating in a big "kids stuff" sale this weekend. Its called "Kids Nearly New Sale" and its at our local fairgrounds and familys rent booths and sell baby and childrens items, toys, clothes, etc. Now that our youngest is 14 months we are ready to sell off lots of baby stuff (swing, bouncy seats, baby tubs, etc) and a whole bunch of clothing, blankets and accessories. My mom has taken care of all her grandbabies at one point or another over the years and has accumulated a bunch of stuff too. So, we are sharing a booth. ...