School: Child, Puppets

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17 answers

5 Year Old Lying

my daughter has been telling little lies and we catch her all the time when we ask her what happened she will automatically tell me she does not know or she will blame it on her sister, (when her sister is nowhere in sight). we have talked to her and told her she needs to tell the truth for everything and she has this blank look on her face and says "why?" I then have to explain it to her and I still don't think she understands. at what age do they start to understand this and what can I say to her to make her understand telling the...


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38 answers

Gift Ideas for a 5 Year Old Girl

We are going to a birthday party next week and I have no idea what to get the birthday girl. She will be turning 5. Do any of you have any good gift ideas? My daughter is only 15 months old I don't know "old kid" stuff yet :-) Thanks!


Having Friends Over?

So basically my question is this: Will we ever get to a point where I feel...



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6 answers

Doorway Puppet Theater for 5 Year Old?

Hi - my husband just brought home a "dooryway puppet theater" for our 5 year old daughter for Christmas. It says for ages 3 and up and there's a pretty young child pictured on the cover. I'm not sure if my daughter will like this or not, and it's a bit expensive. Does anyone have any experience with kindergarten-age kids and puppet theaters? It seems like a cute idea, but would love to hear if it's been a hit in your home or classroom. Thanks!