Services & Products: Preschooler

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24 answers

Potty Training NOT Going Well with 3 Year Old

Hi All! We are trying to potty train our 3 year old right now. This is NOT the first attempt we have made at this. I tried starting when he was 2 and he just didn't seem ready. I tried again at 2-1/2 and seemed to be making a little headway and then he really began to fight it. He turned 3 in February and I know he is ready this time, but he is fighting it tooth and nail. Every now and then he will get excited and want to sit on the potty, but rarely does anything happen. When I try to get him to sit on the potty at regular intervals...

Pregnancy Journal

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17 answers

My 3 Year Old Daughter Is Hurting Me.

Hi all. I hope it is ok signing up here and asking question even though I am male as there are no useful websites for men out there that have questions like mine. At least I am not finding them. Also I am not American (Icelandic actually) and hope that is ok and excuse my spelling :o) Here is the thing. My daughter, who is 3 years old today actually :) gives me a hard time and hurts my feelings allot :(. I love her sooooo much, honestly, there is absolutely nothing I love more in my live so it hurts me so much when I pick her up...


Online Baby Journal?

I have baby books for both of my kids, but rarely write in them. I have...