Sleeping Habits: Toddler, Luv

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5 answers

How to Get a 2 Year Old Boy to Sleep

My 2 year old boy just won't settle down at night. I have tried everything from the night time bath to a "special night night mat" he can lay on in the living room. It seems since we pulled him away from the bottle (many months ago) he just won't settle down. He usually falls asleep around 9pm and sleeps until 6am. He has about a 2 or 2.5 hour nap at daycare. HELP! I have NO time for myself or my husband b/c he is up playing all night long


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42 answers

2 Year Old Won't Take Naps Anymore

I recently switched my two year old daughter to a toddler bed from her crib and now she isn't taking naps and I can't get her to even stay in the bed without having to sit right there...even then she won't fall asleep. Just wondering if anyone else has had or is having this same issue and how they resolved it if at all. I've had people tell me that she may just be "growing" out of her naps but at the end of the day it is very evident that she needs a nap. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

Patterns & Habits

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25 answers

My 20 Month Old Son Still Needs a Bottle at Bed Time.

My 20 month old Son, still demands a bottle at bed time and ONLY at bed time. He takes a sippy cup all day long. He does not get or request a sippy cup at nap time during the day. Only at night does he have a complete melt down until he gets his bottle. He has started waking up twice a night asking from "more". We give him water in is bottle, but I am worried that we are going backwards. I am not sure if I should throw the bottles away and go cold turkey or if I should let him keep is night time bottle. I am concerned that he will not be...


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25 answers

My 20 Month Old Son Still Needs a Bottle at Bed Time.

My 20 month old Son, still demands a bottle at bed time and ONLY at bed time. He takes a sippy cup all day long. He does not get or request a sippy cup at nap time during the day. Only at night does he have a complete melt down until he gets his bottle. He has started waking up twice a night asking from "more". We give him water in is bottle, but I am worried that we are going backwards. I am not sure if I should throw the bottles away and go cold turkey or if I should let him keep is night time bottle. I am concerned that he will not be...

Sleep Problems

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25 answers

My 20 Month Old Son Still Needs a Bottle at Bed Time.

My 20 month old Son, still demands a bottle at bed time and ONLY at bed time. He takes a sippy cup all day long. He does not get or request a sippy cup at nap time during the day. Only at night does he have a complete melt down until he gets his bottle. He has started waking up twice a night asking from "more". We give him water in is bottle, but I am worried that we are going backwards. I am not sure if I should throw the bottles away and go cold turkey or if I should let him keep is night time bottle. I am concerned that he will not be...


Advice on Sleeping

Hi, I've been reading sooo much on sleep issues but haven't found a good...

Waking at Night

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17 answers

Daughter Crying in Middle of Night

My daughter elliot suddenly started waking up a couple times a night crying. And she cries for at least a half hour and nothing i do calms her down. Elle is not a cryer and i don't get this. My husband suspects it's growing pains but i don't understand it. I want some sleep.