Solid Foods & Weaning: Infant, Philips

21 answers

Cracked/bleeding Nipples. Help!!

Hi ladies, I've never been successful at breastfeeding, so have always bottle fed my children. This time around though, I'm bound and determined to make it work. (so far we've gone a month of exclusively breastfeeding! yay!!). My daughter latches on beautifully and is a fantastic nurser, which has really helped me to stick with it. :) The only problem is, my nipples are peeling and bleeding from nursing, and boy do they HURT! I can't use lanolin-based products that have been suggested to me by my doctor for soreness; is there something...

Allergen Foods

28 answers

Failure to Thrive Baby Almost 2 Years Old Please Help with Some Ideas.

I have a 21 month old son who is 29 inches tall and 18 lbs. He is healthy and seems to have no other problems. We have been to lots of spec. including: Enderconoligist, Diet., and an GI spec. We have turned up with nothing. All Doctors are concerned and are doing reasearch to get us more help. He eats very well...they took him off milk and put him on Pedisure. They are looking at genetics now...any sugestions on what I should do reasearch on? They have and are looking in to dwarism but, once again there are over 200 types. We are...