Itchy Hair & Scalp

Updated on April 02, 2008
P.C. asks from Ozark, MO
34 answers

I'm looking for a natural, organic remedy to help my hair & scalp. It's itchy and flaky. About 15 years ago, I went to a dermatologist and she gave me this green gunky shampoo. I hated it. I gave up on that stinky stuff. I really want a natural route.

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So What Happened?

First, I soaked my head with olive oil and scrubbed my scalp with baking soda. I mean SCRUBBED. I put a shower cap on and let it be for over an hour. Definite tingling sensations occurred which reminded me of "No pain, no gain." Rinse. Scrubbed scalp with vinegar and set another couple of hours. Rinse. Scrubbed scalp with lemon juice and set another couple of hours. Rinse. Did a tiny bit of shampoo wash, rinse, dry. So far, so good. Baking Soda really worked, you really can feel it working. Now, I did baking soda only on other parts of me that were very dry with excellent results. Thanks a bunch for all of your responses.

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answers from St. Louis on

Tea tree oil shampoo is good. I use it, and I also use the prescription stuff, it isnt stinky, it has no scent. If you know someone who sells Arbonne, they have a really nice smelling Tea tree shampoo and I love it. That is weird, I just read about the people suggesting Arbonne, I am laughing because it really is good stuff.



answers from St. Louis on

Use tea tree oil ~ it's amazing!! I buy it already mixed in with my shampoo but they sell it by itself as well. Read up on how much to use because it is some mighty powerful stuff!!



answers from Kansas City on

I have the same problem!!!!! I too got prescribed that wonderful tar shampoo and serum stuff. Mine seems to get worse in the winter. I have seemed to try almost everything. nothing really seems to work.

I actually bought Avon's Advance Techniques Daily Result 2 in 1 healthy shine shampoo and conditioner. It seems to work great for me. Although i do have to wash my hair daily instead of going every other day otherwise i start getting the flakiness back and itching. But my scalp feels so much better after using this shampoo. i don't think i'll ever use anything else. Good luck.

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answers from Charlotte on

I recently read your request and would highly suggest trying Arbonne's Intelligence Hair Care products. I use the shampoo and conditioner daily and have found that I no longer have to use additional products for straightening or to look shiny. My hair looks and smells great for more than one day!!! Not oily!!! Here's a little bit about the products:
Arbonne Intelligence Thermal Fusion Hair & Scalp Revitalizer
This sophisticated blend supports hair follicles, thanks to a synergistic blend of nature and science.
Arbonne Intelligence Daily, Self-Adjusting Shampoo
Enhance hair's shine and manageability.
Arbonne Intelligence Daily, Self-Adjusting Conditioner
Get to the root of dryness to condition both hair and scalp for beautiful, healthy results.

We also have a shampoo with Tea Tree Oil but I would try the Revitalizer first.

Arbonne International. New Year, New You! Arbonne offers an exclusive line of: Skin Care, Anti-Aging, Cosmetics, Aromatherapy, Sun Protection, Men's Skin Care, Arbonne Baby Care, Wellness and Nutrition.

Receive 35-80% off all products, plus qualify for additional bonuses and incentives on each order! Valid through March only, place a $250 retail order and you will receive 35% off. Plus, select an additional $100 in product for FREE!!!

It's not just about make-up and skin care. It's about the health and wellness of your family! Arbonne's
product line is about inner and outer health and beauty products that are pure, safe and beneficial!

Arbonne's products contain NO mineral oil or toxins. No animal testing or animal by-products. Arbonne's products ARE botanically-based, pH correct, hypoallergenic and Dermatologist tested.

Be a part of the Arbonne team. Work from home and spend more time with your family!

Email me at or call ###-###-#### for more specifics.

Best Regards,
Elissa Brown
District Manager & Independent Consultant
Arbonne International
h. ###-###-####
c. ###-###-####



answers from Kansas City on

Whereever you are in KC- call me. I can show you the benefits of the Melaleuca Products w/ Melaleuca Oil (tea tree oil) today AND THE SHAMPOO & Conditioner. Feel free to bring a travel bottle woth you and take a sample!!!

My husband and I were sckeptical and I promise- HE HATES EVERYTHING...And even he can't dislike these-HE'S TRIED. I purposely did not get him vitamins immediately and now he keeps asking when his box is getting here!!! My 5 year old son is the same way- LOVES ALL THE BARS and DRINK MIXES. So if kids will eat & drink the stuff- its GOOD.

***I have a refernce guide as well that has all products in it and you can read even more about them than what is online.

Call me at ###-###-####-I am free after 1pm or before 10am

PS- I am with you- ALLERGIC TO MALLS- I have to have a gal shop for me. If I never go to one again- I AM OK...



answers from St. Louis on

P., I was going to tell you about Arbonne International, but I see another rep. has already informed you about their wonderful shampoo. Give her buzz--Arbonne is worth their products. All natural from Head to Toe and every part in between.
M. N. and p.s. if you use the vinegar treatment, just add lemon to off-set the scent.



answers from St. Louis on

Vinegar. It may stink but it really does work. Just pour it on and rub it in to your scalp then rinse really good. Do this daily for about a week. I discovered this when my son had some major cradles cap and tons of hair as an infant. Know, we just use Selson Blue twice a week and occassionally vinegar if he gets flaky.



answers from St. Louis on

Hi P.,
Arbonne products are natural, vegan and pure, safe and beneficial. We have had great results with the Daily Self-adjusting Shampoo and conditioner and I could send you a sample to try if you would like. I can be reached at ###-###-#### or company website is I hope this helps.
K. B.



answers from St. Louis on

I recommend getting a book called "Curly Girl" (it's actually for people with curly hair, but it really can be used for any hair type).
My scalp used to also be dry and and itchy and i would get dry patches. This book teaches you other methods to care for your hair and scalp, usually shampoos are the reason for the dryness. There is a great scalp scrub that is conditioner mixed with either brown sugar or quinoa... it's wonderful! I always used organic conditioners.
Really, it's an amazing book, and since you're looking for natural organic ways, this book will truly help.



answers from Kansas City on

Hi P.,

I was constantly itching and always haveing to use headnshoulders and such and that still did not take care of it. Always caking my self in lotion! I do not miss those days. When we moved into our home we had the Culligan guy come out and check our water. We got the Culligan system that softens ALL the water in our house. The only time I use headnshoulders or lotion is when we got out of town. I feel so much better!! I highly recomomend the system! It helps in otherways also, I use half the soap in bathroom, kitchen and laundry! My clothes are lasting longer, keeping their color longer!



answers from Lawrence on

Hey P.,

How about good ole baking soda?! Some people use it instead of shampoo and some with shampoo and/or conditioner. I would try it first without shampoo or conditioner. Just make a paste and rub into your hair/scalp. A lot of times it's your shampoo causing all the problems. For me, baking soda alone all the time dries my hair out too much, so I do use shampoo/condtioner some too. My scalp gets itchy and gets sores and this knocks it out in one treatment. My husband tends to get lots of zits in his hair, and baking soda helps with that too.

Other folks swear by using nothing at all - just water to wash your hair. They say that for a week or two your hair gets a bit oily and yucky, but then your body balances it out and it gets really nice. I haven't tried it yet. It makes sense though. They say they'll wash with shampoo every couple of weeks.

Hope that helps!

Kind Regards,




answers from Springfield on

I had this before and it is a pain! I would get it under control with the yuck shampoo then go the natural route to make sure it does not come back. You can get nizoral in the shampoo isle and it is strong but works great. Once it got rid of it i am faithul to take fish oil and get lots of omega 3's . It really helps with skin issues and i have not had a problem since. I also take a suppliment called herpanicine that is great for the skin. Good luck



answers from St. Louis on

Hi P.! I've seen several others recommend the same as I would ~ Tee tree Oil, whether it is form Melaleuca or another brand, does an AMAZING job of soothing and curing flaking, itching rashy skin or scalp! Mix it with a soothing shampoo or apply directly. With five children of varying ages, I've encountered many a rash in my day. Tea tree oil continues to amaze me. Best of luck!!



answers from Columbia on

I love Matrix Instacure after a shower. I spray it into my scalp and it is amazing. It's about $15 a bottle but lasts for quite awhile. Also, check that water softener. Without it, you can really dry out your scalp. Also, nutrition is very important. Lots of fluids, fruits and veggies.

Good luck!



answers from St. Louis on

I work for Arbonne International and am in love with our shampoo and conditioner! Everyone that has bought it through me always comes back for more because they love the results, it's all we use in our house now. The second tip that has helped me, when I rinse out my conditioner I turn the water to as cold as I can stand it and that has helped as well! If you would like a sample or to get together and disuss our products more and why they are pure, safe and beneficial let me know!
Thank you and good luck!
K. Modglin



answers from Wichita on

Hi P.!
Not sure if you've heard of Watkins products, but they have a really good botanical shampoo. Let me know if you would like me to order some for you :) It retails for $9.99 for a 12oz. bottle. I know that is a bit pricey, but it may be worth a try!

*Aloe & Green Tea Daily Shampoo*
Designed to cleanse the hair and maintain a healthy scalp, this rich herbal formula deep-cleans, yet is gentle enough for everyday use by the whole family.Aloe vera soothes the scalp during cleansing. Burdock root provides amino acids, the building blocks of protein. Elderflower water seals in proteins and allows hair to be conditioned without feeling greasy. Green tea lends its antioxidant properties to a healthy scalp, while lemon balm, rosemary and sage help cleanse hair and stimulate scalp with natural volatile oils.
K. T.



answers from St. Louis on

I would first suggest drinking a LOT of water. I find that if I am dehydrated I experience drier skin, including my scalp. If it is a lack of moisture problem you could try an oil, avocado or egg white treatment to put moisture back in. I would also experiment with different shampoos since you could just be reacting to the one(s) you are using. I know that I am EXTREMELY sensitive to hair products. I tend to like Aveda and have fewer reactions to it than others.



answers from Kansas City on

No More Scalp Problems
After many years of chemical treatments to my head, my scalp said "enough". I suffered from sore,itching,flaking and burning scalp sores that oozed! What the dermatologist prescribed stopped the pain and itching, but not the flaking. It also left my hair hard and brittle. I decided to use Melaleuca's Natural shampoo and was surprised at the pleasant smell. Needless to say, all the symptoms left and there was no damage to my hair. My natural scalp color returned and my scalp has been healthy ever since.

I would like to recommend this product to you.

P. P



answers from Topeka on

When my sisters and I were younger and we would have that same problem my mom would do a mayonaise treatment to our hair. She would coat our hair and scalp with real mayonaise and put a shopping bag over it for about 45 min. then she'd have us wash it out in the shower as we would normally was our hair. I hope this works for you.



answers from Columbia on

go to clovers and get some castile soap and make castile shampoo...
4 oz grated castile soap
1 quart spring water
simmer water add soap until it dissolves.. pour into a jar.

add these essential oils for the itching and dandruff

18 drops rosemary
10 drops thyme
8 drops sage

it helps loosen the crusty layer of dandruff and stimulates the scalp to heal so it wont itch anymore. The essential oils may seem expensive at first but one bottle will last you years and you can use each essential oil for many purposes (such as treating colds etc.



answers from St. Louis on

I would recommend tea tree oil. Put a couple drops in an organic shampoo. The tea tree oil doesn't smell the best but it really works for dry and itchy skin. Or you could purchase Melaleuca shampoo and conditioner. They put Tea tree oil in all their products. Their products are natural with no added chemicals. or email my sister at her you're interested in the products and you were referred by her sister on mamasource. Good luck.



answers from St. Louis on


You might want to try Jennifer's pharmacy on central in Clayton.

She's got all kinds of organic/natural remedies. Jennifer is the pharmacist and owner.
I often ask her for her advice.
The products are a little more expensive than you'll find at a regular pharmacy like walgreens, but I love going there because I love the personal service, they all know my name, say hello, and she has stuff you can't find anywhere else.

Also they have a great soda fountain, you can get lunch, ice cream and/or homemade baked goods while you are there!

Good luck



answers from Kansas City on

Hi P.,

I have a suggestion which is certainly going the all natural route, but may sound funny. I have had great success with drinking MonaVie. It is a Fruit blend from the Amazon, with the main ingredient being Acai berry. It is combined with 19 other fruits from around the world.

I have always had dry itchy skin and scaley scalp. Anyway, I started drinking the juice about a year ago and since that time I have had amazing results with my skin and hair (and lots of other health benefits). My skin is now in looks better than it ever has. I used to need lots of moisturizers and lotions all over my body, but now I barely use anything. My hair is in great condition and i have not had any issues with my scalp. I honestly don't remember exactly how long it took, but I do remember thinking after 1 month of drinking "Wow" my hair and skin looks great. My hair dresser even commented on it.

I have a pretty big group of people drinking the juice, and one of the first thing people usually comment on is the condition of their skin and hair.

The Acai berry is listed in Dr. Perricone's book, Perricone Promise as the #1 Superfood for anti-aging and health/beauty. This particular berry, combined with the 18 other fruits, has very high levels of antioxidants and phytonutrients, which in turn helps the body heal from within.

We always hear how we need to eat more fruits and veggies... well, there is a reason for that. Fruit helps the body heal naturally! MonaVie fruit blend is of the highest quality. So when you put high quality nutrition in your body, you will have high quality results!

Check out my site. or shoot me an email and I can get you more information especially on the effects with the skin.

Hope you check it out!



answers from St. Louis on

P. I have same problem as you.This may seem odd however for me it works.I use Horse and Mane Shampoo & Coditioner for horses.Make sure you brush your hair throughly to the scalp for 5 minutes to stimulise it... wet hair with as hot of water can stand and massage scalp about 3 minutes before appling shampoo.Masage that in about 3 minutes, then apply conditioner the same way.Rinse hair with warm water for about 3 minutes as deep into scalp to make sure you have all of it out.This will balance the proper oils needed for the hair and skin.

Then apply cool water to close pours to scalp then towel dry. Don't use hair dryer for it will only open the pours again and create sweat to fill them up again.

Which can cause itching,flaking,acne & soars.

Brush your hair again after dry for 5 minutes.

It will take about a month before all the itching a flaking to stop.However if you have my problem you may want to continue this each time you wash your hair especially if it long.

Wash your hair every other day and brush it as often as possible as long as possible.Your head and hair will thank you and you won'y have as much hair in your brush latter on.

Kisses and Hugs



answers from Wichita on

I have that same problem and at times it is so bad that my scalp bleeds. I use a shampoo from Melaleuca but it is very expensive as you have to be a member to get it. You can however find a member and order it from them. If that is not an option then go to a health food store and look for herbal shampoos that have Tea Tree oil and all herbal ingredents. Try to stay away from shamppos that have Clorine or alochol in them as both will dry your scalp. You can also make a tinture (get distrilled water boil in glass pot till hot, then pour over herbs through strainer into or glass jar. Keep in cool, dark place) of Rosmary, Chamomile, neetles, Alfafa and tea tree oil (only 2 drops per 1.5 c water). Also collecting rain water and either mixing the herbs in it for rinsing or using organic shampoo then washing with it will not only help your scalp but make your hair very soft. I hate to say that modern medicine is not good but they put too many things that have too many side effects in them. If you can do herbal or things like great grandma used to do then you are better off. Hope this helps as much as it did me.



answers from Wichita on

This is going to sound gross but it works for my daughter.... About 1 time a week, take 1/4 c mayonaise and add a few drops of tea tree oil and work it into wet HOT hair. Put a bag (like a walmart bag) over your hair and let the heat steam it in. Then rinse. Mayo is a natural cholesterol that your hair will love (you can even make your own) and the tea tree oil is a antibiotic......You can even add a little lavender oil or something else you like to it to help it smell a little better..Although I prefer Nettles oil....hth....



answers from Wichita on

i have a dandruf problem and a hair dresser told me the other day to try seabreaze. she said it helps with the dandruf, the itch and calms the scalp. i havnt tried it yet but i paln to. she said she used to use it all the time in the shop on older ladies when they had these problems.



answers from Topeka on

olive oil leave in hair then rinse


answers from Kansas City on

I buy everything trough a health and wellness company, they have the best shampoo I have ever used. They have several to choose from and one specially for itchy scalp.
If you want more info I can help you with this avoiding the sales speech since I am not doing the business anymore, I can still enroll peole that want to purchase in the company but don't do the biz.
Hope you get some relief soon,
Mariana Abadie



answers from St. Louis on

insist on a scalp culture to be sure ot is not psorisis. I have it and went undiagnosed for years.

Good luck.



answers from Springfield on

Hi P.,
I too had itchy hair & scalp until I tried Envia shampoo & conditioner. It is the best of science & nature blended together. I love the way it smells & leaves my hair so shiny & manageable! Their totally "green" products, in the way they are organic. Call or e-mail me so that I can get you this information!
P. Elting
###-###-#### Cell #



answers from Wichita on

Hi P.,

Arbonne is a health & wellness company that deals in all natural products (herbal & botanical based) and I absolutely love their shampoos and conditioner. They have 2 shampoos, a regular one and an anti-flake with tea tree oil, plus they have a thermal fusion hair & scalp treatment that's awesome. All products come with a 45 day money back guarantee. The retail prices are very reasonable, but you can also purchase wholesale and save 35% or more. Everyone that uses our shampoos and conditioner loves them. Myself, like many others, were using salon brands and loved them, but this is awesome stuff and it's natural. If you would like to try some samples, I can send them to you. You can also browse the online catalog as well at My contact info is there so feel free to give me a call or shoot me an email. Just remember, if you are interested in the discount I can certainly give you more information on that. Hope you find a remedy soon.




answers from Kansas City on

There is a GREAT line of organic hair products - JASON. There are several locations that carry them also -local HYVEE with organic "Health Market Section", Green Acres in Briarcliff shopping center has a LARGE selection - and Natures Pantry. There are other ones but they REALLY are overpriced. I shop mostly organic and these are the best places to shop - so far... If you live down south - Whole Foods also. Hope this helps.
Most stores [named[ have personel that can help you and answer questions on the products and offer other solutions also.
Hope this helps!



answers from Kansas City on

I have not tried this but have heard that distilled white vinegar can cure dandruff. You are supposed to pour it on as close to the scalp as you can get and then massage onto the scalp. Allow to stand for several minutes before rinsing. This is supposed to be repeated daily until the scalp is clear--usually after a week to 10 days.

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