What Should Daughter's Wear Under Leggings?

Updated on June 20, 2012
M.G. asks from Nashville, TN
28 answers

I have 2 daughter's (9&11). They love to wear leggings.
The first (11 yo) loves to wear them under skirts, short jean shorts (like hot pants) and short dresses.
9 yo: with long shirts and dresses.
Shoes: Flip flops, sneackers and ballet flats.

First question: What underwear should they wear under them? Especially if my 11 yo wear them under shorts. Or are leggings underwear? If my older daughter wear leggings under shorts with underwear, it is not to hot?

Second question: Are socks allowed to wear with leggings and ballet flats? My daughter think "yes".

Please give me an answer?


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answers from Chicago on

Underwear is always required - socks DO NOT go with ballet flats.

IF you need socks, there are specifif socks to wear with ballet flats IF NEEDED. I suggest the lace ones.

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answers from Washington DC on

I think that little girls should wear regular underwear under leggings and that leggings aren't underwear in their own right.

Allowed? I think if she wants to wear socks and she's happier that way, there's no reason to try to follow trends.

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answers from New York on

I agree with Lee Lee... underwear is a must...

Socks are fine, but the type depends on the legging length. Full length leggings get regular socks; capri length get ankle socks...

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answers from Los Angeles on

Hi M.,

First question: regular ole undies. No, leggings are not considered underwear. Underwear are worn every day in our house, no matter what.

Second question: Socks w/ leggings and ballet flats sounds fine to me!

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answers from Lexington on

This seems like a question of morality in regard to modesty, and an amoral question of fashion choice. Ultimately, it's the responsibility of the parent to make those decisions and communicate them clearly before allowing the child to walk out the door. Additionally, these are extremely small decisions adults must make daily in regard to an adult life. Therefore, I feel like either you're confusing your responsibilities and role in their lives and attempting to push parenting onto others or you're not actually a parent but rather a child trying to get adults to back you up so you can argue with your mother and use this board as an excuse. Forgive me if I'm wrong but I believe this is called trolling. Yes, I did see your other question as well. Which leads me to actually believe the latter.

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answers from Washington DC on

At 9 and 11 they should wear what's comfortable. I would encourage underwear under leggings... they just aren't cut to be the first layer and the way the seams are placed could cause some major wedgies :)

As for socks... I wouldn't wear socks with leggings unless I was going running or something in legging style gym pants. That being said WHO CARES? They're kids, if they like the look of socks with leggings, more power to 'em!

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answers from Norfolk on

Regular panties.
They help keep the leggings from riding up and causing wedgies.
What's great about being use to wearing panties is it's easy to use a panty liner when periods come along.
You can wear socks with leggings but I think leg warmers (footless socks) work better.
Leggings are footless tights, not underwear and tights are a more sturdy version of panty hose.
And it IS pretty gross to wear leggings without underwear.

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answers from Seattle on

Wow. I didn't know people were still so uptight about clothes. "Allowed" is rarely a term I use when it comes to personal style. Unless the fashion selected makes the little girl look like a stripper (or worse). There are more important battles to choose.

As for underwear, I would generally advise wearing underwear under leggings. But, really, who will know and who will care? My sensory-issues daughter has had underwear problems in the past. During that time, I did not force her to wear any underwear, ever. The only people who knew she wasn't wearing underwear were the people she told (and, yes, she told several). Luckily, she's over that phase, at least for now. Yeah for underwear! And yeah for socks (same issues)!

Socks with leggings. Socks with ballet shoes. Toe socks with flip flops. Socks with high heels (anyone remember the music video to ZZ Top's "She's Got Legs"?). As long as they think it looks fine, and they aren't overheating (a problem in Tennessee, but not in Seattle), then who really cares? It's personal style. Celebrate it.

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answers from San Francisco on

Yes to the underwear and yes, it's okay to wear socks and ballet flats. Pretty much I would let them wear them the way they want to. I believe that kids should have some control over their appearance.

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answers from Dallas on

I think "allow" is a harsh word and no, the fashion police won't be coming after you if you wear socks with ballet flats.

We wear what we like to wear and don't worry about what others think.

As for the undies... Daughter and I both are thong only underwear users. Daughter is a cheerleader and they wear spandex boy type tight shorts under uniforms, under the Soffe short shorts, under dresses, etc. Most all of the girls are thong wearers as well. Thongs are just more comfy and no panty lines to be seen.

I would wear some sort of undies under the leggings for comfort and cleanliness.

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answers from New York on

IMO Whatever is comfortable works! There is no normal.

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answers from New York on

I always wear underwear unless I'm wearing a swimsuit. I'm a very juicy woman.

I would recommend underwear in the same tone of the leggings unless they are white in which case flesh tone underwear would be better. The actual style of the underwear would probably be best served with full coverage underwear, nothing that rises up.

I hope this helps.

It doesn't matter about the socks, that is just a personal preference thing. I prefer socks they absorb the sweat.

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answers from Seattle on


Kid/Teen fashion has different rules. If she says 'yes' on the socks, then go with 'yes' on the socks. 80's are in right now, so don't be surprised if she wears 2-3 different socks one on top of the other and staggers so the different colors show OR bare feet and leg warmers OR hairties/scrunchies on her ankles. <grin> The kids think they're all being terribly 'original' of course.

I personally wear leggings/bikeshorts/etc. as underwear. Most people don't.

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answers from Houston on

Leggings are underwear in that they are worn under outer clothing, but they are not panties. Full-back panties should always be worn. (Since you are asking, it is never okay for girls to go without panties. They can figure that out when they become women.)

Socks are "allowed", but it would not be particularly fashionable. Those shoes are designed to be worn without socks. It might be okay, though, to let her express herself with this one.

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answers from Missoula on

DEFINITELY wear panties.... just regular ones. If heat is an issue, make sure they are cotton to absorb the sweat.

As far as socks... that's purely a matter of opinion. Personally, I say no... BUT maybe that's the trend right now. Last at this time last year, I thought that leggings (instead of tights or nylons) under a skirt looked dumb as hell... but now it's majorly popular. I would let her wear what she wants, and take pictures for her later years. :)

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answers from Minneapolis on

All I can say is "yuck" and "not hygenic" to those opting to wear no underwear. Leggings are not appropriate underwear. I can't even fathom going without. Think of the nasty bacteria getting access to places it shouldn't. Most leggings have spandex or some sort of synthetic fabric, and those fabrics are notorious for breeding bacteria that cause yeast infections and cystitis to name a couple. Not to mention, this style of clothing is so close fitting, you'll be giving everyone a show. They were originially designed to be worn under a leotard, not as stand alone pants. It borders on tacky, IMO to wear these as an underwear or pants substitiute. Because of this, consider under garments that cover "details" both front and back adequately. Thongs (as some have suggested) may not cover well enough to keep things discrete for public appearances and once again are not known for being very hygenic...they spread germs from the back to the front in case you're wondering. Just something to consider.

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answers from Honolulu on

My daughter, who is 9, likes to wear leggings.
She wears underwear.
IF the leggings are white, she wears white underwear. But typically, her shirt is long enough to cover her rear end.

Leggings are not underwear.

Many girls wear leggings under shorts or skirts, layered in that fashion.
They wear underwear.
This is Hawaii, they do not get too hot.

I would not, personally, wear socks, under leggings with ballet flats.
At least in my region, kids/adults do not do that. Only the Tourists, do that. My daughter does not wear socks, under leggings or with ballet flats.
But whatever the child wants to wear, then fine.

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answers from Dayton on

Please don't let your 9 and 11 year old wear thongs - that seems way too sexy and way wrong. Other than that I have no idea. 4 boys don't keep me up to date on girls' fashion.

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answers from Philadelphia on

underwear under leggings and the rest is up to them=)
if theyre too hot they'll skip the leggings
if they want socks go for it
i'm assuming this is to wear for regular play not a ballet class right? my daughter wears flats and leggings with dresses and no socks. shes five and apparently is fashion obsessed (but at this point makes up her own rules about fashion)

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answers from Detroit on

Leggings are the same as pants, IMO - they stand on their own, even if worn under something else. So yes to the underwear. Or are these leggings more like tights? But even then, it's still yes to the underwear.

My daughter often wears leggings with dresses and skirts - especially if the skirt does not have shorts built in, to keep everyone from seeing her underpants when she is sitting and running around at school (she is almost 5). Socks go with sneakers, but not sandals. I will do socks with ballet flats if they are the thin "dressy" type socks (so to avoid blisters) but not thick athletic type socks - but generally ballet flats look best with no socks. But I generally let my daughter wear whatever shoes she feels like wearing, unless I know she's going to be playing outside on the playground - then I am more insistent she wear sneakers.

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answers from Sherman on

i would ware underwear, but thats just me.
as for the socks and other fashion foe-pa (sp?) i would just let her have her fun. if she thinks it's cute with socks, let her have at it! you never know, she could be a trend setter!

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answers from St. Louis on

Definitely not thongs. :p

You wear underwear.

Just not thongs.....

Oh in ballet, no socks, just stockings. And underwear.

I did ballet and gymnastics as did my youngest. The rules haven't changed.

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answers from Grand Forks on

Unless the leggings have a built in gussett I would think the seam would be a bit uncomfortable without underwear. I see rolled over socks with legging in the winter.

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answers from Chicago on

They must wear underwear. Just regular panties. They also must wear the socks if that's what they want.



answers from Little Rock on

OMG - I'm so glad I'm not the only mom with his issue. My 7 year old daughter LOVES leggings too and she tries to wear them alone (with the underwear, of course), but without anything else over them. My answers are "Yes" to the first question (regular underwear) and "let your daughter choose" to the 2nd question. The first time her feet get sweaty, she'll probably ditch the socks. lol



answers from San Francisco on

LOL My daughter, fashionista that she is, would wear KNEE HIGHS with leggins and ballet flats. UGH! I think ankle socks are passable but not ideal Socks can prevent blisters, keep shoes from getting to smelly and offer comfort though. Since they are just kids I wouldn't worry.

If underwear under the leggings and a skirt/shorts is too hot they can probably skip the leggings Or if the skirt is too short wear shorts under them.



answers from Portland on

If they just wear the leggings for one day then they can stand in for underwear. Since their bottom is covered with shorts, skirts, etc. there is no need for underwear. I look at leggings that are worn with shorts and skirts the same as nylons for adults. Do you always wear underwear? I think that even if their bottoms show I'd allow them to not wear underwear so that they don't have panty lines to draw attention to their bottoms.

As far as whether or not socks are allowed, follow your daughter's wishes. She's in the know for what is in style at her school. And if it's not the style, good for her for wearing what she wants to wear.



answers from Oklahoma City on

I think it is the person who has them on. It is their decision. If they want to wear underwear then they can, if not, then there is no reason to choose for them.

I personally don't let my granddaughter wear them where the seat or hips show. They get worn with long tops. She wears Body Wrappers V-Front spandex and Lycra shorts under her dresses. We have them in a rainbow of colors, I get them where I work. They are bootie shorts so they don't show and since we get the slick ones they don't stick with the fabric of the dresses.

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