Health: Preschooler, Benadryl

Results 1-10 from 44 articles

Benadryl to Help Sleep During Flight?

J.S. asks from Chicago

I am taking a flight that leaves right at bedtime for my 7 month old. I have had a few moms suggest giving him Benadryl to help him sleep through the flight. I am w...


Air Travel Suggestions...

K.S. asks from San Antonio

My husband and I will be travelling overseas with our 4 year old son and one on the way in November. I wanted to see if there were any Moms out there with some ideas...


Suggestions on How to Keep 4 Year Old Boy Occupied on Plane

L.M. asks from Minneapolis

I am traveling with my 2 children for their first airplane ride. While my six year old can keep herself occupied with coloring, games, toys I am a little worried tha...


16 Month Old on an Airplane

S.T. asks from Salt Lake City

My 16 month old son and I are going to Travel to my parents, and I am having anxiety about the airplane ride. He is a very rambunctious little guy who can't EVER sit ...


Almost 3 Year Old's SEVERE Dry Skin

C. asks from Chicago

My son's skin has always been real dry, but especially in the past year or so. I'm quickly running out of ideas on how to help it. He's almost 3 years old (will be ...


Air Travel with 2 Year Old

D.D. asks from Phoenix

Hi, I need advice. We are traveling to Virginia this summer and my daughter's car seat is very large (britax). For safety, what do you recommend on the plane? Her ...


Flying with 4 Year Old for the 1St Time

J.W. asks from Peoria

In a few days my daughter and I will be flying out on vacation. She has never flown before. I have a backpack set up with toys that she picked out. Any other sugge...


Car Sickness in 3 Year Old

J.E. asks from Dallas

My nephew is three. For quite sometime now he has gotten car sick on long rides. My sister is getting ready to have to take him on one. Do any of you guys have any...


Car Sick Child

L.P. asks from Austin

My 3yo daughter is getting sick in the car. We live about 45 min from my parents so we drive there fairly regular. After about 20 in the car she starts to complain ab...


Safe Medication to Help Baby Sleep During Flight

M.B. asks from Seattle

Hallo Ladies, I would like to ask you what medication i can give to my baby so she can sleep during flight. Tomorrow we are flying overseas and the 1 st flight is c...