Illnesses & Symptoms: Earth's Best

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8 answers

Seeking Healthy Snacks for Toddlers

Hi Everyone- I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for snacks for toddlers. I give my son Cheerios, pieces of fruit, etc. I'm looking for snacks that do not have to be refrigerated and easy to take on the go.


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21 answers

Acne/Rash From Soy Formula?

I've had to supplement with formula as I'm not producing enough at the moment. I gave my daughter a soy formula (earth's best brand) one night. My husband used a lactose-free (similac) the following day. A few days later I noticed a small breakout of baby acne - almost rashlike on her upper chest and some on the crook of one elbow. I'm not sure if it's related to the formula, or maybe something she came into contact with. Has anybody ever seen this before?


Very Dry Baby Skin

my daughter got a severe case of atypical baby acne at 6 week pp when i got...


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14 answers

Allergic to Dairy

My one year old is allergic to dairy. This was easy when he was on formula and baby food because I didn't really worry about. Now I am feeding him Rice Milk but I am having a hard time with snacks and table food. Most of what I make for my family has milk or cheese or some other dairy product in it. He will not eat any fruit. So that is out as far as snacks go. Also, the doctor said to go with the rice milk but why not soy? Does soy milk contain dairy or what is the issue with that? I know I should have spoke with the doctor...


Allergy or What?

When getting my 2 year old ready for dinner i took her shirt off and found...


Allergy or Not?

Recently my hands and feet started to itch something fierce. I thought...

Cold & Flu

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9 answers

One Year Old, Runny Nose, and Humidifier + Tea Tree Oil?

My one year old is suffering from a runny nose and congestion at night. My husband did a little research and thought we should put a few drops of tea tree oil in his humidifier. Does anyone have any information on this? Experience? Advice? I was a little concerned about him breathing it into his lungs, etc. thanks in advance!


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14 answers

Is My 7 Month Old Constipated?

For the last day or so my 7-month old seems to be working very hard to get out clay-like poop. He has always been fairly dramatic when he poops, but today he seemed to push on and off all morning before getting out a gumball-sized turd. Is he constipated? If so, what can I do? He is breastfeeding, taking one bottle of formula per day, and eating lots of things like rice, bananas, avocados, zucchini, carrots, apples, pears, etc. Do the rice, bananas and/or avocados constipate him? He drinks some water but not much. Should I try juice?


Son Is Constipated

Hi, I was just wondering what I should do if my 6 month old is constipated....


Baby Is Constipated

My baby boy is almost 14 months, just three weeks ago he started whole milk,...


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23 answers

Is It Eczema?

My 7 month old has been having these dry, rough pinkish places come up like on his arm in the inside crease of his elbow and on his face. I know he suffers from allergies, he is so stuffy more so at night, and since allergies and eczema go hand in hand thats what i think it is. should i take him to his pediatrician or an allergy specialist for diagnosis?? our pcp is so vague she may just say "yeah it Could be" and that be it. And if it is eczema how do you treat a baby?? thanks moms:)


Baby with Hives?

Hi. My 5-month-old baby seems to keep getting what looks like Hives. I...