Patterns & Habits: The First Years

Results 1-10 from 426 articles


H.J. asks from Peoria

When should I expect my son to get on a schedule? He will be 7 weeks on Sunday. When is it ok to put him in his crib drowsy but not asleep? Right now, I'm starting t...


Eating/Sleeping Schedule

T.M. asks from Santa Fe

I have found a lot of good literature on parenting and birthing, but am still looking for a good book that will help me get my newborn on a sleeping and eating schedu...


Daughter Has Changed Her Sleep Schedule!

A.P. asks from Salt Lake City

Hi everyone: my daughter used to have a pretty set schedule when it came to sleep. She would go down about 8:30pm, wake up at 9:30am (yes, I have been told I am lucky...


Newborn Sleeping Schedule

A.H. asks from Seattle

I have a darling little 3 week old boy and was wondering what your experience has been on developing a sleeping and eating schedule to help him sleep for longer stret...


Changing Toddler's Nap Schedule

M.P. asks from Sacramento

My 15 month old usually takes a nap around 9am - 11am and sometimes takes an afternoon nap around 3pm for an hour, I think he's trying to drop a nap and can usually g...


Is Nursing to Sleep Really That Bad? And, Getting a Baby on a Schedule?

B.F. asks from Denver

Hi, I have a 4-month-old son who has always struggled with sleep. He hasn't napped regularly until just recently, where I can sorta see a pattern forming. I know...


Single Parent Schedule for Their Child(ren)?

I.S. asks from Sacramento

I am curious to know what other single mom's schedule is like for their child(ren) on a school week? My son is 5.5 in Kindergarten. Here is mine: Wake up: 6:30a...


Bedtime Trouble

H.P. asks from Pittsburgh

Hi, my name is H., and my daughter, Gabriella is 3 months old. I have a difficult time getting her to sleep at a normal "bedtime". I work two to four days a week, and...


Infant Bedtime?

A.L. asks from Burlington

Hi there. Any suggestions about what's a good age to start putting a new baby to bed at an earlier kid-bedtime? I'm on my third child and I can't remember when we sta...


Bedtime Ritual

P.P. asks from Madison

My daughter and I have a longer ritual for bedtime, than daddy. I read her 2-3 books after teeth adn pj's and then let her rock. Many times she falls asleep with me...